Test Result: 0 tests failing out of a total of 85 tests.100
Build stability: No recent builds failed.100
Build History
b1144: deficient


#1153 (Aug 26, 2018, 9:40:04 AM)

  1. 1.13 - add more blocks. (commit: 6e2d611) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add end rod (1.13). (commit: fbd8f6a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add GPLv3 header. (commit: cc98d2d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Deop. (commit: fd679c8) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Dragon egg. (commit: a142df0) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Brewing stand, cauldron, hopper, end portal frame. (commit: b422d07) — asofold / githubweb

#1152 (Aug 24, 2018, 5:56:32 PM)

  1. Prepare cocoa beans and/or end rod. (commit: d7aa968) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fixes for 1.12.2. (commit: cd142dd) — asofold / githubweb

#1151 (Aug 24, 2018, 10:26:50 AM)

  1. More explicit flags for blocks. (commit: 982fda0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Oops. (commit: 1868fb5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add missing GPLv3 headers. (commit: cbc5d3b) — asofold / githubweb
  4. More blocks added, adjustments for initialization. (commit: 9d37763) — asofold / githubweb

#1150 (Aug 22, 2018, 9:48:09 PM)

  1. ProtocolLib 4.4.0 for MC 1.13.x. (commit: 56dbc7f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Put Material.isTransparent into a method for later distinction. (commit: 82f50dd) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Remove unused 4096, align flag values, add max flag. (commit: f6f94d4) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] MC 1.13 Material changes, first batch. (commit: 62df128) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Don't use Material.GRASS. (commit: 0f3b4ae) — asofold / githubweb
  6. More smart block setup (first batch). (commit: 0736836) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Adjustments and fixes for BlockProperties. (commit: 40b0107) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Prepare MCAccessBukkitModern (1.13). (commit: 54c022f) — asofold / githubweb
  9. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Swift way in to Bukkit shape models (slabs first). (commit: 56f1a37) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Explicit height flag for grass path. Bukkit model for stairs. (commit: b89c3af) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Add BukkitThinFence. Remove unneeded flag. (commit: 4a7fd05) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Fences / coblestone wall. (commit: c4423de) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Only demand the used interface here. (commit: 371f707) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Add fence gate. (commit: 58d17aa) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Add shulker boxes and (leveled) snow. (commit: 0a77c07) — asofold / githubweb

#1149 (Jul 9, 2018, 8:34:47 AM)

  1. (I)TraceEntry: Add convenience method isInside for coordinates. (commit: 85bb769) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Skip direction checks if inside of a box. (commit: 24b2540) — asofold / githubweb
  3. No set back no deal (on the paper). (commit: 7994961) — asofold / githubweb

#1148 (Jun 18, 2018, 9:27:55 AM)

  1. Add override tests. (commit: bd24e12) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Catch NullPointerException. (commit: d0235e2) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Ignore the null Sound. (commit: 481d2c0) — asofold / githubweb

#1147 (Apr 22, 2018, 1:31:58 PM)

  1. Get rid of the IBlockAccess implementation for NCPcompatCBDev. (commit: f6d00c3) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Change packages for penalties. (commit: ad5be20) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Remove redundant abstract method. (commit: 7269a02) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Rename Penalty to IPenalty. (commit: 37c12a7) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Change penalty evaluation implementation to use less random numbers. (commit: fd08d1b) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Implement support for ActionPenalties in ViolationData. (commit: e20fe53) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Optimistic player data creation. Updating of world / player name. (+) (commit: 6bddb1a) — asofold / githubweb
  8. More safe IPlayerData getting for the net checks. (commit: 500544c) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add BlockFormEvent listener. Monitor SOIL->Dirt. (commit: f1f0afe) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Comment on NoFall. (commit: c7b8ba4) — asofold / githubweb

#1146 (Apr 16, 2018, 10:27:12 AM)

  1. Allow dealing fall damage from 3.5 blocks height on. (commit: f079b52) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adapt fast click to use InvenoryAction. (commit: caf137d) — asofold / githubweb

#1145 (Apr 15, 2018, 5:02:53 PM)

  1. Fetch MovingConfig only once. Log when appropriate. (commit: 43ba77a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove not implemented options (fight.critical). (+) (commit: 588c356) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Implement default state for missing parent nodes. (commit: bd47174) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Begin to shape penalties. (commit: 96e3869) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLIND] Continue to implement input specific penalty support. (commit: 274c15e) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Having a look at BridgeHealth. (commit: 3b8e34d) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [BREAKING] Change ActionFactoryFactory related API. (commit: ba13fa8) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Add missing GPLv3 headers. (commit: fcee525) — asofold / githubweb
  9. [BLIND] Begin to terraform penalties. (commit: 1616962) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Add missing GPLv3 header. (commit: 3e083e4) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Penalties: Redo Marianas Trench. (commit: cbfcecf) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Clear cached per-world configurations on reload. (commit: d82fb9c) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Support cancel with probability (e.g. 25%cancel) for actions. (commit: 2bea03e) — asofold / githubweb

#1144 (Apr 2, 2018, 6:35:25 PM)

  1. Further fiddle with sf vl relaxation. Use the move count instead of ms. (commit: a3027eb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Route set back getting through a utility method (for most). (commit: a641137) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Scan for ground with the void-to-void set back policy. (commit: 350908c) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING][BREAKING][BROKEN] Continue data registry + API. (+) (commit: 82d6f94) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add missing GPLv3 headers. (commit: de58685) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix NullPointerException in frequentTasks. (commit: 4c30b35) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Block change tracking: add flags for use and redstone. (+) (commit: 0a373fb) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Set/indicate default flags for activation/lag/debug. (commit: cf8f482) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Update handle if disabled. (commit: 59d518a) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Only disable the handle, if suitable. (commit: d52138a) — asofold / githubweb

#1143 (Feb 28, 2018, 11:16:21 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] New implementation for exemption. (+) (commit: cec4a4d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLIND] Add fight.wrongturn: Just kick for invalid pitch. (commit: d3a66b0) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Implement some kind of support for locking of registered items. (commit: 7b8390d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Lock NCPAPIProvider against changing. (commit: 4705f75) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add identity checks with various implementations of equals(Object). (commit: 4a7efdc) — asofold / githubweb
  6. The Bukkit Metadata API base implementation is thread-safe. (commit: 806e3c2) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Use Entity Id's instead of Player Name (commit: b513e6d) — davidscandurra / githubweb
  8. fix CompatNoCheatPlus link in README (commit: ae2a378) — davidscandurra / githubweb
  9. Make all of hover @GlobalConfig. (commit: 2de92a9) — github / githubweb
  10. Add config paths for extended leniency settings. (commit: 356bdd2) — github / githubweb
  11. Update DefaultConfig.java (commit: 99b7508) — github / githubweb
  12. Update MovingConfig.java (commit: b68265d) — github / githubweb
  13. Add in-air VL freeze. Regain hbuf if not frozen (commit: 79e3cc9) — github / githubweb

#1142 (Feb 8, 2018, 8:32:06 AM)

  1. Add child permissions within onEnable already. (commit: c50cc4f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BREAKING] Remove legacy behavior for notify permissions. (commit: 6f4c61d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Set default child permissions in plugin.yml. (commit: 5d5e45e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Skip (most) lazy permission updating in case of heavy load. (+) (commit: eabd648) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Despite soon to be replaced by thread-safe read, warn her. (commit: 3d8eb00) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix heavyLoad constant. Include TickTask.getLag. (commit: 4bfc4f2) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [BREAKING ] Lazy permission updating. (commit: 6dbb7d4) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Iterate over the changed permissions. (commit: 0bfa016) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add GPLv3 headers where missing. (commit: eb41f43) — asofold / githubweb

#1141 (Feb 6, 2018, 2:58:20 PM)

  1. Passable / initially colliding blocks: catch 1.5 height. (commit: 715a49d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. lostground: adjust for equipped end portal frame. (commit: 658de28) — asofold / githubweb
  3. isInfinite... (commit: f6519ef) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BREAKING] Fix fall damage with jump effect (for most). (commit: ad87137) — asofold / githubweb

#1140 (Feb 5, 2018, 11:37:28 PM)

  1. Add getMergePrimaryThreadAndClear. (commit: 1de1c37) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING][BREAKING][INSTABLE] Swiftly throw in permission caching. (commit: 97d5904) — asofold / githubweb
  3. PermissionPolicy: Rename to/from config. Clarify defaults. (commit: 08aaa5f) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLIND] Switch rule definition to a list of strings. (+) (commit: c45a31b) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Improvements on piston + slime block. (commit: 3c98098) — asofold / githubweb

#1139 (Jan 21, 2018, 6:15:47 PM)

  1. Adjust breaking time of stone axe vs iron block. (commit: cdbd497) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Support overriding the block breaking time for specific side conditions. (commit: 1a8c292) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Support configuration for breaking time overrides. (commit: 6bf5b4c) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fix overrides not respecting external side conditions. (commit: e7aa121) — asofold / githubweb

#1138 (Jan 20, 2018, 12:28:55 AM)

  1. Add GPLv3 headers where missing. (commit: 09a963e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use public visibility for event handler methods. (commit: c2dcc60) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Only accept public methods for now. (commit: b60d63d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Bogo-fix first attack after data removal triggering... (commit: 6d04795) — asofold / githubweb

#1137 (Jan 17, 2018, 1:26:37 PM)

  1. Add a type for check types (future may have multiple levels). (commit: adc0d16) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Clarify APIUtils methods meaning by renaming, deprecate former. (commit: 073220c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Partial overhaul for CheckType. (commit: 532eef1) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add a CheckTypeTree for fully spanned check-type-related structures. (commit: 3e81499) — asofold / githubweb
  5. An unmodifiable list. (commit: 1d96fb3) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Move methods from hooks.APIUtils to utilities.CheckTypeUtil. (commit: 361b379) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Simplify using CheckTypeUtils. (commit: c9d2a5d) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Add traversal methods. (commit: 2b469a4) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Fix premature non-abort. Return boolean for simplicity with traversal. (commit: 243d8dd) — asofold / githubweb
  10. [BREAKING] Move std. annotations into RegistrationOrder. Add more. (commit: f7571dc) — asofold / githubweb
  11. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Use a new internal event registry. (commit: 37127c1) — asofold / githubweb

#1136 (Jan 15, 2018, 9:36:53 PM)

  1. Fix APIUtils not returning an unmodifiable collection. Change to Set. (commit: 13b00a6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Rename DummyNoCheatPlusAPI to UnitTestNoCheatPlusAPI for the prefix. (commit: 30b293e) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fixes and extension for Activation. (+) (commit: 01aaccb) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Disable the MultiClientProtocolWaterLilyPatch with unit tests. (commit: e8cf861) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLIND] Include other blocks in the multi protocol block patch, rename. (commit: a25dc44) — asofold / githubweb

#1135 (Jan 15, 2018, 12:24:38 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.16.1-SNAPSHOT for the next iteration of development. (commit: 46b0b3d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. removeDataPrecisely: Don't create ANY debug text if debug is false. (+) (commit: 8e11fe8) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add getKeys(), similar to to keySet(), but without option to alter. (commit: 0306e2c) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Do not delete PlayerData instances for online players. (+) (commit: dc4849f) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Register the ExemptionSettings instance in use as generic instance. (commit: 7fdd6a5) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Test for NPCs with the Inventory.Open check. (+) (commit: def7d61) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Should mention... (commit: 5cf2613) — asofold / githubweb

#1134 (Jan 10, 2018, 9:51:49 PM)

  1. Maven 3.3.9 should work. (commit: 0dae590) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add info on latest stuff. (commit: 3270194) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Change order within. (commit: a9afde1) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Include SpigotMC links here. (commit: 305f71c) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Surgery. (commit: 27b1ee4) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Update links. (commit: bc408d2) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Set version to 3.16.0-RC for release. (commit: 424b357) — asofold / githubweb

#1132 (Jan 10, 2018, 2:03:05 AM)

  1. Obtain the "non free" modules via a pre-built jar by default. (commit: e5c8bec) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add a cblegacy profile. (commit: 671b628) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Scrap activation for include/build. (commit: 04a7515) — asofold / githubweb

#1123 (Jan 9, 2018, 8:51:27 PM)

  1. Reflect changes within README.md. (commit: 871c282) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Multiple iterations of fumbling reveal... (commit: 0592874) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Backlash. (commit: 8d1d7ab) — asofold / githubweb

#1122 (Jan 9, 2018, 8:03:40 PM)

  1. Update readme. (commit: 2ec2bad) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Update README.md (commit: 9d595d1) — github / githubweb
  3. Update README.md (commit: 77c3837) — github / githubweb
  4. Remove ncp_base profile in favor of default moduels and dependencies. (commit: 68160c8) — asofold / githubweb

#1121 (Jan 7, 2018, 9:39:12 PM)

  1. Correct javadocs. (commit: 01f6db4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove warning message of cbreflect up to 1.12.2. (commit: 58ee2d2) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add a native access module for 1.12.2. (commit: c101bc6) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Set version to 3.15.2-RC for release. (commit: e961f94) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Set version to 3.16.0-SNAPSHOT because we can't build. (commit: 22393db) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Get rid of parameters for maven profile activation. (commit: 5da5689) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Reverse order of dependency/profile definitions within pom.xmlS. (commit: 7e80cd5) — asofold / githubweb
  8. No need to specify ncp_base anymore. (commit: 17293c7) — asofold / githubweb

#1119 (Jan 3, 2018, 11:12:26 PM)

  1. Implement F_MIN_HEIGHT16_1 and F_MIN_HEIGHT16_15. Clarify javadocs. (commit: c6aec5e) — asofold / githubweb

#1118 (Jan 1, 2018, 11:41:12 PM)

  1. Recognise NCPCompatSpigotCB1_11_R1 in spigot1_11_r1 profile (commit: 16f270d) — github / githubweb

#1117 (Dec 23, 2017, 10:17:43 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Fix native access modules. (commit: ce98d2a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BREAKING] BlockCache: rename getTypeId to getType. (commit: af44f13) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix server version detection logic (commit: df33444) — md_5 / githubweb
  4. Add a dedicated compat module for 1.11.2 (1_11_R1). (commit: 7f1d744) — asofold / githubweb

#1116 (Dec 16, 2017, 4:26:45 PM)

  1. Remove Block IDs (commit: 3a111dc) — md_5 / githubweb
  2. Fix import location (commit: 1e988f2) — md_5 / githubweb
  3. Fix default message params (commit: c564289) — md_5 / githubweb
  4. Fixes and adjustments with String ids. (commit: 7c5d67b) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLIND] Use MinecraftServer.getVersion, if no version was detected. (commit: 7fb9602) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Attempt https here. (commit: 1b41fc5) — asofold / githubweb

#1113 (May 31, 2017, 8:22:13 PM)

  1. Revert allowing placing boats on ground. (commit: 0b2882c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use cancel.dead as id instead of canceldead. (commit: afe080f) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Cancel interaction for players who are not online. (commit: 7e43dea) — asofold / githubweb

#1112 (May 30, 2017, 8:53:11 PM)

  1. Remove unused member. (commit: 982eecb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix fastbreak/grace not being read correctly. (commit: 8b02a7c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix boatsanywhere not recognizing other than oak boats. (commit: ddc0436) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Move multi protocol plugin activation to a utility. (commit: 049a925) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Allow placing boats on ground for MC 1.12 with protocol support plugins. (commit: b441c1e) — asofold / githubweb

#1111 (May 14, 2017, 6:52:07 PM)

  1. Change usage to resemble the format of other descriptions and documents. (commit: 135d3e8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Don't activate ProtocolLib hooks until issues are resolved. (commit: 6e4a1c0) — asofold / githubweb
  3. ProtocolLib 4.3.0 for Minecraft 1.12. Build against API 4.3.0-SNAPSHOT. (commit: b3edd08) — asofold / githubweb

#1109 (May 14, 2017, 12:16:20 PM)

  1. Extend the capabilities of the 'ncp log stream ...' command. (commit: 416a2d4) — asofold / githubweb

#1108 (May 14, 2017, 10:54:14 AM)

  1. [BLIND] Add 1.12 blocks. (commit: 9e763c2) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Detect Minecraft version with -pre suffix (MC 1.12-pre...). (commit: 8ea1d9e) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix CONCRETE_POWDER id. (commit: 89ae239) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow ProtocolLib 4.2.2 and later on MC 1.12.x. (commit: 5cccd4c) — asofold / githubweb

#1107 (May 13, 2017, 6:57:00 PM)

