Guest User


a guest
Jul 7th, 2016
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  1. mining:
  2. name: "&2Mining Shop (page %page%)"
  3. #(Optional) Setting this to true will result in players being able to access the shop by having /shop <player name> <shop name> executed by the console/another player/plugin
  4. denyDirectAccess: true
  5. items:
  6. 1:
  7. type: item
  8. item:
  9. material: STONE_PICKAXE
  10. quantity: 1
  11. name: "&8Crappy Pickaxe"
  12. enchantments:
  13. - EFFICIENCY:1
  14. buyPrice: 50
  15. sellPrice: 25
  16. slot: 0
  17. 2:
  18. type: item
  19. item:
  20. material: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  21. quantity: 5
  22. buyPrice: 1000
  23. sellPrice: 500
  24. slot: 1
  25. unstack: true
  26. 3:
  27. type: item
  28. item:
  29. material: IRON_SPADE
  30. damage: 125
  31. quantity: 1
  32. enchantments:
  33. - EFFICIENCY:1
  34. buyPrice: 750
  35. sellPrice: 111.11
  36. slot: 2
RAW Paste Data