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This update will add support for MC 1.18.1 and fix the recent issues by moving away the experimental Protocollib refresher from default.

8ac7aad Add 1.18.1 support (#785)
13433b9 Make protocollib listener a opt in (#784)

Full Changelog: 14.1.9...14.1.10

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Known issues: We are aware of some issues when using spigot & protocollib and are working on a fix.

This release will fix a urgent issue with the skin & player files

6b29006 Fix MalformedInputException by forcing utf-8 write (#779)

  • This was a urgent fix as the skin files are all corrupt causing major spike in api usage

bb216c0 Does making it async fix it? (#778)
bd4c829 Fix cardboard (#766)
82435eb add /sr setskinall (#775)

  • added a new command for console only

74b4b70 Fix openj9 crash (#774)
3516a56 Fix issue when getting a broken packet into protocllib (#776)

@xknat @AlexProgrammerDE

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This release is to fix skin issues with Protocollib

What's Changed

Fixing build issues:

== Dependency Updates ==

  • Update actions/upload-artifact action to v2.3.0 by @renovate in #768
  • Update dependency com.github.cryptomorin:XSeries to v8.5.0.1 by @renovate in #760

Full Changelog: 14.1.7...14.1.8

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note to dev's:
We switched from <artifactId>skinsrestorer</artifactId> to <artifactId>skinsrestorer-api</artifactId>
see c5c21c1 for changes!

c5c21c1 This commit marks the release of SR 14.1.7 (#739)

  • Updated to the new SkinsRestorer Import API

26ecaaa move refresher messages to debug (#732)

  • We should not give any messages to peer to peer users unless it's definitely necessary

a79c07b add "COMPLETIONS_" to ignore_prefix (#731)
5652d3e FIELDS should be upper case (#730)
0cb7ae9 Sonatype to the end an only use paper releases (#727)
2575332 Instant skins with protocollib! (#716)

  • We now hook into protocollib to have a 100% uninterrupted skin change (no refresh / close menu)

== Dependency Updates ==
451bc53 Update dependency org.jetbrains:annotations to v23 (#726)
fdb1e0b Update dependency gradle to v7.3 (#725)

Thanks to @AlexProgrammerDE, @xknat and everyone over at discord that contributed in their own way ❤️

Full Changelog: 14.1.6...14.1.7

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4a6ca9f Fill in license information
b4269ed Fix license
445ba45 Small improvements and fix message colors on velocity (#715)
bee4c25 fix mineskin queryURL IOException (#692)
We now tell you diffrently if the server is offline.
68e9f6f applySkin: check if player is online & FIX checkOptFile (#649)
Fix checkOptFile to only run once & reset on reload command
55418fa Minor improvements (#712)
Change order of PlayerListInfo packet and add ClassDump class
9813086 Fix SkinGUI (#710)
3dbf61e Simplify code (#706)
small opperator improvement
24ead38 Fixed potential resource leak (#705)
4dc503d Multi module (#702)
We now cache dependency's
Fix jar size
we now have both implementation & univeral jar's
989aef2 fix double value is skin files (#704)
e8624dc Rework commands (#697)
Cleanup code and add somewhat platform independent base code
Add headers
85777e7 Improve flow (#686)
Improve bungeecord applier a little bit
Rework flow of some code
Added responces for connections
Small code improvements
Use lombok Getter in ServiceCheckResponse (#688)
don't define getuuid & getprofile
Rework a ton more stuff and use gson objects
Only run PR build on others repositories!
864ae0b Fixed the "download latest" link in README (#696)
878e18d Change version to 14.1.6-SNAPSHOT (#690)
40323af Gradle scan (#685)
CI fix
0065482 Small improvements (#684)

bcb164c Update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.7.1 (#707)
2519fe3 Update dependency to v2.8.9 (#711)
72a0526 Update dependency org.projectlombok:lombok to v1.18.22 (#700)
c24a8d5 Update plugin com.github.johnrengelman.shadow to v7.1.0 (#698)

Contributor: @AlexProgrammerDE @xknat
Thanks to: @LewUwU & @aljaxus for the pr <3

Full Changelog: 14.1.5...14.1.6

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a273677 change version to 14.1.5 release (#679)
288c1c7 Revert "Fix LICENSE modifications (#670)" (#681)
e0d29c1 Switch to mariadb driver (#680)
c8de437 change metrics backup-api -> ashcon-api (#678)
08f2d88 Fix sponge velocity & MYSQL (#677)
572bf3c Fix gradle build script and fix token in annotation (#675)

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223c189 Fix LICENSE modifications (#670)
0eb36d6 Improve readme (#669)
933dd47 Fix link (#668)
6dd5b6d fix deploy.yml to be mergable with main (#665)
928c31a Cleanup gradle files (#662)
0395ba4 Improve workflows (#659)
d134932 Update workflows for gradle (#658)
2cec6fe Improve paper skin refresher (#657)

  • Only versions above MC 1.11.2 will now use paper refresher.