  1. Don't use super.getMessage. Format/clarify. (commit: b0161df) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add cmdc action - like cmd just with replacing color codes. (commit: b5b6e78) — asofold / githubweb

#1106 (May 13, 2017, 11:36:17 AM)

  1. Add command: ncp log stream stream_id[@level] message.... (commit: 620b5ea) — asofold / githubweb

#1105 (May 12, 2017, 9:34:33 PM)

  1. Set thisMove.flyCheck only when the/a check is run. (commit: 6347527) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Prepare new block flags. Add comments. (commit: 9478daa) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix undoing of cancelled set-back teleports. (commit: 076bf52) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Set both NoFall and MC fall distance both on UNKNOWN teleport and ... (commit: 861ead1) — asofold / githubweb

#1104 (May 9, 2017, 8:32:48 PM)

  1. [BREAKING] Change ModelFlying to a more flexible method of setup. (commit: 87374fe) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use another special flag for ascension while gliding. Do/fix locking. (commit: 9505c07) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix / "refine" elytra handling. Set all maxheight to 128. (commit: 344b032) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Use the lower eye height when gliding with elytra (selected checks). (commit: 0c6cb65) — asofold / githubweb

#1103 (May 7, 2017, 2:35:34 PM)

  1. Increase the default horizontal speed for spectator mode by 30. (commit: 7cd2303) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adjust the vertical ascend speed for spectator mode. (commit: d306c32) — asofold / githubweb

#1101 (May 7, 2017, 12:36:59 PM)

  1. Use a common method for judging if gliding with elytra is valid. (commit: bfaa71f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Elytra before levitation. (commit: 8c6ebba) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Reduce false positives with elytra: lift off and boost. (commit: bff58b8) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow precise setting of all the height-related properties. (commit: c0b0a2f) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLEEDING] Adjust to the lowered height when gliding with elytra. (commit: c87e878) — asofold / githubweb

#1100 (May 6, 2017, 1:42:28 PM)

  1. Registration for 'itself' - log as such. (commit: 4522bc0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Reach doesn't need to use the flyingQueue. (commit: 2f66eab) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Comments / format. (commit: 7c11fcd) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Hot fix: allow minecraft fall damage in lava. (commit: c59b4ac) — asofold / githubweb

#1099 (May 4, 2017, 1:25:37 PM)

  1. Work around "server-side-only blocking after respawn". (commit: b62f310) — asofold / githubweb

#1098 (May 4, 2017, 12:12:56 PM)

  1. Passable: Prepare fixes. Remove legacy code and options. (commit: b38cb4d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Re-check with alternate axis order on collision. (commit: 6584398) — asofold / githubweb

#1097 (May 3, 2017, 1:53:59 PM)

  1. Use unified actions for block reach/direction checks, use constants. (commit: 54f9d42) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Integrate current look into flying queue checking. Include invalidation. (commit: e5f6370) — asofold / githubweb

#1096 (May 3, 2017, 11:55:38 AM)

  1. Fix blockplace.against. Confine isInteractBlock by tick as well. (commit: b9a73ae) — asofold / githubweb

#1095 (May 3, 2017, 10:15:12 AM)

  1. Fix elytra model not being used when in creative mode. (commit: e852fb0) — asofold / githubweb

#1094 (May 2, 2017, 11:03:04 PM)

  1. [BREAKING] Unify block (interact/place/break) direction checks. (commit: 73f4205) — asofold / githubweb

#1093 (May 2, 2017, 8:19:52 PM)

  1. Debug log relation with BlockInteract. (commit: 3ff207d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Skip redundant checks within BlockBreak and BlockPlace. (commit: bd370ba) — asofold / githubweb
  3. CreativeFly: Test if the player is gliding with elytra not just wearing. (commit: 2cca81f) — asofold / githubweb

#1092 (May 2, 2017, 12:02:48 PM)

  1. Attempt to patch up VehicleEnvelope (in-air, boat). (commit: e545846) — asofold / githubweb

#1091 (May 1, 2017, 11:45:46 PM)

  1. Keep track of moving event count. Re-introduce morepackets-set-back-age. (commit: 4426347) — asofold / githubweb

#1090 (May 1, 2017, 11:55:53 AM)

  1. Make cancelling flying/waiting packets configurable. (commit: c7d7210) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Convenience method added. (commit: 9d4b88d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BREAKING] Move Activation to the registry.activation sub-package. (commit: 8cecf92) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLIND] Add a patch for WATER_LILY activating with ViaVersion. (commit: 04d5253) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Prepare having more of the kind. (commit: 6d16bce) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Suppressed a warning. (commit: 4c3a9f6) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add protocol support plugins, NTAC and PNCP to the related plugins. (commit: d670d80) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Extend functionality by adding conditions and allow set to AND/OR. (commit: bdf5e7a) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Also activate with ProtocolSupport being present. Adjust message. (commit: e8c4c11) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Supress this warning. (commit: adf8c2b) — asofold / githubweb
  11. The last block is now private. (commit: 9f3c109) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Store passed checks with the last block. (commit: e6cc1ba) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Extend by convenience methods. (commit: 4ab4ebd) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Log to counters where look came from (current, first/other flying). (commit: 8bf207c) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Add a simplified logOnce method. (commit: 9f1f3d1) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Add option to debug log command actions. (commit: 51d24d1) — asofold / githubweb
  17. More details for last block. Consumed checks. Don't skip item use. (commit: d8ab00d) — asofold / githubweb
  18. Fix exceptions with the teleport confirm packet (also log cause). (commit: c07b1fb) — asofold / githubweb
  19. [BLEEDING] Typo. (commit: 01b311b) — asofold / githubweb
  20. Re-trigger against only if the last run failed. (commit: c21f107) — asofold / githubweb
  21. Change to individual methods to override event resolution. Shuffle. (commit: 90d6ab9) — asofold / githubweb

#1089 (Apr 28, 2017, 8:15:03 PM)

  1. [BREAKING] Ignore set-back override, if cancel is not set. (commit: 792bed4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Continue checking if a packet can't be interpreted, log every minute. (commit: ad934f3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Log packets cancelled by FlyingFrequency. Adjust comments/log messages. (commit: 0969a5c) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow join with a StringBuilder passed. Simplify some method signatures. (commit: 68a7eab) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Error log the interpreted packet types (simplified). (commit: 9339ccc) — asofold / githubweb
  6. This is not a counter. (commit: 458358f) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Count all flying packets and PlayerMoveEventS, simplify. (commit: 1c8c3a8) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Use Bukkit.isPrimaryThread and log inconsistencies. (commit: 65fc88f) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add method to pass thread-indicator via an extra argument. (commit: 7d7a0bf) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Don't hesitate: make use of the primaryThread flag. (commit: 64c347f) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Reduce (player) morepackets data on confirmed set back teleport. (commit: 6ea3013) — asofold / githubweb
  12. [BLEEDING] Make use of the 'confirm teleport' packet. Cancel WAITING. (commit: 1655a90) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Pass a handle for the flying queue to sub checks of blockinteract. (commit: 956c7ca) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Remove ominous count - all that remainded from the original was... (commit: 970ed6b) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Let blockinteract.direction check queued packets. Unify loop (visible). (commit: 180cf8a) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Split off logOnce to StaticLog. (commit: 53f534b) — asofold / githubweb
  17. Add logDebugS. (commit: 5a901e0) — asofold / githubweb
  18. Set structure void block to instantly breakable and air-like. (commit: de0cabd) — asofold / githubweb

#1088 (Apr 25, 2017, 10:29:12 PM)

  1. Have a RegistryException super class. (commit: 2ff5415) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Move stray tests to a test sub package. Reduce tests in TestCoordMap. (commit: f02a11e) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Move the java version into the root pom. (commit: 97cdbe8) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Prepare internal registry lists overhaul to support sorting. (commit: d0c42ab) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLIND] Sketch a registry helper for storing sorted lists by type. (commit: be877c7) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Revert last minute change. (commit: d2ed656) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Don't create order twice. (commit: f82d387) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Support SetupOrder still (to be deprecated). (commit: 6ce8e62) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add an auxiliary class, to delegate IRegisterWithOrder setup to. (commit: 190309e) — asofold / githubweb
  10. [BLIND] Fixes for unregister + extend API. (commit: 2b51dfa) — asofold / githubweb
  11. [BLIND] Extend API further. (commit: 730d09a) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Use an array for the output internally. (commit: 2d25265) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Reorder the remainders of the previous draft. Keep an item array. (commit: fe233d8) — asofold / githubweb
  14. [BREAKING] Change boolean mightBeMultipleMoves to int multiMoveCount. (commit: 8fc9b1d) — asofold / githubweb
  15. [BLEEDING] Allow to override the set-back via MovingData.setTeleported. (commit: 34e3548) — asofold / githubweb

#1087 (Apr 19, 2017, 1:18:18 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.15.2-SNAPSHOT for a development iteration. (commit: 55715b0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. enoughFrictionEnvelope: Compare with the absolute change of distance. (commit: 6a4c754) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Model (noob) tower with lost-ground only. (commit: ca2d239) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Make improbable check configurable for inventory.instantbow. (commit: 563ce08) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Build against ProtocolLib-API 4.2.1. (commit: 45210e1) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Quick config notify overhaul. (commit: bb96f63) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add the method getClassDescription for debugging purposes. (commit: b3a9898) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Fix AttackFrequency for MC 1.7.10 and MC 1.7.2. (commit: 672c6cf) — asofold / githubweb

#1084 (Apr 16, 2017, 5:47:29 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.15.1-RC for release. (commit: 9714790) — asofold / githubweb

#1083 (Apr 15, 2017, 8:26:01 PM)

  1. Account for null blocks in PlayerInteractEvent handling. (commit: a5b0bd0) — asofold / githubweb

#1082 (Apr 14, 2017, 7:10:12 PM)

  1. Extend HashMapLOW interface. Put PlayerData FCFS under lock. (commit: 8077b4a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. More space available! (commit: cc06629) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Spaces + some formatting. (commit: 3258998) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add COMBINED_YAWRATE (allows exemption, later: remove data precisely). (commit: f5d2cbc) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BREAKING] Enable more precise sub check data removal (see details). (commit: 23f9ac5) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Support setting values for any ParameterName key explicitly. (commit: f262a83) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Fix .silent permissions set up wrongly. (commit: 0262ac4) — asofold / githubweb

#1081 (Apr 13, 2017, 9:21:49 AM)

  1. Fix NullpointerException. (commit: c53d3f1) — asofold / githubweb

#1080 (Apr 12, 2017, 7:34:17 PM)

  1. Random. (commit: b41c267) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Headers missed. (commit: def24ac) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Reduce calls to Bukkit.isPrimaryThread(). Provide optimized methods. (commit: 4b5cca3) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add containsAsynchronous, move to NCPCommons into utilities.ds.corw. (commit: 53649f9) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Prevent npe before use. (commit: ea5a064) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Extend PlayerSetBackMethod (allow to skip risk, specify default ids). (commit: 4b9e7c9) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Fix faulty config notifications. (commit: 3d73a54) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Remove the prehistoric global build number reference. (commit: 83887a7) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Fix survivalfly and creativefly actions. (commit: eb5db36) — asofold / githubweb

#1079 (Apr 10, 2017, 4:27:02 PM)

  1. A sensible choice. (commit: ed22d5b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Correct space. (commit: 395165a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. More spaces. (commit: f4a401d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add DualCollection, for future use. (commit: 73a62a1) — asofold / githubweb
  5. IQueueRORA as interface, add an implementation using a Lock. (commit: 2de5f2f) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix wrong precondition for handling cancelled moves. (commit: b11ae34) — asofold / githubweb

#1078 (Apr 8, 2017, 10:05:43 PM)

  1. Distinguish method by Minecraft version. Skip packet level pre-1.9. (commit: f221086) — asofold / githubweb

#1077 (Apr 8, 2017, 4:15:06 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Switch to HashMapLOW for PlayerData storage. Fix removal. (commit: 5be2f45) — asofold / githubweb

#1076 (Apr 8, 2017, 2:00:17 PM)

  1. Better name for onLeave, INotifyConfig extends INotifyReload. (commit: 4f1573c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove deprecated method: clear(CheckType) (commit: 19e5e6f) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Comment on a possible step forward. (commit: bf6c3ff) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BREAKING] Add UUID to PlayerData creation. Outlook on data. (commit: 0cd0d50) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Store PlayerData by UUID, use a PlayerTickListener. (commit: 9a4b3f6) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Do data.resetTeleported(), if the player is there on tick. (commit: 2f59297) — asofold / githubweb

#1075 (Apr 7, 2017, 8:58:06 PM)

  1. Add capability to mostly ignore certain vehicle types (default: arrows). (commit: 464e374) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix pre-horse. (commit: 1b79889) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Old arrows. (commit: 87621f7) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Catch UnsupportedOperationException for getWorld. (commit: 74674b5) — asofold / githubweb

#1074 (Apr 7, 2017, 2:45:48 PM)

  1. Have isLocked be static. (commit: fb056d8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Format javadocs: (commit: a5bbd54) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Treat a position (coordinates) match as confirmation of a set back. (commit: d88b36d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Set back preparation + confirmation: slight cleanup (commit: ef1d811) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Hint at something extensible for how to set back technically. (commit: b9aab85) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Towards configurable set back behavior. (commit: 4e2ab01) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Clarify INeedConfig. (commit: c1b12c3) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Make set back method configurable. (commit: ae80e20) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Demand the minimally needed type for isSamePos variants. (commit: d06e658) — asofold / githubweb
  10. More skipping conditions for "set back on tick". (commit: 718f991) — asofold / githubweb

#1073 (Apr 6, 2017, 5:50:54 PM)

  1. Attempt a hybrid approach for set back handling. (commit: aa445ed) — asofold / githubweb

#1072 (Apr 5, 2017, 12:41:44 PM)

  1. Comment: More abstraction feasible for loop checks? (commit: ed6db25) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Quick overhaul for handling scheduled set backs. (commit: 6e41730) — asofold / githubweb

#1071 (Apr 3, 2017, 11:02:20 AM)

  1. Fix NPE with legacy vehicle API. Use a stored list for null passenger. (commit: ba4001a) — asofold / githubweb

#1070 (Apr 2, 2017, 11:23:21 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Try to update passive player passengers data in a useful way. (commit: 1ac29ee) — asofold / githubweb

#1069 (Apr 2, 2017, 10:52:14 PM)

  1. Don't run legacy sweep attack detection, if the DamageCause exists. (commit: c017d00) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use getWidth and getHeight for Bukkit entities, once available. (commit: 0491fa7) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Comments: Attribute.GENERIC_MAX_HEALTH / IGenericInstanceHandle. (commit: f7a11bb) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Towards vehicles with multiple passengers. (commit: 30c3a40) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Make PassengerUtil non static. (commit: 5e751e4) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Change TeleportUtil.teleport to PassengerUtil.teleportWithPassengers. (commit: 386d484) — asofold / githubweb
  7. IEntityAccessVehicle.addPassenger, reduce warnings. (commit: 6a7d56c) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BLEEDING] Multi passenger vehicle set back. (commit: 30b9fe5) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Left over set back teleport cause. (commit: 29e05fe) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Keep that one nms (for old CB for MC 1.11.x versions on maven). (commit: f518371) — asofold / githubweb

#1067 (Apr 2, 2017, 1:22:40 PM)

  1. Order. (commit: e3d5b70) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BREAKING] Don't use TelelportCause.PLUGIN to avoid confusion (p+v). (commit: 6aeef95) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Log details in flylong, and always for file+console. (commit: d324fc0) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Simplify onTick, let JIT decide. (commit: 8b3dcff) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Player move set back: cancel event + schedule TP. (commit: c5e1f6b) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Use MovingData.debug here. (commit: 4d84a9f) — asofold / githubweb

#1066 (Feb 22, 2017, 10:20:51 PM)

  1. Allow the elytra model for creative mode, when not flying. (commit: c046658) — asofold / githubweb

#1065 (Feb 22, 2017, 9:11:40 PM)

  1. [BLIND] Slowness hack for walkSpeed and attributes. (commit: 7ee946c) — asofold / githubweb

#1064 (Feb 7, 2017, 9:37:11 PM)

  1. Add a method to remove all block change entries for certain coordinates. (commit: 0ae9e96) — asofold / githubweb

#1063 (Feb 5, 2017, 12:01:17 PM)

  1. Cap additum for hacc at 10. (commit: 514945f) — asofold / githubweb

#1062 (Feb 3, 2017, 10:55:57 PM)

  1. isRedundant: Do check for null before calling equals. (commit: 6f51fc5) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add a simplified method to add custom (fake) block changes. (commit: 6f1b97c) — asofold / githubweb

