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Entities config

            Enabled: true
            Chance: 100%
            Value: 100 ? 200
            Division-method: 'LAST_HIT'
            Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
            Limit: 2000
            Enabled: true
            Run-method: 'ALL'
                    Command: 'say {player} killed an entity'
                    Chance: 12.5%
                    Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
                    Limit: 10
                    Command: 'give {player} DIAMOND 5'
                    Chance: 0.5%
                    Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
                    Limit: 15
            Enabled: true
            Keep-default-items: false
            Run-method: 'ALL'
                        ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
                        type: GRASS
                    Random-amount: 1 ? 20
                    Chance: 100%
                    Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
                    Limit: 200
                        ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
                        type: DIAMOND_SWORD
                        amount: 32
                    Chance: 80%
                    Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
                    Limit: 200
                Enabled: true
                Chance: 100%
                Value: 100 ? 200
                Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
                Limit: 1000
            Enabled: true
            Percent: 25%
            Max-amount: 5000
            Chance: 100%
            Division-method: 'LAST_HIT'
            Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
            Limit: 10000

Configuration manual


This is the entity name. The list depend from server version. Check latest spigot list here


The second row the world name. The '*' mean that the rules valid on all worlds. You can change it to world name or you can add more worlds with commas.

Example: 'world, world_nether'

You can add more rewards accordings worlds:

            Enabled: true
            Chance: 75%
            Value: 100
    'world_nether, world_the_end':
            Enabled: true
            Chance: 100%
            Value: 200
            Enabled: true
            Chance: 5%
            Value: 1500

Money reward section

    Enabled: true
    Chance: 100%
    Value: 100 ? 200
    Division-method: 'LAST_HIT'
    Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
    Limit: 2000
  • Enabled: You can enable or disable it. Accepted values: true or false <optional, default value is true>
  • Chance: Reward chance. Min: 1%, max: 100% <optional, default value is 100%>
  • Value: The money amount. You can set random money between two numbers, or you can set up fix amount.
  • Example for random: Value: 100 ? 200
  • Example for fix: Value: 100

You can set negative numbers too: Value: -50 ? 50

  • Division-method: Acceptable values: "LAST_HIT" or "SHARED". If you choose SHARED, then the reward will divide between entity damagers. LAST_HIT will reward only the killer (last damager) with full amount of reward. <optional, default value is LAST_HIT>
  • Permission: You can set custom permission. If player hasn't this perm, then player will not get reward. <optional, there isn't default value>
  • Limit: If players reached limit with money earning, then players will not get reward while server restart or limit reset. You can set limit reset time in config.yml and you can reset it manually with /km limit reset command. <optional, there isn't default value>

You can execute commands when players kill entities.

    Enabled: true
    Run-method: 'ALL'
            Command: 'say {player} killed an entity'
            Chance: 12.5%
            Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
            Limit: 10
            Command: 'give {player} DIAMOND 5'
            Chance: 0.5%
            Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
            Limit: 15
  • Enabled: You can enable or disable it. Accepted values: true or false <optional, default value is true>
  • Run-method: Acceptable values: "ALL" or "RANDOM". If you choose "ALL", then all command will execute. If random, then only one. <optional, default value is ALL>
  • "Number:" If you add more commands, you must increment the number. Same number is not allowed.
  • Command: That command which you want execute. The {player} will be replaced with killer's name.
  • Chance: Command chance. Min: 1%, max: 100% <optional, default value is 100%>
  • Permission: You can set custom permission. If player hasn't this perm, then the command will not be execute. <optional, there isn't default value>
  • Limit: If players reached limit with money earning, then players will not get reward while server restart or limit reset. You can set limit reset time in config.yml and you can reset it manually with /km limit reset command. <optional, there isn't default value>
    Enabled: true
    Keep-default-items: false
    Run-method: 'ALL'
                ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
                type: GRASS
            Random-amount: 1 ? 20
            Chance: 100%
            Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
            Limit: 200
                ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
                type: DIAMOND_SWORD
                amount: 32
            Chance: 80%
            Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
            Limit: 200

Set custom item drop

  • Enabled: You can enable or disable it. Accepted values: true or false <optional, default value is true>
  • Keep-default-items: If you set it true, then will be drop the default items (leather, food or other) too. <optional, default value is true>
  • Run-method: Acceptable values: "ALL" or "RANDOM". If you choose "ALL", then all command will execute. If random, then only one. <optional, default value is ALL>
  • "Number:" If you add more commands, you must increment the number. Same number is not allowed.


    ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
  • type: MATERIAL name, Acceptable values (depend from server version)
  • Random-amount: Set random amount for ItemStack. If you don't want random amount, just remove it. <optional, there isn't default value>
  • Chance: Command chance. Min: 1%, max: 100% <optional, default value is 100%>
  • Permission: You can set custom permission. If player hasn't this perm, then the command will not be execute. <optional, there isn't default value>
  • Limit: If players reached limit with money earning, then players will not get reward while server restart or limit reset. You can set limit reset time in config.yml and you can reset it manually with /km limit reset command. <optional, there isn't default value>

ItemStack examples

  • Leaping potion
    ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
    type: POTION
    damage: 8235
  • Sheep spawner egg
    ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
    type: MONSTER_EGG
    damage: 91
  • Gold ingot with amount settings and item meta
    ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
    type: GOLD_INGOT
    amount: 32
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
        display-name: "§cAmazing gold ingot"
        - "§2Nicest"
  • Iron sword with enchants
    ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
    type: IRON_SWORD
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
            KNOCKBACK: 1
            FIRE_ASPECT: 1

You can set custom experience point drop

    Enabled: true
    Chance: 100%
    Value: 100 ? 200
    Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
    Limit: 1000
  • Enabled: You can enable or disable it. Accepted values: true or false <optional, default value is true>
  • Chance: Reward chance. Min: 1%, max: 100% <optional, default value is 100%>
  • Value: The money amount. You can set random money between two numbers, or you can set up fix amount. Example for random: Value: 100 ? 200 Example for fix: Value: 100
  • Permission: You can set custom permission. If player hasn't this perm, then player will not get reward. <optional, there isn't default value>
  • Limit: If players reached limit with exp earning, then players will not get reward while server restart or limit reset. You can set limit reset time in config.yml and you can reset it manually with /km limit reset command. <optional, there isn't default value>

Transfer money between killer (earn) and victim (lose). You can only use this in PLAYER entity section.

    Enabled: true
    Percent: 25%
    Max-amount: 5000
    Chance: 100%
    Division-method: 'LAST_HIT'
    Permission: 'km.custom.permission'
    Limit: 10000
  • Enabled: You can enable or disable it. Accepted values: true or false <optional, default value is true>
  • Percent: Percent of victim's money which killer will earn. Min: 1%, max: 100%
  • Max-amount: Maximum earning limit in one kill. <optional, there isn't default value>
  • Chance: Transfer chance. Min: 1%, max: 100% <optional, default value is 100%>
  • Division-method: Acceptable values: "LAST_HIT" or "SHARED". If you choose SHARED, then the reward will divide between entity damagers. LAST_HIT will reward only the killer (last damager) with full amount of reward. <optional, default value is LAST_HIT>
  • Limit: If players reached limit with money earning, then players will not get reward while server restart or limit reset. You can set limit reset time in config.yml and you can reset it manually with /km limit reset command. <optional, there isn't default value>