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package fr.onecraft.clientstats;
import fr.onecraft.clientstats.common.base.ServerType;
import fr.onecraft.clientstats.common.user.MixedUser;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.UUID;
public interface ClientStatsAPI {
* Permission to use every commands
String PERMISSION_ADMIN = "clientstats.admin";
* Permission to use a specific command
String PERMISSION_COMMAND = "clientstats.cmd.{cmd}";
* Permission to be excluded from statistics
String EXEMPT_PERMISSION = "clientstats.exempt";
* Whether API is enabled or not
* @return True if you can use API
boolean isEnabled();
* Whether version detection is enabled or not
* <p>
* Version detection is needed for these method to work:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getProtocolJoined}</li>
* <li>{@link #getProtocol(UUID)}</li>
* <li>{@link #getVersion(UUID)}</li>
* </ul>
* @return True if you can use version methods
boolean isVersionDetectionEnabled();
* Get how many total players joined
* <p>
* If a player joins the server twice, it will return 2
* @return Total players joined
int getTotalJoined();
* Get how many new players joined
* @return Total new players
int getTotalNewPlayers();
* Get how many different players joined
* <p>
* If a player joins the server twice, it will return 1
* @return Different players joined
int getUniqueJoined();
* Get the maximum of online players
* @return Maximum player count
int getMaxOnlinePlayers();
* Get date when maximum of online players was reached
* <p>
* Number returned is the amount of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC
* @return Timestamp of maximum player count
long getMaxOnlineDate();
* Get map of UUID -> protocol version used on last join
* <p>
* The map is view only, you can't modify it
* @return Map of UUID -> protocol version
Map<UUID, Integer> getProtocolJoined();
* Get average playtime in seconds
* @return Average playtime
double getAveragePlaytime();
* Get the version name from protocol number
* @param protocol The protocol number
* @return Version name
String getVersionName(int protocol);
* Get protocol version of an online player
* @param player Player to get protocol version
* @return Protocol version of player, or 0 if player is not found
int getProtocol(@Nonnull UUID player);
* Get protocol version and version name of an online player
* @param player Player to get version
* @return Version of player, or null if player is not found
Entry<Integer, String> getVersion(@Nonnull UUID player);
* Reset current stats
void resetStats();
* Reload plugin's configuration
void reload();
* Get start of statistics recording
* <p>
* Number returned is the amount of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC
* @return Timestamp when the statistics started to be recorded
long getStartOfRecording();
* Get current server type
* <p>
* Mainly used for internal purposes
* @return Server type
ServerType getServerType();
* Get datetime format specified in config
* @return Datetime format
DateFormat getDateTimeFormat();
* Send a message to receiver with main prefix
* @param receiver Receiver of the message
* @param messageCode Config path of message
* @param args Arguments that replace {1}, {2}, etc
void sendMessage(MixedUser receiver, String messageCode, Object... args);
* Send a message to receiver with short prefix
* @param receiver Receiver of the message
* @param messageCode Config path of message
* @param args Arguments that replace {1}, {2}, etc
void subMessage(MixedUser receiver, String messageCode, Object... args);