#1061 (Feb 3, 2017, 9:14:41 PM)

  1. Provide a public method to add custom/fake block change entries. (commit: 4cc747d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Expire entries based on interval of validity, if set. (commit: e129b58) — asofold / githubweb

#1060 (Feb 1, 2017, 6:10:38 PM)

  1. Don't skip processing if blocks are there (...). (commit: a4596ed) — asofold / githubweb

#1059 (Jan 29, 2017, 6:27:17 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Elytra boost: Who tested the other version!? (commit: 72b454b) — asofold / githubweb

#1058 (Jan 29, 2017, 6:11:16 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Elytra boost: track and allow ascend. (commit: c2449ac) — asofold / githubweb

#1057 (Jan 22, 2017, 10:49:00 PM)

  1. Fix NoFall issues on Spigot/MC 1.7.10. (commit: 8237fbc) — asofold / githubweb

#1056 (Jan 17, 2017, 1:09:26 AM)

  1. Dummy commit to check stuff. (commit: b0a9f35) — asofold / githubweb

#1055 (Jan 17, 2017, 12:58:04 AM)

  1. Don't give silent permissions as child permissions by default. (commit: 5b08078) — asofold / githubweb

#1054 (Jan 8, 2017, 3:26:37 PM)

  1. Disambiguate + fix redundant method call. (commit: 6bcaef9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Don't test block change activity before the extreme move check runs. (commit: 272aaf3) — asofold / githubweb

#1053 (Dec 30, 2016, 6:46:00 PM)

  1. isSameShape: with early return on either parameter being null. (commit: f560e75) — asofold / githubweb

#1052 (Dec 30, 2016, 7:49:40 AM)

  1. Comment on having ReflectEntity there. (commit: 664a01b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use 1.10.2 as dependency. (commit: ac82551) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Don't use the pre-1.11 method past 1.11. (commit: a4e106a) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Update NCPCompatCBDev to 1.11.2. (commit: 119e664) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLEEDING] Use early 1.10 and 1.11 for native dependencies. (commit: b99fe62) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Since builds fail with 1.11, use 1.11.2 here. (commit: 9dd01a6) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Track the current world name in ChatData for now. (commit: cf04ee5) — asofold / githubweb

#1049 (Dec 28, 2016, 11:27:29 PM)

  1. https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/NoCheatPlus/commit/8465c40d938c7ff196c62c9e8e1ade2cfc512f41#commitcomment-20312231 (commit: d85ee35) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Ignore Minecraft fall distance if it's greater than tracked. (commit: b6ae804) — asofold / githubweb

#1048 (Dec 28, 2016, 9:43:50 AM)

  1. Register the inventory.open permission. (commit: 11be3c7) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Register .silent check permission in postEnable. (commit: 8465c40) — asofold / githubweb

#1047 (Dec 27, 2016, 11:22:57 PM)

  1. Comment: More work needed towards null world compatibility. (commit: 17db0bd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Double trouble potential: NaN, infinity. (commit: d69dc0b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BREAKING] Move LocUtil to utilities.location (commit: 68eec44) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BREAKING] Move isBadCoordinate to LocUtil. (commit: b406204) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BREAKING] Move matchBlockFace to MapUtil. (commit: 1ba300f) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Implement isIllegalBounds for cbreflect. (commit: 95b2984) — asofold / githubweb
  7. isIllegalBounds: Check for bad coordinates as well. Down to 1.7.10. (commit: db68a71) — asofold / githubweb
  8. (Note entity bounding boxes on pre-1.7.10.) (commit: 32c0250) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add a script to create a detached module off NCPCompatCBDev. (commit: bd856c4) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Correct supported versions, clarify. (commit: c296170) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Add a dedicated compatibility module for 1.10.x (1.10 R1). (commit: 5089447) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Oops. (commit: b0f3f3a) — asofold / githubweb

#1046 (Dec 19, 2016, 6:57:47 AM)

  1. cleanup: null checks. (commit: 9d01191) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Guard vs. ReflectBase not being available. (commit: 21eb53f) — asofold / githubweb

#1045 (Dec 18, 2016, 11:19:49 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] First version of horizontal push. (commit: 1c024c0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix magic not used correctly. Indicate stuff. (commit: 0ea8d37) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Intercept UnsupportedOperationException in getWorldConfig. (commit: dcfdec7) — asofold / githubweb

#1044 (Dec 17, 2016, 8:49:32 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] One more step on slimes with pistons. (commit: cf3ea4a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Next step on past bounce with pistons. (commit: c9a744a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix nested vehicle check on vehicle enter. (commit: 7646476) — asofold / githubweb

#1043 (Dec 12, 2016, 7:39:36 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Consider an NPE fixed. (commit: 6d28354) — asofold / githubweb

#1042 (Dec 11, 2016, 2:04:14 PM)

  1. Tick should be int for now. (commit: 8e3c4d3) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Split off lazy expiration from getBlockChangeEntry. (commit: f5396e5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Missing check for null. (commit: cc52581) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Mention the reflection based module. (commit: e644b44) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Not AVR. (commit: da01ac1) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Use https for dbo. (commit: e7aab42) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [BREAKING] Make an extra package for block change tracking. (commit: 3cd7625) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BLEEDING] Sketch one approach for on-ground with past states. (commit: e6673de) — asofold / githubweb
  9. [BLEEDING] Cover blocks changed by entities for a change. (commit: 068a523) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Fix margin not being used for hasActivity. Distinguish shuffle. (commit: 602abfe) — asofold / githubweb
  11. COmments- (commit: 0cd07d2) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Add access methods for getting a BlockChangeEntry matching flags. (commit: 5afcfde) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Use the activation flag(s). Comments. (commit: ef9492b) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Add skipping conditions for redstone current change. (commit: 06c2cad) — asofold / githubweb
  15. [BLEEDING] Adjustments + more slime+piston support (incomplete). (commit: 9a6a370) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Don't add bluntly redundant block change entries. (commit: 9dca93e) — asofold / githubweb
  17. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Shift entry points for past state bounce. (commit: 6de231a) — asofold / githubweb

#1041 (Nov 29, 2016, 11:42:32 PM)

  1. Format, adapt getCorrectedBounds to use a node. (commit: 00b4dc5) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Debug log the timing window for the BlockChangeTracker, Adjust (commit: 65777e0) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Prepare adding block changes without direction. (commit: 26b4c7a) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add block changes via redstone events for door/gate like blocks. (commit: 3a6c0a4) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Random/ alter on-ground logic (might fix fences+some abuse). (commit: 4e58ff9) — asofold / githubweb

#1040 (Nov 28, 2016, 9:55:49 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Rework internals to use IBlockCacheNode (rough). (commit: e926f34) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Log resetting of fastconsume data for the obvious spots. (commit: 380ed8a) — asofold / githubweb

#1039 (Nov 28, 2016, 9:22:59 AM)

  1. More useful method naming and behavior for getting IBlockCacheNodeS. (commit: 511bcfd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Split off the per-block logic in isOnGround. (commit: c80ca6c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Use the appropriate variable here. (commit: 21505cf) — asofold / githubweb

#1038 (Nov 27, 2016, 11:20:40 AM)

  1. Maintain a validity interval (ticks) of an entry in an efficient way. (commit: c26c3cb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Keep track of cuboids of block change activity (resolution of 32). (commit: d96abe9) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Check activity before using the BlockChangeTracker. (commit: baf0938) — asofold / githubweb
  4. It's vertical here. (commit: a97ae01) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Cap the message letter count (128 length), to allow 1.11 messages. (commit: 4fdca46) — asofold / githubweb

#1037 (Nov 26, 2016, 1:59:38 PM)

  1. More neutral naming (rather blockMove than push). (commit: c477f1a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Ensure not to update with an older block change entry. +comments. (commit: 3097993) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Move + rename updateBlockChangeRef. (commit: 9abe1ae) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Clarify. (commit: 93b71bb) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Ensure to keep handles forever, once fetched. (commit: 892af50) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Opportunistic passable checking. (commit: dec6ef1) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Skip the legacy bull shit. (commit: 206d627) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Add per-path build numbers. Activate BlockChangeTRacker by default. (commit: 5939e1e) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Need to call updateFinal within MovingListener. (commit: 371afd9) — asofold / githubweb
  10. FastConsume: disable the instanteat check on reloading the (commit: ea9c5a1) — asofold / githubweb

#1036 (Nov 25, 2016, 10:39:28 AM)

  1. Suggest removal of world name tracking. (commit: f372d76) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow sub classes to query for ignored blocks. (commit: ae44be5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Comment on height150 (with axis tracing). (commit: 0a83462) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add 1.11 blocks. Add/alter comments. (commit: 574390f) — asofold / githubweb

#1035 (Nov 23, 2016, 11:47:32 PM)

  1. Properly unregister disabled handles, lazily. (commit: 6c73ab0) — asofold / githubweb

#1034 (Nov 23, 2016, 11:32:19 PM)

  1. Fix pre-checks for getHeight, use fail() rather. (commit: ba5f710) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Comments (simplify/complement some, add headers). (commit: 85460d5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Use an IBLockCacheNode for passing a node + private constants. (commit: d01951a) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Note on order of registration. (commit: 7db3a7d) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Ensure we don't attempt to hand out disabled handles. (commit: 1058a45) — asofold / githubweb

#1033 (Nov 22, 2016, 7:44:28 PM)

  1. ReflectBlock: fix block shape access for 1.11. (commit: bf32406) — asofold / githubweb

#1032 (Nov 22, 2016, 6:28:08 PM)

  1. Add retention policy etc. to MethodOrder. (commit: bb5afe0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Reflection module: access entity bounds/height etc. (commit: 12ce099) — asofold / githubweb

#1031 (Nov 22, 2016, 11:54:28 AM)

  1. FORMAT +comments +fibbity. (commit: 7fb1da6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Rename BlockChangeReference.entry to lastUsedEntry, comments. (commit: 24b45ae) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Start sketching out BlockCacheNode use. (commit: 62455f4) — asofold / githubweb
  4. First BlockCache implementation using nodes. (commit: cc538ee) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Implement getBlockCacheNode correctly (no interface). (commit: 67a500e) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add MCaccess to registry early, also add a BlockCache instance. (commit: e330414) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Keep track of past block states within BlockChangeTracker. (commit: da40bd0) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Detect 1.11 horse types. (commit: 2cf064b) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Allow ProtocolLib 4.2.0 on MC 1.11.x. (commit: f2b2450) — asofold / githubweb

#1030 (Nov 6, 2016, 7:07:07 PM)

  1. Debug log hacc as well. (commit: f3eb4f2) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLIND] Keep track of the position a player teleports to the end from. (commit: ba15cfc) — asofold / githubweb

#1029 (Nov 5, 2016, 10:13:25 PM)

  1. Null players. (commit: ec0d087) — asofold / githubweb

#1028 (Nov 5, 2016, 8:20:20 PM)

  1. Keep track of the world name in NetData, for use with CatchAllAdapter. (commit: 5e2e11d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Only check teleport if any packet adapter is active. (commit: 2cdf5ae) — asofold / githubweb

#1027 (Nov 2, 2016, 6:12:14 PM)

  1. Include the entire MC 1.10.x range with ProtocolLib 4.1 and later. (commit: b8746ef) — asofold / githubweb

#1026 (Nov 2, 2016, 8:52:37 AM)

  1. Ensure resetting hacc only happens with head obstructed. (commit: bea35e6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adjust hacc limit for liquid to 1.8.8 clients for now. (commit: cad500e) — asofold / githubweb

#1025 (Nov 1, 2016, 12:43:21 PM)

  1. More block flags: HEIGHT8_1 and ALLOW_LOWJUMP (see description below). (commit: 518f2f0) — asofold / githubweb

#1024 (Oct 31, 2016, 11:41:28 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING][INSTABLE] Attempt to know when the bloody bunny can't fly. (commit: 3d141f3) — asofold / githubweb

#1023 (Oct 31, 2016, 11:32:29 PM)

  1. Allow friction on ladders anyway (not only with velocity set). (commit: cec7927) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Run passable ignoring sneaking. Adjust box height for REL. (commit: 48a7e9c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add [NoCheatPlus] tag for earliest/latest log messages. (commit: 4b76522) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow latest version of protocollib on 1.8+ servers (commit: 84763fa) — github / githubweb
  5. Fix passable fp with 2-high ceiling. (commit: 7023fdb) — asofold / githubweb

#1022 (Jul 20, 2016, 8:04:30 AM)

  1. Quick fix attempt for placed material issues with off-hand. (commit: 7243ab7) — asofold / githubweb

#1021 (Jul 10, 2016, 11:10:57 PM)

  1. Allow higher ProtocolLib versions for MC 1.10. (commit: 2077944) — asofold / githubweb

#1020 (Jun 27, 2016, 4:57:42 AM)

  1. Simple and incomplete implementation for ICollideRayVsAABB. (commit: 3bdb541) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Let DataLocation extend IGetPositionWithLook. (commit: a38e63d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Complete initial draft for ICollideRayVsAABB. (commit: 050760a) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add convenience method to set the AABB. (commit: 889d21c) — asofold / githubweb
  5. The idea of choosing a simple implementation was to skip debugging. (commit: cce7e76) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add a sequence count to DataPacketFlying. (commit: 2623a1a) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Consistency fixes. (commit: 89dcd79) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Allow thread-safe fetching of instances (for now). (commit: 28f2a89) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add a method to test activation via AlmostBoolean for all configs. (commit: b420f34) — asofold / githubweb
  10. [BLEEDING] Overall packet spam check for pre-1.9. (commit: fc24fe5) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Proper activation check. (commit: eeb4922) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Another reason for dynamic check type registration. (commit: 514877e) — asofold / githubweb

#1018 (Jun 24, 2016, 8:10:55 AM)

  1. vehicle.envelope: Minecarts. (commit: 7df0f74) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Correction/clarify. (commit: de2db16) — asofold / githubweb

#1016 (Jun 23, 2016, 8:45:39 PM)

  1. Register MCAccess with the GenericInstanceFactory as well. (commit: 931c027) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Change order in onDisable (DisableListener, exemption, hooks). (commit: d4acad9) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BREAKING] Rename the new DisableListener to IDisableListener. (commit: 92252a9) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Registry changes concerning MCAccess. (commit: b6088c3) — asofold / githubweb
  5. More headers. (commit: fc90c7e) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BREAKING] Move interfaces that don't auto register outside of feature. (commit: 65525f3) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Quickly add box margins to LocationTrace/ITraceElement. (commit: 4653b46) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Move entity last position and look access to another package. (commit: bfc6422) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add a minimized interface for the odd width and height getting. (commit: 7130fed) — asofold / githubweb
  10. One more header. (commit: d8e8ecd) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Prepare a more strict fight.direction check. (commit: 2c614cc) — asofold / githubweb
  12. [BREAKING] Move more classes around. (commit: 863b897) — asofold / githubweb
  13. [BREAKING] Rename ICollide to ICollideBlocks. Add interface. (commit: f32f4f6) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Watching football yields... (commit: 97129c1) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Add locking against changes to generic registrations. (commit: c9efd7b) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Let's have different climb speed thresholds for ascend and descend. (commit: 99df1f6) — asofold / githubweb
  17. Allow walking on soil at the reported height (~1.10.2). (commit: 67e7b95) — asofold / githubweb

#1015 (Jun 18, 2016, 4:01:00 PM)

  1. More on GenericInstanceRegistry. (commit: 2bf3e14) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Implement more efficient handles. (commit: d6bb1e8) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fixes for handling illegal vehicle coordinates. (commit: 3073742) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Make illegal move kick messages configurable. (commit: 9c9210e) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add missing GPLv3 headers + accidentally add useless javadoc comments. (commit: bb8c8f4) — asofold / githubweb

#1014 (Jun 15, 2016, 11:38:07 PM)

  1. Also detect v123.5 for plugin versions. (commit: acca324) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add build profile for 1.7_r4 (1.7.10). (commit: 6f78eba) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Make the maximum for the horizontal buffer configurable (sf). (commit: f873075) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Implement peekFlyingQueue. (commit: e8ff907) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add PISTON_MOVING_PIECE as a default exception for now. (commit: c7f19bd) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Make limiting parameters for block change tracking accessible. (commit: 48bc795) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [BREAKING] Move default factories to a registry sub-package. (commit: bcbab97) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Notes. (commit: 87d3e51) — asofold / githubweb
  9. [BREAKING] Move (registry) interfaces to sub-packages. (commit: 77465b0) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Remove legacy compatibility module for glowstone. (commit: d521a99) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Add support for IPostRegisterRunnable. (commit: d5b45e5) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Allow to detect delegate players for some contexts. Other fix(es). (commit: 0868e30) — asofold / githubweb

