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Benjamin edited this page Apr 21, 2019 · 38 revisions

PocketGames has a lot of customizable options and settings.
Consequently, it is only logical that there are a reasonable amount of commands and a lot of permissions for you to tinker with. This page provides an in-depth guide on each command and its permission. Furthermore, an explanation of the non-command related permissions.


All commands have hover and click events in-game. (/pg help)
pocketgames.commands permission is needed to use any of the following commands!

<> = required, [] = optional.

Command Permission Description Type
/pocketgames, /pocket
pocketg, pgames, pg Opens the game menu. Player
/pg help Displays the pocketgames help page. Player &
/pg menu [player] Opens the game menu. Player &
/pg multiplayer [player] pocketgames.commands.multiplayer Opens the multiplayer
game menu.
Player &
/pg spectate [player] pocketgames.spectate Opens the spectate menu. Player &
/pg play <game> [player] Starts the specified game.
Scroll down for all gameID's.

/pg play GapJump
/pg play GapJump Benz56
/pg play gaP jUmP
Player &
Limited Console
/pg highscore <game> [player] View the highscore for the specified game. This command utilizes the same implementation as the play command. Player &
Limited Console
/pg duel <a/d/player> [game] pocketgames.commands.duel Accept/Deny a challenge, or duel another player. Player
/pg check <player> pocketgames.commands.check Check if a player is playing a Pocket Game and if so, which game. Player &
/pg list pocketgames.commands.list View a list of all available games. Click on any title to play the game, permission still required. Disabled games are not shown unless you have pocketgames.bypass.enabled. Player &

Command Permission Description Type
/pocketgamesadmin, /pocketa
pocketga, pgamesa, pga
pocketgames.admin Displays the pocketgames admin help page. Player &
/pga reset file <file> [section] pocketgames.admin Reset any configuration file to default or reset a section. The section parameter is only supported for highscores.yml.

/pga reset file settings
/pga reset file settings.yml
/pga reset file highscores.yml 2048
Player &
/pga reset database [table] pocketgames.admin Reset the whole database or just one of the tables.

/pga reset database
/pga reset database 2048
Player &
/pga info pocketgames.admin Displays version info and offers quick links for new versions and support. Player &
/pga reload pocketgames.admin Reload all configuration files. Player &

Non-commands related Permissions:

Permission Usage
pocketgames.sudo Permission to use any of the optional [player] arguments. Using the [player] argument will execute the command for the designated player. (They do not need the games permission for this to work)
pocketgames.restart Permission to use the hotbar restart item. You can only restart games you have permission to play. If the game was started for you through the console and you do not have the games permission, you will not be able to restart.
pocketgames.bypass.enabled Permission to bypass the enabled settings configured in settings.yml. Disabled games will be playable and shown in the selector and /pg list command. This does not bypass game permissions, which are still required! Permission to bypass disabled worlds configured in config.yml. You will be able to open the selector, play games, and view high scores in blacklisted worlds. This does not bypass game permissions, which are still required! Blacklisted worlds are also bypassed by console commands and sudo commands only if the player executing the command has this permission.
pocketgames.spectate Permission to use the spectator mode.
pocketgames.multiplayer Permission to open the Multiplayer GUI.
pocketgames.update Permission to receive the update message when a new version is available.

Game ID's:

All game ID's are lower case!

Single Player:
diamondcollect, applecatch, flappybird, matchit, dinorun, 2048, super2048, simonSays, gapjump, whacamole, droptower, nameit, thequiz, basket, overunder, fallingblocks, cavein, cookieclicker, snake, speedclicker, blockcrush, donttap, tetris, flow, minesweeper

connect4, dustflip, flappybird, rockpaperscissors, snake, tictactoe, gomoku

Default user permissions (example):

  • pocketgames.commands
  • pocketgames.multiplayer
  • pocketgames.spectate

And some games. If all games then give this permission node:


  • pocketgames.multiplayergame.*

    If you are using another permissions plugin than PEX e.g. GroupManager and the above permissions do not work then use:


  • pocketgames.multiplayergame