
TitleManager provides you with a ton of placeholders for your titles, headers and alike. They are pieces of text, that when displayed will be replaced by a value.

For more placeholders download the plugin Clips PlaceholderAPI and enjoy its many placeholders in use!

Clips PlaceholderAPI does not use the TitleManager syntax for placeholders and you will therefor need to write your placeholders as like this: %placeholder%.

Normal Placeholders

%{player}The player's username.
%{displayname}The player's display name (nickname).
%{strippeddisplayname}The player's displayname (nickname), without colors.
%{world}The current name of the world that the player is in.
%{world-time}The current time of the world the player is in.
%{12h-world-time}The current time of the world the player is in, in a 12 hour format.
%{24h-world-time}The current time of the world the player is in, in a 24 hour format.
%{world-online}The current amount of players in the world the player is in.
%{online}The current amount of players on the server.
%{max}The max amount of players on the server.
%{server-time}The current time of the server.
%{ping}The player's ping.
%{group}The primary group name of the player. (requires vault)
%{balance}The player's balance.
%{safe-online}The amount of online player's without vanished players. (Requires Essentials, VanishNoPacket and / or SuperVanish)
%{tps}Shows the TPS of the server
%{c:YourHexColorHere}(Minecraft v1.16 and above only) Creates a HEX color code. Replace YourHexColorHere with a HEX color, example: %{c:#ffff00}
%{gradient:[Your,Colors,Here]YourTextHere}(Minecraft v1.16 and above only) Creates a HEX color gradient. Replace Your,Colors,Here with a comma-separated list of HEX colors & YourTextHere with the text you want to have a gradient, example: %{gradient:[#ff0000,#00ff00,#0000ff]My HEX gradient text}

BungeeCord Placeholders

You need to set using-bungeecord to true in the configuration file for these placeholders to work.

%{bungeecord-online}Displays the combined player count of all servers behind BungeeCord.
%{online:YourServerHere}Displays the player count of the given server. (Replace YourServerHere with the bungeecord server name)
%{server}Displays the current server's BungeeCord name.