#1013 (Jun 13, 2016, 10:25:43 PM)

  1. Use a class for version checking with ProtocolLib. (commit: 8aced9d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow some friction upwards on climbable for now. (commit: b6fa205) — asofold / githubweb

#1012 (Jun 13, 2016, 3:58:14 PM)

  1. Food level is ignored for sprinting with getAllowFlight returning true. (commit: 637f94f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Store World (nms). (commit: ea4108b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. CompatCBReflect: block shape fetching for MC 1.9 and 1.10. (commit: db945a7) — asofold / githubweb

#1011 (Jun 13, 2016, 11:46:52 AM)

  1. Extend debug logging for blockinteract (rate limited). (commit: e543d90) — asofold / githubweb

#1010 (Jun 13, 2016, 10:51:23 AM)

  1. [BREAKING] Demand build profile ncp_base to be activated. (commit: bddd898) — asofold / githubweb

#1008 (Jun 13, 2016, 9:29:24 AM)

  1. Let's not debug log these. (commit: 8ae3679) — asofold / githubweb
  2. ProtocolLib: build vs. 4.0.2, reactivate SoundDistance. (commit: 5ec8c2f) — asofold / githubweb

#1007 (Jun 12, 2016, 11:31:17 PM)

  1. Adjust end portal dupe hotfix to cover items as well. (commit: 94ff2c1) — asofold / githubweb

#1006 (Jun 12, 2016, 10:15:58 PM)

  1. Log supported version of ProtocolLib for MC 1.10. (commit: 052e8c1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Provide the block position hash we use via a static utility. (commit: 087d800) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Implement equals and hashCode for BlockPositionGet. (commit: bd68362) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Comments. (commit: fec027d) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Decouple legacy code. (commit: da8b056) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Use a getter for the xz-margin at the used resolution. (commit: 3bfd3a7) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [BLEEDING] Add the capability to load chunks on moving and teleporting. (commit: 245f538) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BLEEDING] Load chunks for vehicles too. (commit: 5e15dc8) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Destructive hot fix for item duplication via end portals. (commit: d948357) — asofold / githubweb

#1005 (Jun 11, 2016, 2:44:47 PM)

  1. More flexible registration (fall-backs for dedicated and reflection). (commit: e0d6585) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Re-add/repair reflection based attribute access. (commit: 1e3620a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Only clear the map if there are entries at all. (commit: 57cb458) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Alter 'ignoreFirst' mechanics with collision checking. (commit: b2d7c29) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Explicitly implement CoordMap<V>. (commit: 64dedf3) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Implement ignoreInitiallyColliding for (Passable) AxisTracing. (commit: ec333fb) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [BLEEDING] Switch implementation for moving.passable. (commit: 2ff0076) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BREAKING] Remove ignorepassable config support. (commit: ed10330) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Fix standing on TRAP_DOOR (and the like). (commit: 6269ca9) — asofold / githubweb

#1004 (Jun 10, 2016, 1:13:28 PM)

  1. Patch up ascending with minecarts. (commit: 720386a) — asofold / githubweb

#1003 (Jun 10, 2016, 11:37:49 AM)

  1. Meanwhile ... passable and ray-racing... and fixes. (commit: 5d0d5d4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Elaborate on ray-tracing with and/or passable. (commit: f1ffb23) — asofold / githubweb

#1002 (Jun 10, 2016, 6:59:54 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.15.0-SNAPSHOT for MC 1.10. (commit: 33d85a8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow ProtocolLib 4.0.2 and later on MC 1.10. (commit: 294afd4) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Dedicated module for Spigot (CB) 1_9_r2 (MC 1.9.4). (commit: e4f0259) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Update CompatCBDev to MC 1.10. (commit: f12aa93) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLIND] Add block-info for MC 1.10. (commit: 3cdfa4b) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Test build vs. spigot. (commit: fe3f115) — asofold / githubweb
  7. spigot-server (commit: eba5886) — asofold / githubweb
  8. no luck. (commit: 537eb79) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Minimize code for one generic instance factory instance. (commit: 8ba1f2c) — asofold / githubweb
  10. [BREAKING] Generic instance based attribute access. (commit: 7653838) — asofold / githubweb
  11. [BLEEDING] Guards for activation of IAtributeAccess implementations. (commit: f18e7e4) — asofold / githubweb
  12. [BREAKING] More on passable and ray tracing. (commit: 19312bd) — asofold / githubweb
  13. More on Passable/RayTracing. (commit: 181502c) — asofold / githubweb

#991 (Jun 8, 2016, 5:15:49 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Pigs can climb. (commit: f2d0123) — asofold / githubweb

#990 (Jun 7, 2016, 10:12:12 PM)

  1. Use PlayerMoveData instead of PlayerLocation rather. (commit: 2aa14a6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Envelope checks for more than boats. (commit: a664686) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix block flags set to same values (fences/gates). (commit: ce31566) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add groundMinHeight value for THICK_FENCE (1.0). (commit: 129733a) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix trap door on top side above ladder. (commit: 6ff2578) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Evolution has made pigs both wider and reach down farther. (commit: b35805a) — asofold / githubweb

#989 (Jun 6, 2016, 3:17:29 PM)

  1. Change config default for 'ingoreallowflight' to true. (commit: 785fe55) — asofold / githubweb
  2. 1.9.x special case: climbable trap doors. (commit: 100d3c8) — asofold / githubweb

#988 (Jun 3, 2016, 7:47:57 PM)

  1. Add the 'ncp stopwatch' command. (commit: 016d589) — asofold / githubweb

#987 (Jun 3, 2016, 7:04:25 AM)

  1. Call removeInvalid more. (+ Use addFirst.) (commit: b212440) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Ready for UEFA EC: GPLv3 headers. (commit: 4e91a9d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Make boatsanywhere configurable. (commit: 6e688cc) — asofold / githubweb

#986 (Jun 2, 2016, 9:46:55 AM)

  1. Do check for the expected size as well. (commit: 9a6a890) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Refactor to split off EntityDamageByEntityEvent handler. (commit: 184662b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Use AuxMoving instead of storing a XyMoveInfo instance. (commit: 5a4f93c) — asofold / githubweb
  4. FastConsume: account for off-hand on cancel. (commit: 241ff08) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Review dual wielding. (commit: 68c4ab2) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Remove deprecated default (location trace). (commit: 6290eb8) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Reduce warning level for NoCheatPlus. (commit: b1b30ab) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BLEEDING][BLIND] Debug only: unused vertical velocity. (commit: bc3948c) — asofold / githubweb

#985 (May 30, 2016, 8:49:41 PM)

  1. Use an interface for trace entries: ITraceEntry (commit: 75aa1b5) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Change implementation of LocationTrace. No merging based on distance. (commit: 2ade022) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Simplify (I)TraceEntry: remove lastDistSq. (commit: a02c328) — asofold / githubweb
  4. If there is one thing about contributing that is EASY TO DO IT IS (commit: 7f2bfe1) — asofold / githubweb

#984 (May 29, 2016, 11:36:04 AM)

  1. Ensure we're not the idiots, this time. (commit: a161609) — asofold / githubweb
  2. ExemptionSettings: meta data and npcs (no config yet). (commit: 347d4d3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Scrolling to the right. (commit: fb68797) — asofold / githubweb
  4. SetExemptionSettings has to be a static method. (commit: 22072a2) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add configurability for exemption settings. (commit: 2abb502) — asofold / githubweb

#983 (May 27, 2016, 12:24:07 PM)

  1. Account for off-hand item in FightListener. (commit: 5189379) — asofold / githubweb

#982 (May 26, 2016, 12:46:38 PM)

  1. Cover higher levels of the levitation effect. (commit: 8cb046a) — asofold / githubweb

#981 (May 25, 2016, 4:59:13 PM)

  1. Fix dealing damage if getAllowFlight returns true. Keep configurable. (commit: ba91842) — asofold / githubweb

#980 (May 25, 2016, 12:26:23 PM)

  1. Player moving: Debug log for states of allowFlight, flying and gliding. (commit: 0c6617d) — asofold / githubweb

#979 (May 24, 2016, 3:48:54 PM)

  1. Clarify function of this method. (commit: f009a14) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Debug log view and bottom/top inventory on inventory click. (commit: ec19311) — asofold / githubweb

#978 (May 22, 2016, 8:34:14 PM)

  1. Reset the actual morepackets (vehicle) data on calling that method. (commit: 6f53b63) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Distinguish original vs. final damage for ENTITY_ATTACK check. (commit: dfb65b2) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Review vehicle position resetting. (commit: a575a9b) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add hidden configuration for horizontal speed cap for vehicles. (commit: 0d0b42d) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix npe. (commit: 696b050) — asofold / githubweb

#975 (May 21, 2016, 3:09:49 PM)

  1. Tie "can't handle vehicle..." message to the allow-flight setting. (commit: 4818d95) — asofold / githubweb

#974 (May 21, 2016, 2:21:50 PM)

  1. More on vehicles (see details). (commit: 2b8dade) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Don't wrongly return null here. (commit: c19cd8c) — asofold / githubweb

#973 (May 16, 2016, 8:13:39 PM)

  1. Notes, adjust comments. (commit: 980af8d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Also recognize ProtocolLib versions just with build number prefix. (commit: a32bc25) — asofold / githubweb

#972 (May 16, 2016, 12:51:35 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING][INCOMPLETE][BREAKING][NOT_COMPILING] Changes towards (commit: c36f68a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Use past move data for vehicle move checking. (commit: fff9f76) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix last position access activation when it shouldn't. (commit: 171a5ba) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Invalidate vehicle set-back locations on world change. (commit: ddc0111) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fake vehicle enter on join. (commit: 6fb5291) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Alter debug logging and exception throwing to track things. (commit: 16647de) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Fix null world after set. (commit: 892944f) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Fix getLastNonPlayerVehicle use. Ensure positions on vehicle set-back. (commit: 420d100) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Fix toString. (commit: 43f0201) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Alter selected debug log messages for easier recognition. (commit: a0386c6) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Change IEntityAccessLastPositionAndLook to have get and set. (commit: 0726f97) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Add convenience methods (set). (commit: ea4f86c) — asofold / githubweb
  13. [BLEEDING] Force direct teleportation on vehicle set back by default. (commit: 23f5e0c) — asofold / githubweb

#969 (May 13, 2016, 8:29:06 AM)

  1. Refactor past move tracking. Few related changes for resetting logic. (commit: 970915c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Common super class for PlayerMoveData and VehicleMoveData. (commit: 929578a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BREAKING] MoveInfo as generic super class of PlayerMoveInfo. (commit: d5658cf) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Vehicle update: Only debug log if debug is set. (commit: 8bc696a) — asofold / githubweb

#968 (May 11, 2016, 7:51:01 PM)

  1. Note MC versions. (commit: bb2c2d0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Sketch a reflection based provider for (commit: 554c863) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Dent into things: Towards unified data structures for moving. (commit: 368f2fb) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Attempt to fix cross-plugin StackOverflowError with inventory.open. (commit: a41ff38) — asofold / githubweb

#966 (May 10, 2016, 11:01:42 PM)

  1. Prepare accessing last position for entities. (commit: e3aa28d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix getting the bottom vehicle. Added logging to discover. (commit: 43db457) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Dedicated compat module for Spigot/CraftBukkit 1.9-1.9.3 (1.9_R1). (commit: 0280db5) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Compatibility module for Spigot/CraftBukkit on MC 1.9.4. (commit: 0bcb994) — asofold / githubweb

#965 (May 7, 2016, 12:17:15 PM)

  1. Elaborate on PlayerLocation super classes. (commit: 6f95111) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BREAKING] Prepare more refined vehicle checks. (commit: 5d595cd) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Reorder methods. (commit: b747678) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Moving: Move player checks into a player package for now. (commit: a8954ad) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BREAKING] Rename fields from morePacketsVehicle... to vehicle... (commit: b6228e4) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BREAKING] Missing vehicle renames. (commit: 067497f) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Allow morepackets(player) to override the set-back by other checks. (commit: 6625470) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Optimize the preconditions for morepackets (player). (commit: 9c925f4) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Prevent setting the morepackets set-back, if newTo had already been (commit: 28d6809) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Format this. (commit: ecf0c99) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Vehicles: Prepare new checks and use correct config paths. (commit: 909e6d5) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Adjust rich locations (method order, prevent super class set). (commit: c98f883) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Ensure to have the vehicle morepackets set-back early. (commit: 1e6ac0f) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Use RichBoundsLocation instead of PlayerLocation in TrigUtil. (commit: d3de47f) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Avoid setting the vehicle more packets set-back early. (commit: 557208c) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Allow vertical velocity on climbables. (commit: 305e1b1) — asofold / githubweb
  17. [BLEEDING][INSTABLE][BREAKING] Changes (see detailed commit message). (commit: 96d95df) — asofold / githubweb
  18. Piston not so special case. (commit: 60a00bf) — asofold / githubweb
  19. Unify locations on debugging (DebugUtil). Remove formatted locations. (commit: 9249cb2) — asofold / githubweb
  20. [Breaking] More on locations and set-back. (commit: 64cbab1) — asofold / githubweb
  21. Refine location interfaces. Continue (Default/) SetBackStorage, naming. (commit: 5b8039c) — asofold / githubweb
  22. [BLEEDING] Make use of DefaultSetBackStorage for vehicle set-back. (commit: 3f00f73) — asofold / githubweb
  23. OOPS. (commit: f27ac30) — asofold / githubweb
  24. [BLEEDING][INSTABLE] Something for boats. (commit: f9d0a1a) — asofold / githubweb
  25. Add a workaround case for skipping a vehicle move event. Adjust ids. (commit: ab5ca5c) — asofold / githubweb
  26. Corrections and adaptions for moving.vehicle.envelope and boats. (commit: 25499d2) — asofold / githubweb
  27. Notes on meta-data lookup, names. (commit: 32ba391) — asofold / githubweb
  28. Code removed wrongly. (commit: ba5b38d) — asofold / githubweb
  29. If no more-packets set-back is there, use the ordinary one. (commit: 47e17b3) — asofold / githubweb
  30. Notes on notes. (commit: beac108) — asofold / githubweb
  31. Make the denylogin message configurable (strings section). (commit: 2281ba9) — asofold / githubweb

#960 (Apr 21, 2016, 12:37:05 AM)

  1. Enable assumed pvp knockback velocity past MC 1.8 by default. (commit: dcde95f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make PlayerLocation have super classes. (commit: 44a2a7a) — asofold / githubweb

#959 (Apr 11, 2016, 12:26:07 AM)

  1. Initialize missing counters. (commit: de49f6d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use end crytsal from bridge (don't crash on pre-1.9). (commit: dac45b6) — asofold / githubweb

#958 (Apr 2, 2016, 12:09:04 PM)

  1. Add workaround counters to oddSlope. (commit: 0b6f5b4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [Bleeding] Allow ProtocolLib 4.0.0 on MC [1.9, 1.10). See notes. (commit: db1d15d) — asofold / githubweb

#957 (Mar 26, 2016, 1:46:57 AM)

  1. Ignore null players in UseEntityAdaper. (commit: e5713ef) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Log just used workarounds on debug. (commit: 81b0c94) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Cover MagicAir.venvHacks with workaround counters. (commit: c138d97) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fix issues with respawning ender dragons (block place reqach+distance). (commit: a00b6a5) — asofold / githubweb

#956 (Mar 25, 2016, 11:20:42 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Use 1.9 API to detect actually using elytra. (commit: 677622a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Better naming for sfZerovDist (+Repeat), don't restrict by hDist. (commit: 60ab3c9) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Confine cobweb workaround by set-back distance. (commit: 8a82b23) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Adjustments for elytra and creativefly default model configs. (commit: 752e130) — asofold / githubweb

#955 (Mar 22, 2016, 6:21:44 PM)

  1. Quick and dirty: noob tower. (Might still need review for exploits.) (commit: 8353bdb) — asofold / githubweb

#954 (Mar 21, 2016, 5:15:20 PM)

  1. Move lost ground code to magic.LostGround. (commit: b131750) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Indentation, visibility. (commit: 395de51) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Split off checking for glide envelope with horizontal gain to magic. (commit: 206c985) — asofold / githubweb
  4. "Quickly" add lostground and a few specific workarounds to creativefly. (commit: 336b518) — asofold / githubweb

#953 (Mar 20, 2016, 9:30:53 PM)

  1. WTF elytra + end rod. (commit: 27abbfc) — asofold / githubweb

#952 (Mar 20, 2016, 2:21:37 PM)