2d08f07 Fix paper hybrid support and finalize important classes (#654)
8fe67c5 Remove weird adoptopenjdk file (#653)
94c242d hard code steve, alex & skinsrestorer skins (#648)

  • "steve", "alex" & "skinsrestorer" will now be hardcoded/static from mojang api.
    • This has been done to display their intended skin's, as we sometimes get questions why steve's skin does not look "steve"...
  • Reuse defined String with setskin rollback

e8f71ee Make ASHCON Single request PRIMARY api and MINETOOLS backup (#630)

  • Reduce redundant request making big improvement for bungeecord & velocity.
  • Single api skin request.
  • better fallback to mojang / backup api
  • Bungee skin clear does no longer create "0" skin
  • Changed EnableCustomHelp

a08f5ca Seems the DB is not a valid variable (#647)

  • fixes mysql

2eecc15 Minor improvements (#644)

  • getSkinName is now optional string which improve code quality and performance

e5a5653 Gradle fix (#643)

  • fixes InputStream error's

2502c3c Migrate to the one with the elephant! (#639)

  • We made changes to ACF on our own and its now UTF-8

d92d431 Fix bungeecord online (#634)

  • fixed bungeecord online mode (fixes fastlogin)
  • /sr reload now reloads whole acf (including skinswithoutperms)
  • Reducing version update import's

5164229 Bump version to snapshot (#627)
3869284 Disable Default_skins when list is empty after validation. (#625)

b060960 Update plugin net.kyori.blossom to v1.3.0 (#642)
8c08f0d Update dependency gradle to v7.2 (#641)
9c28590 Update dependency com.velocitypowered:velocity-api to v3.0.1
7686646 Update dependency to v2.8.8 (#628)
286d3c7 Update dependency org.spongepowered:configurate-yaml to v4.1.2 (#623)
e605525 Update dependency com.github.cryptomorin:XSeries to v8.4.0 (#633)
& more

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This is a hotfix to fix issues with SnakeYaml

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76ea1a5 add back DISABLED_SKINS_ENABLED validator in (#612)
1a216b8 More cleanup and more lombok (#611)
e972082 Initialize api classes before loading config and commands (#610)
ee1842f Implement configurate (#598)
1706a29 improve api docs (#608)
cfa3df7 fix banner (#609)
43ef2c6 Feature/fix mysql (#601)
80597b9 Big reflection rewrite yet again (#588)

  • improve skin apply
  • getting mns in a consistent way
  • get server version from semver 2

6405311 fix skin update & wiki link (#592)

  • Rename DisableAutoUpdateSkin to DisallowAutoUpdateSkin because i made a default value mistake ;_;
  • change "bukkit only" to "standalone mode".

f11121a Fix acf velocity (#589)
a17fee5 More passing over instances (#591)
2fddd87 fix config nullpointer (#587)

  • fixing config banner's

4287a64 bump version to snapshot
04e2a3f renamed "help_player" to "CUSTOM_HELP_IF_ENABLED" (#584)

  • gives warning on empty config list

f6c33f6 small operator improvements (#579)
3165e21 Fix mc 1.14 issue (dimension) (#575)
c9f7788 Fix previous gamemode in F3+F4 gamemode switcher (#568) CO-Author: Iaiao
070a47a fix genSkin when skinType = null (#572)

7e84ca6 Update dependency com.github.cryptomorin:XSeries to v8.3.0 (#602)
ee94b21 Update dependency com.viaversion:viabackwards-common to v4.0.1 (#583)
77585d4 Update dependency com.velocitypowered:velocity-api to v3 (#581)
1978d98 Update dependency com.github.cryptomorin:XSeries to v8.2.0 (#578)

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Full changes can be found here: 6164c68

55f8f7b Make outdated viaversion warning less spammy (#570)
b0e3f9b This commit marks the v14.1.1 (#569)
6feb4ce match config.yml banner layout version to semver (without snapshot) synstax (#567)
dfe6043 Bump version (#566)
5b00210 Feature/small cleanup (#564)
d77cf26 Implement max fails (#558)
89a5243 Don't stop SkinsRestorer but spam them! (#561)
9a4f738 Fixed get default skin for non-premium players (#559) [Thanks to "Firat Kaya"]
a07a639 Replace Notch with xknat (#557)
527fb13 Fix updater rate limit (#555)
33473ab Fix SkinUpdate (#554)
07c2ff3 Fix API (#552)
d810b0f Fix via issue and way more intelligent reflection (#547)