  1. Increase the horizontal speed limit for elytra. (commit: 1bf6181) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make logging in creativefly more similar to survivalfly. (commit: 9c784cc) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Get rid of creativeFlyPreviousRefused. Only reduce vl if no violation. (commit: 5629bfe) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add missing check to.isOnGround() to creativefly step_up. (commit: 3b1260b) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Support adding more complex definitions of moved config paths. (commit: de5533a) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Duplicate javadocs. (commit: 10cf788) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [BREAKING] Change creative model config paths. Rename ModelFlying.xy. (commit: 1e01ad8) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BLEEDING] Re-organize creativefly, extend configuration. (commit: bc30368) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Expect outgoing teleport after respawn. (commit: 46b4641) — asofold / githubweb
  10. [NOTEWORTHY] Fix player instances being stored, though shouldn't. (commit: 2676609) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Allow ProtocolLib 4.0.0 or later on MC 1.9. (commit: d35291e) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Use the respawn location. (commit: 0496af0) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Increase default login ticks to 60 for hover. (commit: ff12a15) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Log in survivalfly, if the player is wearing elytra, but no end rod. (commit: 56f217c) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Move default yOnGround constants to Magic. (commit: 1b85e91) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Remove modsprint from levitation, since modifiers set to false does. (commit: 2c46f52) — asofold / githubweb
  17. Tackle some of the issues with Elytra but without end rod (unfinished). (commit: 48bf891) — asofold / githubweb

#951 (Mar 18, 2016, 9:31:43 AM)

  1. Fight: more debug logging, confine thorns workaround. (commit: bbf3baa) — asofold / githubweb
  2. First version of sweep attack compatibility. (commit: 51885cd) — asofold / githubweb

#950 (Mar 15, 2016, 11:01:14 PM)

  1. Force disable FastHeal on Minecraft 1.9 and later. (commit: f3d4941) — asofold / githubweb

#948 (Mar 15, 2016, 7:18:25 PM)

  1. Move code between classes of magic. More on splash moves. (commit: 8c1b21a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Attempt to catch https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/Issues/issues/94. (commit: ca71865) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Prioritize flying over elytra. (commit: c5bda06) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow step up. (commit: 0be4373) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add a cbdev profile for building. (commit: 1be694d) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add profiles for spigot1_8_r3 and spigot1_9_r1. (commit: a8a1f1b) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Put the table last. (commit: 1e65556) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Newline. (commit: 847e76a) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Test. (commit: 65f5f96) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Clarify build options. (commit: 6763f17) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Actually clarify. (commit: 56614aa) — asofold / githubweb
  12. README.md too difficult. (commit: 48fa508) — asofold / githubweb

#942 (Mar 11, 2016, 12:39:56 AM)

  1. Keep track of ModelFlying in MoveData. (commit: 8d43b0a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BREAKING] Create a common interface for per-player debug messages. (commit: 7dcbe3d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Ensure a set-back is set in the MovingListener with one method. (commit: b0caec0) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Delegate some rare checking to methods. (commit: 783b896) — asofold / githubweb
  5. More splash moves. (commit: 8b6d132) — asofold / githubweb

#941 (Mar 10, 2016, 6:43:09 PM)

  1. Allow ProtocolLib 3.7.0 as well. Move method code to GenericVersion. (commit: ca8cbda) — asofold / githubweb

#940 (Mar 9, 2016, 10:59:00 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Remove pvp-knockback workaround with 1.9 (read on). (commit: cb50f2c) — asofold / githubweb

#939 (Mar 7, 2016, 9:57:39 PM)

  1. Fix rush auto suggestion. (commit: 81c7444) — asofold / githubweb

#938 (Mar 6, 2016, 1:52:42 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING][INSTABLE] First rough levitation + elytra support (read on). (commit: d346793) — asofold / githubweb

#937 (Mar 5, 2016, 7:36:46 PM)

  1. Correctly note '1.9' blocks. Fixes Issue #109. (commit: e58b334) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Extend pre-setup checks for dedicated MCAccess for 1.9. (commit: 4221f5b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fetch block shapes without using updateState. (commit: b408750) — asofold / githubweb

#936 (Mar 4, 2016, 9:46:43 PM)

  1. Allow standing on shulker (dedicated MCAccess for 1.9 only). (commit: 262a7b2) — asofold / githubweb

#935 (Mar 4, 2016, 8:48:01 PM)

  1. Add rough values for 1.9 blocks. (commit: 65c4815) — asofold / githubweb

#934 (Mar 4, 2016, 1:03:24 PM)

  1. Confine the accepted Minecraft version for ProtocolLib 3.7 more. (commit: 62ea433) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Fix block shape retrieval for 1.9. (commit: c5d99f9) — asofold / githubweb

#933 (Mar 3, 2016, 7:23:15 PM)

  1. Re-enable split move handling for MC 1.9. (commit: 7d2c1ce) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Prepare detecting other flying methods. Accidental import organize. (commit: c800b55) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Dedicated MCAccess for 1.9. (commit: c221264) — asofold / githubweb

#932 (Mar 2, 2016, 6:52:42 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Allow ProtocolLib 3.7 and disable SoundDistance on MC 1.9. (commit: 9be2cd2) — asofold / githubweb

#931 (Mar 2, 2016, 5:54:55 PM)

  1. Delegate testing for presence and level to generic methods. (commit: bb66726) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.14.0-SNAPSHOT, due to a major MC version change. (commit: d91a372) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Quick workaround for split moves (disable handling). (commit: 3c3ae4b) — asofold / githubweb

#930 (Feb 18, 2016, 9:06:57 AM)

  1. Fix NPE with time running backwards. (commit: 557373a) — asofold / githubweb

#929 (Feb 16, 2016, 11:21:39 AM)

  1. Fix violation being added twice for display. (commit: 14e4620) — asofold / githubweb
  2. isHeadObstructed: Throw an IllegalArgumentException on margin < 0. (commit: 8d6b930) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BREAKING][BLEEDING] Adjust the API to the upcoming penalty framework. (commit: 851203e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Update readme (ProtocolLib). (commit: 6d20b92) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Use a provided interface to fill in input-specific penalties. (commit: 0915acd) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add Check.executeActions with IPenaltyList as extra argument. (commit: e958e6e) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Clarify javadocs. (commit: 4599194) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Allow using blocks with boat in hand. (commit: 10a1d1f) — asofold / githubweb
  9. [BLEEDING] Add early check for extreme moves (sub check of sf/cf). (commit: 5f41715) — asofold / githubweb

#928 (Feb 8, 2016, 12:56:35 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.13.8-SNAPSHOT for next iteration. (commit: b2b5cd1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Clarify which versions of ProtocolLib are supported by NCP. (commit: 40a8383) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Prepare 'data removal light' for time running backwards. (commit: f6a0040) — asofold / githubweb
  4. PlayerPortalEvent: add to debug log, don't reset data if to is null. (commit: 302b1ec) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix hash code use. (commit: 5d72a51) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Just start small (Bukkit.getServer() fails on tests). (commit: 5e1c71b) — asofold / githubweb

#925 (Jan 31, 2016, 4:31:48 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.13.7-SNAPSHOT for next development iteration. (commit: 9ef8399) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use one generic instance for Random. (commit: cc68a52) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Set version to 3.13.7-RC for release. (commit: 7360e33) — asofold / githubweb

#924 (Jan 28, 2016, 11:09:41 PM)

  1. Can't increase to 0. (commit: f057f39) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Javadocs/comments. (commit: 27e30ce) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Change all protected visibility to private for now. (commit: 9aabb11) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Sketch out another storage map (not yet in use). (commit: 6c977ed) — asofold / githubweb
  5. allviolations: Adjust message format to other debug messages. (commit: d7b1748) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Adjust things for a low ceiling. (commit: f87870b) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Set version to 3.13.6-BETA for release. (commit: 12d038e) — asofold / githubweb

#923 (Jan 26, 2016, 11:39:58 PM)

  1. Fix stepping onto boats. (commit: c20d593) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use the bounds coordinates as intended. (commit: 36c018b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Adjust checking for 'head obstructed'. (commit: f22bf88) — asofold / githubweb

#922 (Jan 26, 2016, 12:54:57 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Reduce fp with blockinteract.visible using ProtocolLib. (commit: 8985b67) — asofold / githubweb

#921 (Jan 25, 2016, 8:52:45 PM)

  1. Add isOptimized() test to Action, GenericLogAction. (commit: 6282a9a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Enable hooks to test for presence of applicable log actions. (commit: 9118aa0) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Switch debug messages to a standard format. (commit: 544e1ad) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Alter tags in blockinteract.visible. (commit: f6dfa51) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Move moving specific logging methods back to the moving listener. (commit: d62ff67) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Swap player name and check type for standard format. (commit: 0a32d55) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Replace ( and ) by ~ in /ncp version. Just BLOCKSMC1_4, no (base). (commit: e278e01) — asofold / githubweb

#920 (Jan 18, 2016, 11:22:11 PM)

  1. Log untracked outgoing position. Simplify onPacketSending. (commit: 2fdd991) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Exclude violation on clearly accepted envelopes early. (commit: 2e216c4) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Make one method for all the oddXYZ stuff. (commit: 57378a1) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow friction based horizontal distance in creativefly. (commit: 822cb90) — asofold / githubweb

#919 (Jan 17, 2016, 11:48:35 PM)

  1. Rough sketch of workaround confinement and statistics support. (commit: 567ef1b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. A blueprint. (commit: f337538) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Second iteration on the workaround infrastructure (not in use). (commit: d2b151a) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Don't override use in WorkaroundCountDown. Adjust java docs. (commit: f0dd675) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Rename interface to I... (commit: 8a70ad9) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add tests for workarounds. (commit: db46209) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add tests for SimpleWorkaroundRegistry. Related fixes. (commit: aacb97b) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Add tests for WorkaroundSet. Related fixes/changes. (commit: 228ed2f) — asofold / githubweb
  9. [BLEEDING] Make use of workarounds for a specific case, test-wise. (commit: 0213760) — asofold / githubweb

#918 (Jan 14, 2016, 10:52:32 PM)

  1. Log the stack trace (once) for improper API access. (commit: 88c204d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Too fast +-. (commit: 0270793) — asofold / githubweb

#915 (Jan 12, 2016, 12:18:26 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.13.6-SNAPSHOT for progress. (commit: ec2c631) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Reset fall distance and NoFall data on a fly-nofly transition. (commit: 3bcfeff) — asofold / githubweb

#914 (Jan 7, 2016, 9:49:17 PM)

  1. Cherry pick from pr https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/NoCheatPlus/pull/37 (commit: 3f4cd10) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.13.5-BETA for release. (commit: 0634e22) — asofold / githubweb

#913 (Jan 6, 2016, 10:34:19 PM)

  1. More margin for falling after data reset. (commit: 222a983) — asofold / githubweb

#912 (Jan 6, 2016, 9:38:28 AM)

  1. Fix various cases with velocity around lava (swimup, vdistrel). (commit: 6b1277e) — asofold / githubweb

#911 (Jan 5, 2016, 11:48:17 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix bounce with carpet above slime block. (commit: 1c580c1) — asofold / githubweb

#910 (Jan 3, 2016, 11:43:12 AM)

  1. [BLIND] Fix after-data-reset workaround (skip_paper): bypass vdistrel (commit: 5bbd22d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Move some code into a method. (commit: e54d7a2) — asofold / githubweb

#909 (Jan 1, 2016, 11:49:31 PM)

  1. Adjust oddLiquid case (moving out of water with velocity). (commit: daf6ab7) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add oddGravity case (slightly too small decrease, moving up, velocity). (commit: 9e3e1b9) — asofold / githubweb
  3. vDistLiquid: Extend workaround for second in-medium move (swimdown). (commit: 37c35cd) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add special case using two past moves (rare). (commit: 2bb605a) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Change the 'step' detection. (commit: 856e723) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Move most static stuff from SurvivalFly to a Magic class. (commit: 56666bc) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add oddFriction case (near zero yDistance). (commit: dcc0ac3) — asofold / githubweb

#908 (Dec 31, 2015, 11:55:24 PM)

  1. vDistAir: Fix envelope for missing/reset past move data. (commit: 65e655a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Further simplify onPlayerTeleport (early return). (commit: 539294c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. onPlayerTeleport: Only use ref locally, where needed. (commit: 99598b9) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Split teleport handling to using multiple priorities. (commit: 6110e93) — asofold / githubweb

#907 (Dec 28, 2015, 9:42:46 PM)

  1. Add cncp and ProtocolLib versions to 'ncp version' output. (commit: 4730b35) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Invalidate past move data on leave. (commit: 9b71b25) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add convenience methods. (commit: 7be8a9c) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Collect block flags on adjustMediumProperties. (commit: 73cdef5) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLEEDING] Add/move typical flags to past move tracking. (commit: 67071b3) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Reset positions with extra properties, also set medium properties. (commit: 1dad595) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Make 'related plugins' a headline in the 'ncp version' command. (commit: 6c797f8) — asofold / githubweb

#906 (Dec 21, 2015, 10:02:03 PM)

  1. Set thisMove.flyCheck as early as possible. (commit: ea9198c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Check for base allowed distance instead of actual in some places. (commit: d3778bb) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Support (wildcard) exemption by meta data 'nocheat.exempt'. (commit: b2aae76) — asofold / githubweb

#905 (Dec 19, 2015, 9:33:48 PM)

  1. Don't allow item use on blockinteract.speed violations. (commit: 2145a6a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BREAKING] Use MoveData for more 'last123'-type properties. (commit: 16a1e08) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Invalidate currently processed move, if a teleport happened. (commit: 3cfa6cf) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Move more properties to MoveData. (commit: aaa7f63) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Store allowed base + actual hDistanceS in MoveData, use on bunny. (commit: b7af1be) — asofold / githubweb

#904 (Dec 15, 2015, 7:52:59 PM)

  1. Add hack for slowness + sprint. (commit: dab3229) — asofold / githubweb

#903 (Dec 13, 2015, 10:23:24 PM)

  1. Store past moves as MoveData (raw sketch, no change on logic). (commit: cfc2db9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Store if head is obstructed for past moves and make use of it. (commit: 98df033) — asofold / githubweb

#902 (Dec 13, 2015, 5:06:29 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.13.5-SNAPSHOT. (commit: b7825a1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Tickets are now on GitHub: https://github.com/NoCheatPlus/Issues/issues (commit: 532f8e3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Adjust use of isHeadObstructed. (commit: 742877d) — asofold / githubweb

#901 (Dec 12, 2015, 3:06:26 PM)

  1. Update time for stored entries, in case time ran backwards. (commit: b0dd8b1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Don't add a new entry after merging. (commit: 71abb63) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fight auto-indent. (commit: 9dbd721) — asofold / githubweb
  4. More oddLiquid cases (moving down out of water). (commit: bd9f471) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Expect an outgoing teleport for cancelled PlayerMoveEventS. (commit: acc3376) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Set version to 3.13.4-BETA for release. (commit: 87ba598) — asofold / githubweb

#900 (Dec 9, 2015, 9:15:51 PM)

  1. Extend margin for PaperSpigot workaround, confine by split move 1. (commit: f9f04fe) — asofold / githubweb

#899 (Dec 9, 2015, 11:14:31 AM)

  1. Faster return for packets missing position or look data. (commit: 7db75f4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add missing return value. (commit: 4e0b617) — asofold / githubweb

#898 (Dec 9, 2015, 9:40:12 AM)

  1. Confine PaperSpigot workaround by jumpphase instead of hDistance. (commit: 0fe398c) — asofold / githubweb

#897 (Dec 8, 2015, 6:26:35 PM)

  1. Use a real queue for TeleportQueue. (commit: e82a989) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Less comma. (commit: 2ac4bc7) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Increase default max age. (commit: 0ccfe96) — asofold / githubweb

#896 (Dec 8, 2015, 12:32:15 PM)

  1. Set version to continued 3.13.4-SNAPSHOT. (commit: 0645922) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLIND] Add special case to skip vdistsb to prevent a set-back loop. (commit: 61d5840) — asofold / githubweb

#895 (Dec 7, 2015, 9:49:34 AM)

  1. Adjust liquid height, fixes jumping on fence with water above. (commit: dfcc30a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Sketch block change tracking (incomplete, deactivated by default). (commit: eb3a868) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Other special cases for water. (commit: b2b3ca8) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Prefer not to use DebugUtil.debug for non-temporary use. (commit: 794fb99) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Set version to 3.13.2-BETA for release. (commit: 48f9d24) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Set version to 3.13.3-SNAPSHOT for continous thing. (commit: 219f222) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Fix NPE. (commit: 1c1529c) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Set version to 3.13.3-BETA for release. (commit: 023bddb) — asofold / githubweb

#892 (Dec 6, 2015, 11:05:11 PM)

  1. Do move AttackFrequency to NCPCore. (commit: 067d629) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove the strapackets cancel part, only skip FlyingFrequency on ACK. (commit: 4d3ee38) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Not return here. (commit: a2cba68) — asofold / githubweb

#889 (Dec 5, 2015, 8:41:42 PM)

  1. Fixes and tests for LinkedCoordHashMap. (commit: a216a94) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set ignorestance to true on 1.8 and later. (commit: 1d8d2f6) — asofold / githubweb

#888 (Nov 29, 2015, 1:56:59 PM)

  1. Remove some commented out parts. (commit: 567647f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Confine the bunnyhop envelopy by y-Distance further. (commit: 2e11cda) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Partly fix up bunny hop conditions. (commit: 1053c21) — asofold / githubweb

#886 (Nov 29, 2015, 10:13:45 AM)

  1. Typo. (commit: fdf15fc) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Legacy compat: Use BridgeHealth for health. (commit: 8cecf23) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Use LogManager or comment Bukkit logger use. (commit: 56fa751) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Log getGroundMinHeight, where it differs from maxY. (commit: 7057f8f) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Account for GROUND_HEIGHT in isPassableWorkaround. Fix end portal frame. (commit: 1c07ade) — asofold / githubweb

#885 (Nov 28, 2015, 8:18:10 PM)

  1. Remove the unused velocitygraceticks thing. (commit: 6e602af) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Log all violations for on-the-fly debugging by default, configurable. (commit: 4a8f19e) — asofold / githubweb

#884 (Nov 26, 2015, 10:29:06 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.13.2-SNAPSHOT. (commit: e315b43) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set internal dependencies to provided for all the compat modules. (commit: 556ef2b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BREAKING] Move several methods from MinecraftVersion to GenericVersion. (commit: 282024f) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Do set to GenericVersion.UNKNOWN_VERSION, if the input equals it. (commit: 2c5acce) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Allow ProtocolLib 3.6.4 to enable on supported version of Minecraft. (commit: 1f33f32) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix moving/flying packet interpretation for before 1.8. (commit: 6094bf8) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Don't enable EntityUseAdapter on 1.6.4 and before. (commit: 1e80b53) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Legacy compat: Move THORNS to BridgeEnchant. (commit: 92b5d0f) — asofold / githubweb

#883 (Nov 25, 2015, 8:19:27 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.13.1-BETA for release. (commit: cb4613e) — asofold / githubweb

#882 (Nov 25, 2015, 7:59:17 AM)

  1. Set scope to provided for external jars. (commit: 64b4f30) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set Bukkit dependency to 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT, scope to 'provided'. (commit: 473ec38) — asofold / githubweb

#881 (Nov 25, 2015, 7:22:39 AM)

  1. Move AttackFrequency and KeepAliveFrequency as checks to NCPCore. (commit: 8b1eb86) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BREAKING] Move ActionFrequency and ActionAccumulator to a sub-package. (commit: 218fdc4) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add convenience methods for comparison with the set minecraft version. (commit: 55cf5c0) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Only use ProtocolLib hooks for Minecraft 1.8.x (until having modules). (commit: 92ecf7c) — asofold / githubweb

#880 (Nov 24, 2015, 3:02:24 AM)

  1. Log null data as "(incompatible data)". (commit: 7d57e68) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make FlyingFrequency a standard check in NCPCore. (commit: ea0e9e1) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Clarify, potentially. (commit: 1c608ec) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fix LogAction, let it extend a more generic one. (commit: 98ae3fb) — asofold / githubweb

#879 (Nov 23, 2015, 5:15:04 AM)

  1. Use my maven repo and the latest release of ProtocolLib (commit: fd2ee45) — dmulloy2 / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.13.1-SNAPSHOT for continuous development. (commit: 0c6c38b) — asofold / githubweb

#878 (Nov 22, 2015, 1:50:19 AM)

  1. Count moves inside media other than water. Add lava special case. (commit: 5e17ce0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Let fly speed apply with flying upwards. (commit: 83c8d52) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Work around issues with switching from flying to survivalfly. (commit: 88d3741) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Set version to 3.13.0-BETA for release. (commit: 59a4398) — asofold / githubweb

#877 (Nov 21, 2015, 12:51:51 PM)

  1. Add oddLiquid case for moving out of water with velocity. (commit: c08a670) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Refine interact event cancelling. (commit: fb66ea7) — asofold / githubweb

#876 (Nov 16, 2015, 4:11:41 PM)

  1. Adjust block height for liquid. (commit: 76ef40f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Pull through lava friction + fixes and changes for friction in general. (commit: 6c74fa0) — asofold / githubweb

#875 (Nov 16, 2015, 1:01:06 PM)

  1. Always update last received time. (commit: 0f1a534) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Log fight.speed violations only for higher vls (legacy). (commit: d899334) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add check: net/AttackFrequency (without improbable). (commit: 8ff29c2) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Feed combined.improbable from net.attackfrequency. (commit: c1cd680) — asofold / githubweb

#874 (Nov 16, 2015, 1:34:11 AM)

  1. Run updatePermStateReceivers late. (commit: 3ebde69) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Random: Add join for an array. (commit: 5fe02d7) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Config order: captcha before color. (commit: bbe20a4) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Passable split move: Always test vertical-first, never horizontal-first. (commit: 2d24049) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Also check steps done with the split move. (commit: 7286df5) — asofold / githubweb

#873 (Nov 15, 2015, 2:28:50 AM)

  1. Let lava have a dedicated vertical friction factor. (commit: eef50d0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Only count in depth strider with water. (commit: 5d4c71e) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Workarounds for moving down (-stream) in lava. (commit: 4fd834e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Revert to using the same vertical friction for lava and water, for now. (commit: 6607053) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Adjust isEnabled and hasBypass use. (commit: f1c5808) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add [health] tag for logging, allow health and world be set by checks. (commit: 1fc7752) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Use ICaptcha and CheckUtils instead of Captcha. (commit: b8577e1) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Allow to skip commands on captcha. (commit: f3a6ba9) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Repair accidental commit of CheckType (throw permissions at'em). (commit: 2ac98f7) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Encapsulate Player instance lookup in a PlayerMap object. (commit: 528410f) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Move prefixes to loggers. (commit: af5fbd9) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Don't use method name shorteners. (commit: d62951a) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Fix colors for the ingame chat prefix. (commit: 1181169) — asofold / githubweb

#869 (Nov 7, 2015, 8:29:07 PM)

  1. Use a higher vertical component for pvp-knockback. (commit: 22a7492) — asofold / githubweb

#868 (Nov 1, 2015, 11:56:33 PM)

  1. Allow all speed modifiers to apply with depth strider in water. (commit: cb4f1a8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix vdistrel with head obstructed. (commit: 0a7d4c6) — asofold / githubweb

#867 (Oct 26, 2015, 1:36:16 AM)

  1. Add LiftOffEnvelope.UNKNOWN as default, to distinguish from web. (commit: 8adab53) — asofold / githubweb

#866 (Oct 26, 2015, 1:09:43 AM)

  1. Update README.md (mostly wiki links), add CONTRIBUTING.md. (commit: 603a4db) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Not bullet this. (commit: 9a3b901) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Update CONTRIBUTING.md. (commit: 975aa41) — asofold / githubweb
  4. A little bit extra. (commit: 5587d7f) — asofold / githubweb
  5. One mroe. (commit: 1663305) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Quick link CONTRIBUTE.md from README.md. (commit: b443ae7) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Too quick. (commit: d05e683) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Use moveInfo.useLoc for player move. (commit: 18ddb34) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Also set passable. (commit: 377689b) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Workarounds for cobweb and slime blocks. (commit: bb25a0d) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Cap bounce effect by last y-distances. Set last h/v dist differently. (commit: 0febcfe) — asofold / githubweb

#865 (Oct 22, 2015, 10:47:50 AM)

  1. More fixes four bouncing off slime blocks. (commit: f578b4d) — asofold / githubweb

#864 (Oct 22, 2015, 1:16:09 AM)

  1. Add convenience methods to DebugUtil. (commit: 6ee9528) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix processingEvents use. Reorder conditions for bounce. Comments. (commit: 1669809) — asofold / githubweb

#863 (Oct 21, 2015, 12:04:09 AM)

  1. Switch the default asynchronous CallContext to ASYNCHRONOUS_TASK. (commit: 4d59f67) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Bump version to 3.13.0. (commit: 2dd081d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Part-repair slime block trampoline support. (commit: 537b387) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Split off untracked moves. Elaborate on slime blocks. (commit: 8de7907) — asofold / githubweb

#862 (Oct 18, 2015, 3:38:38 PM)

  1. Add slowness effect level to debug log. (commit: b6a5d76) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Teleports: Cancel incoming position, until receiving an ACK. (commit: 343b5ac) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Allow updating set-back, when small-range TP leads to a safe position. (commit: 0b7a259) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add essential configurability for "stray-packet" cancelling (TP-ACK). (commit: 1e70dc0) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Ouch(.) (commit: b179dba) — asofold / githubweb

#860 (Oct 10, 2015, 9:30:13 PM)

  1. Update repository references. (commit: dcc4e80) — asofold / githubweb

#859 (Oct 6, 2015, 11:34:26 AM)

  1. Reset last distances to Double.MAX_VALUE. (commit: c3ab80c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove duplicate cleanup call. (commit: 854f70a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Adjust expected near-zero gravity behavior for jump effect. (commit: 5205836) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Increase compatibility with more extreme jump effects (see below). (commit: 2c48e0f) — asofold / githubweb

#858 (Oct 4, 2015, 10:04:48 PM)

  1. Alter bunnyhop preconditions. Remove lostground stairs. (commit: b21ca20) — asofold / githubweb

#857 (Oct 4, 2015, 8:16:37 PM)

  1. Fix npe. (commit: b749dfd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Override block height for farmland (soil). (commit: 7f8740b) — asofold / githubweb

#856 (Oct 2, 2015, 10:42:39 PM)

  1. Optimize reset (no need for using per-count locks). (commit: 95c6af9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add yaw and pitch to getLocation. (commit: 01671a0) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BREAKING] Move maps into a maps package. Prepare a linked CoordMap. (commit: 9efcf01) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Use an iterator for remove. (commit: f70151d) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Implement a linked coord hash map, custom order, tests. (commit: 08c5aa2) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Don't call move, if there is no entry. (commit: f0c6ab6) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add lostground_vcollide. (commit: 222c6bd) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Only check vdistsb if moving upwards and not stepping. Confine vcollide. (commit: 49c08c4) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Do debug log for block break and place and dig/place packets. (commit: 7bcae64) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Allow normal gravity slope after having been on ground. (commit: ee2df3f) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Set a lower Y_ON_GROUND_DEFAULT. (commit: 289d727) — asofold / githubweb

#855 (Sep 27, 2015, 7:56:01 PM)

  1. Adjust breaking times for DRAGON_EGG. (commit: 7110d0e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use more fine grained locks. Fix a couple of consistency issues. (commit: 5f47eab) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Remove cancelling redundant packets, re-organize, debug log flying. (commit: 444fcb9) — asofold / githubweb

#854 (Sep 20, 2015, 10:38:21 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING][BREAKING] Rework much of y-axis handling. (commit: 8230a13) — asofold / githubweb

#853 (Sep 13, 2015, 12:53:54 PM)

  1. [BREAKING] Group several classes into sub packages for moving. Renames. (commit: b2caae3) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Part-revert activating vertical accounting once velocity is used up. (commit: f3a1377) — asofold / githubweb

#852 (Sep 12, 2015, 9:25:18 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Re-activate accounting once vertical velocity is used up. (commit: 0a5f590) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Losen bounds for edgeasc5/7. (commit: 122e072) — asofold / githubweb

#851 (Sep 12, 2015, 1:49:32 PM)

  1. Add a lostground case for untracked (micro) moves. Reorder a few things. (commit: 382ecd9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Test for depth strider on all armor items. (commit: b288afa) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Rough coverage of another false postive (edgeasc5 and edgeasc7). (commit: 6d1c566) — asofold / githubweb

#850 (Sep 10, 2015, 12:12:28 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Remove "interpolate" workaround. (commit: 30abbe0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Another special case bunny (@Iceee). (commit: f2f66c1) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Do check for the other types of flying packets. (commit: f2783cf) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Attempt to refine lostground/edge. (commit: d37961e) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Revive lostground-interpolate as edgeasc1, slightly altered. (commit: 3db2484) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Do apply the cap for lostground_edgeasc1. (commit: ba40cfb) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Don't wildcard allow bunny hop (seems not needed anymore). (commit: fbfa11b) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Attempt to fix 1st move bunny and couldstep+vdist. (commit: 134b8e7) — asofold / githubweb

#849 (Aug 15, 2015, 9:55:34 PM)

  1. Allow sprinting during flight, disregarding food level. (commit: 8c79309) — asofold / githubweb

#848 (Aug 9, 2015, 9:40:48 PM)

  1. Demand moving up first for lowjump detection. Refine tag use. (commit: 463d16b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow sfStepHeight for lostground_step. (commit: 0b89cdd) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Only ignore the first block of the primary line, if ignoreFirst is set. (commit: 389df1a) — asofold / githubweb

#847 (Aug 9, 2015, 2:38:54 PM)

  1. SF + set-back policy: Set back to void, group "falldamage" here. (commit: c9df823) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove the "bedstep" workaround in favor of a configurable step height. (commit: 56d32c4) — asofold / githubweb

#846 (Aug 1, 2015, 8:08:52 PM)

  1. Adjustments to bunnyhop / bump. (commit: 2151d9d) — asofold / githubweb

#845 (Aug 1, 2015, 12:49:08 PM)

  1. Bunny fix and bumping the head into the ceiling, various adjustments. (commit: c5574b5) — asofold / githubweb

#844 (Jul 31, 2015, 11:32:14 PM)

  1. Use -P all on Jenkins to build all compat modules. (commit: 3b513ce) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set the string property cbdedicated to true and use -P all on Jenkins. (commit: bcd9339) — asofold / githubweb

#840 (Jul 31, 2015, 11:09:29 PM)

  1. [FAIL] ... bunnyhop on the first move (or after resetting data). (commit: cccbcbb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Update supported version. (commit: 6959504) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Minimize includes. (commit: e96d142) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Building NCP: Build without cbdedicated by default. (commit: 2d94389) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Use tabs for all the pom.xml. (commit: 866a224) — asofold / githubweb

#836 (Jul 30, 2015, 11:23:39 PM)

  1. Allow stepping onto beds. Activated from 1.8 on, configurable. (commit: 3448f66) — asofold / githubweb

#835 (Jul 30, 2015, 9:34:08 AM)

  1. [RANDOM] Move repository for deployment to the other pom. (commit: 865779d) — asofold / githubweb

#834 (Jul 30, 2015, 9:30:31 AM)

  1. Attempt to deploy only the final plugin jar. (commit: 7da874a) — asofold / githubweb

#833 (Jul 29, 2015, 11:37:44 PM)

  1. Use the given config. (commit: e7ec68d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. 1.8.8 is included in 1_8_R3. (commit: bfd6cb7) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Ensure jump boost calculations don't result in negative numbers. (commit: 7c194e4) — asofold / githubweb

#832 (Jul 28, 2015, 11:21:42 PM)

  1. Allow disabling the stance check (checks.moving.ignorestance). (commit: 7792f75) — asofold / githubweb

#831 (Jul 28, 2015, 9:11:37 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Attempt to simplify/generalize the bunnyhop workaround(s). (commit: 53021bb) — asofold / githubweb

#830 (Jul 26, 2015, 2:48:53 PM)

  1. Don't modify walkspeed by attributes. Allow air friction on bunnyfly. (commit: c285711) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow nms/obc not to be relocated for the reflection module. (commit: 61274d3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Attributes: Allow detecting if attributes are available at all. (commit: ca07ecc) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Quick cleanup for horizontal distance estimation. (commit: 9ed5739) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Workaround a false positive for step with lost-ground. (commit: 29358f1) — asofold / githubweb

#829 (Jul 23, 2015, 8:35:23 PM)

  1. Ensure to reset the (mc) fall distance on ground. (commit: 135c89c) — asofold / githubweb

#828 (Jul 20, 2015, 6:54:40 PM)

  1. Skip pvp knockback stuff, if the DAMAGED player is inside of a vehicle. (commit: 539e58d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Correct event priority for knockback velocity accounting (caps). (commit: 06eecb7) — asofold / githubweb

#827 (Jul 20, 2015, 5:15:38 PM)

  1. Lessen repetition of violation with false positives for FastConsume. (commit: 705170f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add getters for the current main line block. (commit: 6e68278) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Quick go on climbables and step, alter tags (plus random other). (commit: 6159f79) — asofold / githubweb

#826 (Jun 30, 2015, 10:56:19 AM)

  1. Another band-aid for the assumesprint workaround. (commit: 953af13) — asofold / githubweb

#825 (Jun 30, 2015, 10:18:28 AM)

  1. [ProtocolLib] Add several missing sounds to block. Count cancellation. (commit: ab88b98) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Keep adjusting time and offsets in raytracing. (commit: 1404920) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Only set sprinting time to 0, if time ran backwards. (commit: 6dfb939) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Don't reset sprint if within latency window. (commit: 75c2f58) — asofold / githubweb

#824 (Jun 7, 2015, 10:24:59 PM)

  1. Reset the joinOrRespawn flag in more cases. (commit: 431099c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Fixes and additions for the compatibility layer. (commit: 2f50cca) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Reference MCAccessCBReflect directly. (commit: b91cfc7) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Change compatibility module config: allow disabling CB modules. (commit: 79ed68e) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Indicate that we have another CHOICE here. (commit: dce2726) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add ability to log all violations. Do cleanup NCPHookManager on disable. (commit: f9a2172) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add a config option to log all violations only for debugged players. (commit: 0d7d179) — asofold / githubweb

#823 (May 31, 2015, 9:40:54 PM)

  1. Correct javadocs. (commit: 35a9171) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Let target switching only count with significant yaw changes. (commit: 70ce208) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Log death and respawn/login locations to TRACE_FILE. (commit: 4a81664) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add workaround for inexact login/respawn locations (vertical). (commit: 6d6f908) — asofold / githubweb

#822 (May 30, 2015, 11:15:15 PM)

  1. Log tags, if updated after violation handling. (commit: c9468cd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Disable conflicting velocity invalidation. (commit: 40b9199) — asofold / githubweb

#821 (May 30, 2015, 12:45:25 AM)

  1. More complete go on speed attributes. (commit: cb62547) — asofold / githubweb

#820 (May 28, 2015, 11:25:09 PM)

  1. Prepare more on friction: Split off setNextFriction, distinguish h/v. (commit: a259f90) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] First go on generic speed attribute support. (commit: 2450636) — asofold / githubweb

#819 (May 26, 2015, 11:05:19 PM)

  1. Adjust friction factor for bunny hopping decrease to match air (@Iceee). (commit: 9aa3153) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Allow friction based horizontal speed-decrease in water. (commit: 9a79b85) — asofold / githubweb

#818 (May 26, 2015, 1:21:48 AM)

  1. [BLIND] Attempt to fix double-jump issues. (commit: d6ec0c3) — asofold / githubweb
  2. y ~ pain. (commit: ddf4c30) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Don't use lower-case naming for the _R part in packages. (commit: 83660b0) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fix compat not loading for latest spigot versions. (commit: cf9f119) — asofold / githubweb

#817 (May 24, 2015, 2:27:12 PM)

  1. Include the _R... part for naming compat modules. (commit: 806b31e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Dedicated compat module for Spigot/CB 1.8.3 (1_8_R2). (commit: 888f1cb) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLIND] Add compat module for Spigot/CB 1.8.4 (1_8_R3). (commit: 3cf6943) — asofold / githubweb

#816 (Apr 30, 2015, 3:39:48 PM)

  1. Reset bunny if low jumping is legit (experiment for 2-high places). (commit: 7ae6321) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Require from to be on the ground before we slow movement speed for (commit: 805fafb) — andrew / githubweb

#815 (Apr 11, 2015, 12:46:55 AM)

  1. Move DebugUtil to a debug package inside of the logging package. (commit: 5b27f62) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use TrigUtil for coordinate comparison. (commit: 9e77369) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add framework for (debug-) logging map parts with ray-tracing / cuboids. (commit: aa147f6) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fix logic of velocityTick as suggested by @Iceee. (commit: 393787e) — asofold / githubweb

#814 (Apr 6, 2015, 10:50:56 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.12.1-SNAPSHOT for continued development. (commit: 139d47a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Attempt to fix and extend the Angle check. (commit: e1385f2) — asofold / githubweb
  3. We work with doubles there, use 0.0 values where appropriate. (commit: 45e5ae8) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fix an issue with the maxphase detection. (commit: dc1f5ec) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Let fight.direction use the location trace (simplified version @Iceee). (commit: 4180d3b) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Fixes and refactoring for vertical velocity handling. (commit: 1510f01) — asofold / githubweb

#813 (Mar 21, 2015, 6:20:36 PM)

  1. Don't set NCPCompatCBDev as option dependency. (commit: 9f33033) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.12.0-BETA2 for beta release. (commit: 2ef6a54) — asofold / githubweb

#812 (Mar 21, 2015, 1:14:28 PM)

  1. Let RayTracing test all combinations of transitions for all axes. (commit: e871d20) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove unused option, clean up or and clarify some comments. (commit: 2e4a47f) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Run consistency tests reversed as well. (commit: 8856f68) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fixes, more tests and more to do for RayTracing. (commit: a5d6594) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Spaces/comment. (commit: 0973149) — asofold / githubweb
  6. AutoSign: Allow skipping empty signs. (commit: 9c75a07) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add dedicated compatibility module for MC 1.8 with CraftBukkit/Spigot. (commit: 26d7122) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [Bleeding] Update to MC 1.8.3 Spigot/CraftBukkit. (commit: 3a64ab9) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Remove blockinteract.speed debug feedback message. (commit: f87873b) — asofold / githubweb
  10. [BLEEDING/INSTABLE] Recode blockinteract.visible/ray-tracing. (commit: e0318a6) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Set NCPCompatCBDev as optional dependency. (commit: 6c5c694) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Use reflection for all Compat+CB modules. (commit: d53d5c7) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Typo. (commit: 28abc00) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Random code changes #1. (commit: 4d4e48d) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Update entity widths in NCPCompatBukkit. (commit: ccf9242) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Spaces. (commit: ef1ef05) — asofold / githubweb
  17. Vanish-o. (commit: 067ce0d) — asofold / githubweb
  18. Set version to 3.12.0-BETA for beta-release. (commit: ef72564) — asofold / githubweb

#804 (Mar 8, 2015, 8:34:34 PM)

  1. Skip fall damage penalty, if no damage would have resulted previously. (commit: e0f7e53) — asofold / githubweb

#803 (Mar 8, 2015, 2:26:11 AM)

  1. Another edge case of lost-ground (ascending + step-up when sprinting). (commit: 0932edd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Attempt to fix a ray-tracing issue. (commit: d564cf1) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Hot-fix passable, for reducing false positives. (commit: 84d47e5) — asofold / githubweb

#802 (Feb 18, 2015, 1:07:15 PM)

  1. [CRITICAL] Fix checking for exemption (Check.hasBypass). (commit: 48b7bca) — asofold / githubweb

#801 (Feb 16, 2015, 12:58:25 PM)

  1. Put bukkit + spigot repositories only into the parent pom. (commit: c4b6845) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add KeepAliveFrequency check, add missing @GlobalConfig. (commit: 85dcb33) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Clarifications for ActionFrequency. (commit: 75cc31e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. More on ActionFrequency. (commit: de3b95d) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Use lastKeepAliveTime (NetData) in fight.godmode. (commit: 260ba01) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add comment on differing number of bukkit events vs. flying pacekts. (commit: 81d10a3) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Let APIUtils.needsSynchronization include NET, use a HashMap, add tests. (commit: 7ab21d9) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Spaces, formatting. (commit: 25e1e39) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Cache permissions for net checks. (commit: 56a9eec) — asofold / githubweb

#800 (Feb 7, 2015, 10:01:53 PM)

  1. Catch asynchronous events from ProtocolLib. (commit: 86803af) — asofold / githubweb

#799 (Feb 6, 2015, 1:37:36 AM)

  1. Use LATEST as version for internal dependencies. (commit: a712733) — asofold / githubweb
  2. CreativeFly: Use per-game mode flying settings. (commit: eeaa9ac) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Revert module dependency versions to 1.1-SNAPSHOT. (commit: e0a8ef2) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Random fixes for CreativeFly. (commit: 8904421) — asofold / githubweb

#796 (Feb 4, 2015, 9:26:54 PM)

  1. Add blocking to debug output, add server-side velocity last. (commit: a1ee0a4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Javadoc corrections. (commit: 3cdbab6) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Change all "static" pom versions to "1.1-SNAPSHOT", to allow deploy. (commit: 2cecd50) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Use ListenerPriority.LOW with ProtocolLib. (commit: 71513f2) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Catch IllegalPluginAccessExcption with scheduling logging tasks. (commit: c1c7e83) — asofold / githubweb

#795 (Feb 2, 2015, 11:07:07 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix test failing due to StaticLog using LogManager. (commit: ba99005) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Conistent order. (commit: ce406f3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Do update the moving trace. (commit: 3f06449) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Return false so that we can continue through the trace (commit: fa96caf) — andrew / githubweb

#794 (Jan 30, 2015, 9:47:27 PM)

  1. At least a second is necessary to skip. (commit: d1b4d51) — asofold / githubweb
  2. One more case for version detection. (commit: 8624a9a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Use the boolean value here. (commit: 6a8a0f3) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Cleanups (imports, typos). (commit: 1bc280e) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Move logging.debug config path, don't log "consistency checks run". (commit: be68ecb) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Partly cleanup handling moved paths. (commit: 52d4645) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Log this one to STATUS (console too). (commit: 0de3ae8) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Move the net package inside of checks. (commit: f3973cd) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Remove several deprecated interfaces and methods. (commit: b3fa312) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Fix the direction check (commit: 7d6416d) — andrew / githubweb
  11. [BLEEDING] Integrate net checks into the check system. (commit: 8673276) — asofold / githubweb
  12. [BREAKING] Simplify Check.executeActions, remove getParameterMap. (commit: 586013a) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Fix ProtocolLib hooks package names. (commit: eacd09b) — asofold / githubweb

#793 (Jan 20, 2015, 11:48:55 PM)

  1. Optimize FlyingFrequency, add more structure and comments. (commit: f79cda4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Alter FlyingFrequency to match redundancy vs. MovingData (toX, ...). (commit: f8cbe40) — asofold / githubweb

#791 (Jan 19, 2015, 9:44:18 PM)

  1. ADapt 1.7.x pickaxe block break timings. (commit: a099175) — asofold / githubweb

#790 (Jan 19, 2015, 8:06:29 PM)

  1. Add a check for creating books with more than 50 pages. (commit: 0fa307a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove fight.knockback. (commit: a2e4145) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Note VoxelMap mod too. (commit: 22bba23) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Provide a utility method for the "inspect player message". (commit: e6e8bf7) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BREAKING] Switch ExemptionManager to UUID use. (commit: 33cd108) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BREAKING] Add option to remove players exemptions on join and leave. (commit: 4e5dce0) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Remove an 'f'. (commit: aa126bf) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Quick fix for item eggs on entities, allow item frames. (commit: 7dc6a5d) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add missing strings entries. Fix some of the order. (commit: a243853) — asofold / githubweb

#787 (Jan 17, 2015, 4:32:16 AM)

  1. Correct premature wording. (commit: 00c028c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add more skipping conditions to fight.critical. (commit: 40d3328) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Ensure to detect the Minecraft version from the spigot server string. (commit: a4240dc) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Improve java docs. (commit: 6de0ea9) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Be able to run without onLoad being called. (commit: d52dd4b) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Catch more edge cases for setup of ProtocolLib hooks. (commit: 205b351) — asofold / githubweb

#786 (Jan 13, 2015, 9:11:44 PM)

  1. Fix horizontal velocity logic issue. (commit: 0560daa) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Attempt to fix knockbackvelocity. (commit: cf006ff) — asofold / githubweb

#785 (Jan 13, 2015, 12:11:54 AM)

  1. Add Minecraft version detection and version-dependent default values. (commit: d2da3f1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add a PostEnableTask to avoid confusion with timings. (commit: d23c09d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Dump block properties only to the file. (commit: 972d97e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Always apply knockback, once set. (commit: c63008e) — asofold / githubweb

#784 (Jan 10, 2015, 2:13:27 AM)

  1. Quick attempt to make spectator mode almost work (not fly speed yet). (commit: 02a95f6) — asofold / githubweb

#783 (Jan 8, 2015, 1:56:47 AM)

  1. Test FileLoggerAdapter before use. (commit: 64ef133) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adjust block break timing for 1.8 (ladder, banner). (commit: 03eb652) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Net checks: Cancel redundant flying packets. Better config. (commit: dd87ab7) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Wrong constructor. (commit: 0e3295b) — asofold / githubweb

#781 (Jan 6, 2015, 2:14:47 AM)

  1. Spaces. (commit: bd5794d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. More robust file logger creation, allow "" or "none" to not have any. (commit: 34a5b2a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Prevent too easy abuse of bunny-hop delay resetting. (commit: 7521f01) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Sharpen low-jump detection (box for detection, prevent improper reset). (commit: 6c83ebb) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix up some width and height calculations (low jump, workarounds). (commit: b0b898b) — asofold / githubweb

#780 (Jan 5, 2015, 4:02:18 PM)

  1. Optimize SurvivalFly further. (commit: 473cb51) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Let DEBUG_LEVEL default to 10000. (commit: c86887d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Soft-depend on Carbon to ensure load order. (commit: 5f106dc) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Spaces. (commit: 39cc75c) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add info about version-dependent features to the "ncp version" command. (commit: 41e9d89) — asofold / githubweb

#779 (Jan 4, 2015, 6:23:40 PM)

  1. [SAFETY COMMIT] Redo with proper assignment (details see below). (commit: f0c5552) — asofold / githubweb

#777 (Dec 20, 2014, 3:49:00 PM)

  1. Alter how command lists are interpreted. Might fix some issues. (commit: ea5b249) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Prevent noclip using commands with untracked moves. (commit: fb6ac2a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Use CommandUtil to feed commands (as had been intended). (commit: 4878991) — asofold / githubweb
  4. More test coverage. (commit: c00347c) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Javadoc corrections. (commit: d563203) — asofold / githubweb

#776 (Dec 17, 2014, 2:59:47 PM)

  1. Passable: Make set-back choice more easy to overview. (commit: c543701) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Cancel flying packets with null players. (commit: 878848c) — asofold / githubweb

#775 (Dec 10, 2014, 11:38:35 PM)

  1. Adjust trampoline effect. (commit: a78f555) — asofold / githubweb

#774 (Dec 9, 2014, 11:48:47 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] First attempt to make slime blocks work. (commit: 3eab23a) — asofold / githubweb

#773 (Dec 8, 2014, 12:04:09 AM)

  1. Corrections for knockback: Ignore vehicles, method naming. (commit: 3739e2a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Skip knock-back for damage events that would not count. (commit: a51965c) — asofold / githubweb

#772 (Dec 7, 2014, 11:02:21 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix issues with pvp and knockback. (commit: 3c8b255) — asofold / githubweb

#771 (Dec 7, 2014, 12:24:12 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix melons for 1.8 (might result in issues with pre-1.8). (commit: ec99779) — asofold / githubweb

#770 (Dec 6, 2014, 12:41:03 AM)

  1. Allow faster flying with the sprint key. (commit: 79394c4) — asofold / githubweb

#769 (Dec 5, 2014, 11:43:35 AM)

  1. Interpret a file name without extension as a directory, if not existent. (commit: a41b7a6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make LogManager an interface. (commit: c0a188d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. These ain't horses. (commit: 7b5f22e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add depth strider support. (commit: 7b51b1a) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Back to strings. (commit: 4aa253d) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix sprinting + depth strider. And modifiers are just modifiers. (commit: 935b5a6) — asofold / githubweb

#766 (Dec 4, 2014, 2:59:55 AM)

  1. Fixe fence gates with fence corners (allow checking for further flags). (commit: a2e4db7) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [API CHANGE] Add debug flags to check data [missing: use that one]. (commit: 04d2896) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add permissions for JourneyMap/VoxelMap. (commit: 256d06b) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add command "ncp debug player (player1) ...". (commit: 5f9764d) — asofold / githubweb

#765 (Dec 4, 2014, 12:11:57 AM)

  1. Remove error markers. (commit: 5dd5f8b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Spaces. (commit: 3f515cc) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Adapt some version strings according to ~ intended use. (commit: fa87287) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Switch to flags for (thick) fences and fence gates. (commit: c70da72) — asofold / githubweb

#764 (Nov 30, 2014, 2:18:31 AM)

  1. Prepare more changes to fight checks using (location trace based). (commit: a9f9a3d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Block JourneyMap radar and cavemappings (commit: 247d256) — yourikersten / githubweb
  3. Remove accidentally added gitignore (commit: 78e90a4) — accounts / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Add dev-support for 1.8/Spigot. (commit: a064a9a) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Set version to 3.12.0-SNAPSHOT, since logging and 1.8 change a lot. (commit: 1db8b69) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix PermissionUtil/npe (ensure a Permission instance is present). (commit: c0eceb9) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Spaces. (commit: 3cc5aef) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Remove unused method (dependency on ConfigManager). (commit: e454930) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Remove edible content. (commit: f3f5d9a) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Headline! (commit: b21b587) — asofold / githubweb

#762 (Nov 26, 2014, 12:20:46 AM)

  1. Regroup default loggin initialization. (commit: 8b55139) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Spaces + comments, modifier. (commit: 24ccc4a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Move checks depending on a LocationTrace into a method. (commit: 6ed52ff) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Log precise fall distances. (commit: 3b47bde) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Spaces. (commit: 3dea658) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Simplify and (hopefully) repair the criticals check. (commit: 5f0c70f) — asofold / githubweb

#761 (Nov 23, 2014, 11:48:57 PM)

  1. The server logger should be considered thread-safe by default (log4j). (commit: 8a03de1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. ASYNCHRONOUS_DIRECT is enough. (commit: 379cb15) — asofold / githubweb

#759 (Nov 23, 2014, 3:05:18 PM)

  1. Update comments. (commit: 4ffca94) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove StaticLog.schedule... and toString(Throwable). (commit: 3460e29) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add STATUS stream and use instead of INIT in some places. (commit: 0561638) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Catch and log exceptions during chunk-load on players joining. (commit: 43b33ed) — asofold / githubweb

#758 (Nov 20, 2014, 11:46:08 AM)

  1. Allow absolute paths for the log file. (commit: 99e4cdc) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Spaces. (commit: db7775a) — asofold / githubweb

#757 (Nov 19, 2014, 10:15:33 PM)

  1. Spaces. (commit: 0201e41) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use a utility method to get a String of a Throwable. (commit: 780d59d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add dedicated compatibility module for CB 3100 (MC 1.7.10). (commit: d5cefe4) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Trim exceptions (depth 1), add tabs if header is used. (commit: 1a88df8) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Rename LogUtil to StaticLog. (commit: 37c1da7) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Move StaticLogFile to NCPCommons, make use of the useBukkitLogger flag. (commit: f49c64e) — asofold / githubweb
  7. [PLACEBO] Raw sketch of the upcoming logging framework, doing nothing. (commit: 2f4d689) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BLEEDING] Use the new logging framework from now on (read details). (commit: ec36e87) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Remove accidental override. (commit: 2fc5688) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Move Streams to NCPCore. (commit: ea57e5c) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Import cleanup. (commit: 17ce04b) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Attach server logger to the appropriate stream (+simplify). (commit: c0300c0) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Optimize for speed. (commit: 1e455f7) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Check for correct name of init logger. (commit: 4544e1d) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Fix logging task (sync) not registering. Shuffle init order. (commit: 3364d48) — asofold / githubweb

#754 (Nov 11, 2014, 1:13:58 AM)

  1. Unify and simplify Check / AsyncCheck, ACheckConfig / AsyncCheckConfig. (commit: 8b43e5e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. More spaces. (commit: 1f2f18a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Comments + formatting + spaces. (commit: 9de6061) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add name and displayname to ParameterName, handle IP in ViolationData. (commit: 9a6bb37) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix LogAction.getOptimizedCopy returning something that logs nothing. (commit: 881bd44) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Spaces. (commit: 4dcebd1) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Reduce code duplication in getOptimizedActionList. (commit: ae35d26) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Add tests for log actions. (commit: 4caec8a) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Spaces, indentation, comments. (commit: 543753a) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Make locations and distance available for logging passable violations. (commit: aa4ef31) — asofold / githubweb

#753 (Nov 3, 2014, 9:30:24 PM)

  1. Add entity widths to MCAccessBukkit. Compile with Bukkit 1.7.2-R0.3. (commit: 7dba18c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Spaces again. (commit: 1eb8d98) — asofold / githubweb

#752 (Nov 2, 2014, 11:14:11 PM)

  1. Correct comment. (commit: 07bc7f6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add after-failure config flag checks for net/packet checks. (commit: 95763d3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Update comments on cow mappings (problematic: equals/hashCode). (commit: 1d78b4e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Formatting / cleanup. (commit: d013f28) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add server side velocity to debugging a move. (commit: 0118f43) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Optimize TickTask (reduce footprint of copying), code formatting. (commit: 27913a7) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Spaces. (commit: da6b580) — asofold / githubweb

#751 (Oct 29, 2014, 10:55:52 PM)

  1. If neither from nor loc is passable, set back to from (earliest) rather. (commit: 6c0e1bb) — asofold / githubweb

#750 (Oct 29, 2014, 11:11:50 AM)

  1. Correct links to Jenkins. (commit: 4eaa463) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Only demand the word "slime" to match for slime blocks. (commit: f29acd3) — asofold / githubweb

#749 (Oct 29, 2014, 12:54:28 AM)

  1. Fix manhattan methods using doubles, add signature for LocationS. (commit: e12c2a2) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Refine logging on logout. Actually set-back on logout. (commit: b57d774) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Copy and paste fial. (commit: 31a4149) — asofold / githubweb

#747 (Oct 28, 2014, 10:12:27 PM)

  1. It's yes or no, not true or false. (commit: 87bc5ed) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Move set-back handling into dataOnJoin for respawn + join events. (commit: 5ec3cd5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Log a warning if a player logs out having moved into a block unnoticed. (commit: 9827570) — asofold / githubweb

#746 (Oct 26, 2014, 7:28:24 PM)

  1. Minimal formatting changes. (commit: f965ea0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLIND] Add blocks for MC 1.8. (commit: 43dea08) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLIND] Add dedicated compatibility module for Glowstone. (commit: 7b2a680) — asofold / githubweb

#745 (Oct 10, 2014, 1:38:17 PM)

  1. [SAFETY COMMIT] Freeze changes to vertical velocity. (commit: af974a8) — asofold / githubweb

#744 (Oct 5, 2014, 6:56:22 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.11.2-SNAPSHOT for continued development. (commit: ac84c9b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Update block break timing for obsidian. (commit: 3ea0988) — asofold / githubweb

#743 (Sep 21, 2014, 5:50:11 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.11.1-RC for release. (commit: 8e3b862) — asofold / githubweb

#742 (Sep 4, 2014, 11:28:18 PM)

  1. Refactor horizontal velocity to use an abstract AxisVelocity class. (commit: 32a11f0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Spaces. (commit: e861b97) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Catch a null case. (commit: b4669e2) — asofold / githubweb

#741 (Aug 17, 2014, 9:21:19 PM)

  1. Only print debug info, if the flag is set. + Spaces. (commit: 7743dd9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow to prevent auto reset with in ActionFrequency. (commit: 76cdf40) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Remove vcliponly option for passable. (commit: 45aad9c) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Spaces. (commit: 1b55d91) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Commant + indentation. (commit: 7c1b2ea) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Change quick-exit check for passable. (commit: 589dc77) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Config change: blockchangeonly is false by default (changed earlier). (commit: 53c0d95) — asofold / githubweb

#740 (Aug 5, 2014, 10:03:07 PM)

  1. Spaces + comments. (commit: eaa4154) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add tests for PassableRayTracing (+spaces). (commit: 29000fb) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add op-notice to "ncp inspect". (commit: 5245dcc) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Extend tersting for Passable + move NCPCore tests to NCPPlugin. (commit: 4e9e935) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Refine RayTracing. (commit: 4c7f88e) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Refine passable-ray-tracing (block-edge treatment). (commit: d0aea7f) — asofold / githubweb

#739 (Aug 1, 2014, 10:04:41 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.11.0-RC for release. (commit: b2a6962) — asofold / githubweb

#738 (Aug 1, 2014, 9:19:51 PM)

  1. Set wasInBed in postEnable to prevent kicking with plugin managers. (commit: e84027a) — asofold / githubweb

#737 (Aug 1, 2014, 6:11:51 PM)

  1. Let morepackets relax/smoothen on certain occasions. (commit: 78d51b3) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use TickTask.getLag(..., true), within the primary thread. (commit: 5f82584) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add Convenience method for tab-completion and correct indentation. (commit: 1a73b65) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fix number of entries not being used. (commit: 58f8402) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add tab completion to "ncp top". (commit: 427a877) — asofold / githubweb

#736 (Jul 31, 2014, 8:11:40 AM)

  1. Preserve order of check types in APIUtils. (commit: 2f13529) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Ensure ActionFRequency does reset if time ran backwards. (commit: 24120f3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Indentation. (commit: eb8cba5) — asofold / githubweb

#735 (Jul 30, 2014, 8:40:30 PM)

  1. Fix CheckType parsing for "ncp top". (commit: 07af2f6) — asofold / githubweb

#734 (Jul 29, 2014, 9:05:17 PM)

  1. Rename the kicklist command to denylist. (commit: 7d40df9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Array then. (commit: b498f99) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Sort by sumVL after n, for lower violation counts. (commit: 6b71692) — asofold / githubweb

#733 (Jul 29, 2014, 11:54:28 AM)

  1. Add ability to show a per-command usage + apply "correct indentation". (commit: 9b6c717) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add the "ncp top" command, allowing to search all the violation history. (commit: c2722ab) — asofold / githubweb

#732 (Jul 28, 2014, 5:35:00 PM)

  1. Bump version to 3.11.0-SNAPSHOT. (commit: 7e19de6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Lets use space instead of tabulator here? (commit: 4ded8e4) — MyPictures / githubweb

#731 (Jul 27, 2014, 11:27:41 PM)

  1. Update/reorder command usage/description. (commit: 1a010b8) — asofold / githubweb

#730 (Jul 27, 2014, 10:46:34 PM)

  1. MorePackets: Make monitored seconds configurable, increase default to 6. (commit: 8ad7009) — asofold / githubweb

#729 (Jul 27, 2014, 9:51:44 PM)

  1. Ensure copy-on-write is used for worldsMap. (commit: 126c400) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add isTrueForAnyConfig, e.g. to check if to register listeners at all. (commit: 0496f28) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Rename Stats to Timings and move to stats package. (commit: 67ac214) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add a generic instance factory to the API. (commit: d55cd7e) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add the inspect command to usage. (commit: e05748e) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add game mode to inspect command. (commit: 7c967ab) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Demand most action commands to be run from the console. (commit: c996121) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Command+perms rename: tempkick to denylogin and unkick to allowlogin. (commit: e0f81b4) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add a general purpose counter for stats/debug, and log+reset commands. (commit: 4176937) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Feed some counters for debugging purposes. (commit: c6c9042) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Set max. sound distance to 320, in order to have a protective effect. (commit: 02eea23) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Add basic (mostly global) configuration for net checks. (commit: 289da86) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Add ProtoclLib to softdepend. (commit: 6ba2346) — asofold / githubweb

#728 (Jul 26, 2014, 7:44:54 PM)

  1. Add direct burst violations and increase epm limit. (commit: 9f03a3e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Permissions.java cleanup (commit: ce339c6) — MyPictures / githubweb
  3. Design improvements on Permissions.java (commit: 584a3d9) — MyPictures / githubweb
  4. Account for server-side lag with burst packets. (commit: 901b2a4) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix burstEPM violation + add tags for MorePackets + more lenient burst. (commit: 564ce88) — asofold / githubweb

#726 (Jul 25, 2014, 4:53:04 PM)

  1. Add limiting of "bursts" in moving.morepackets. (commit: 552beed) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add exception for MILK_BUCKET. (commit: 2257ac2) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Check speeding permission in the end, thus it will apply to all speeds. (commit: 4eefc0c) — asofold / githubweb

#725 (Jul 21, 2014, 1:02:31 PM)

  1. Only check for lag if there is windows to burn. (commit: 7de214a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Count "just look" moves same way. (commit: d5c1e28) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add configuration to morepackets for "eps", i.e. events per second. (commit: 039c4b4) — asofold / githubweb

#724 (Jul 18, 2014, 2:18:25 PM)

  1. Move the new packet frequency check to a static utility, minor cleanups. (commit: 1441859) — asofold / githubweb

#723 (Jul 18, 2014, 1:05:40 AM)

  1. Server-side lag adaption: more strict if there is no lag. (commit: 3d5bbbb) — asofold / githubweb

#722 (Jul 18, 2014, 12:41:31 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Switch moving.morepackets to use Actionfrequency. (commit: 85a104e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Attempt to make moving.morepackets less strict. (commit: e3cdd76) — asofold / githubweb
  3. MIX UP. (commit: f79c89b) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Only count moving.morepackets on non-zero distances. (commit: db7ac2b) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Not just block changes. (commit: 27d35c1) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Don't count empty ones. (commit: 4ee4e6f) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Check violation vs. the less strict limit. (commit: 58a7c15) — asofold / githubweb

#718 (Jul 17, 2014, 6:38:14 PM)

  1. Add summary log message about added packet level hooks. (commit: a5ec614) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove getKeepAliveTime from MCAccess. (commit: b6c146c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add removeAll. (commit: bf0b515) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Simplify/optimize morepackets checks. (commit: 7cc9368) — asofold / githubweb

#717 (Jul 16, 2014, 2:10:35 PM)

  1. Use predefined packet types, add comments. (commit: 288950e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Packet checks adjustments and renaming. (commit: 7b6305d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Prefer to synchronize adding players. (commit: 59fca0f) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow ConfigManager.getConfig... from any thread (copy on write). (commit: 96462da) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add an insertion ordered COW version of a LinkedHashMap. (commit: 923f08c) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Simplify FlyingFrequency by using the cow map. (commit: 7169788) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Clear registered hooks on disable. + comments + messages. (commit: 616e543) — asofold / githubweb

#716 (Jul 15, 2014, 10:02:27 PM)

  1. It's THEM. (commit: d473f19) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Prevent weather sound effect > 512 blocks away. (commit: a367c8f) — lucierbrandon / githubweb
  3. Oops. This doesn't need to be there. (commit: 1e6d69b) — lucierbrandon / githubweb
  4. Quick adaptions/cleanups for packet level checking. (commit: bb8b8fc) — asofold / githubweb

#715 (Jul 14, 2014, 9:01:20 PM)

  1. Un-fix tempkickillegal issue: Do kick if location could not be restored. (commit: e09d024) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Some Formatting. (commit: aa91a39) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Remove the "warning on success" message. (commit: b956aab) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Correct log messages. (commit: aba5674) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Abort ray-tracing if there is no advance. Formatting + numbers. (commit: 4ebe911) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Extra method for set-back + reset positions differently. (commit: 39e2a86) — asofold / githubweb

#714 (Jul 12, 2014, 10:36:11 PM)

  1. Fix tempkickillegal setting being ignored. (commit: 607407d) — asofold / githubweb

#713 (Jul 12, 2014, 8:32:18 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Peek into ProtocolLib to fight certain packet spam (3). (commit: 04b82ad) — asofold / githubweb

#712 (Jul 12, 2014, 4:27:35 PM)

  1. Add dedicated compat module for CB 1.7.8|1.7.9. (commit: 8f32c82) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Set CompatCBDev to CB for MC 1.7.10. (commit: 56611cd) — asofold / githubweb

#711 (Jul 6, 2014, 9:17:00 PM)

  1. Totally random. (commit: 6f450b0) — asofold / githubweb

#710 (Jul 6, 2014, 9:06:12 PM)

  1. Random version changing. (commit: 0ccaf80) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Check child individual child permissions for checks.blockplace.against. (commit: 74e6844) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Randomly move distributionManagement. (commit: 3616c7c) — asofold / githubweb

#705 (Jul 5, 2014, 8:47:41 PM)

  1. Re-add distribution management part for testing. (commit: 8847492) — asofold / githubweb

#704 (Jun 15, 2014, 1:00:08 AM)

  1. Small cleanup for fastbreak: creative mode is not handled by this check. (commit: 5bfad60) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Reduce use of using block-ids in more places. (commit: 75224ad) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Formatting, shuffling, commenting. (commit: 6afaf4e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Update MCAccessCBDev to use CB 1.7.9-R0.2, update readme.md. (commit: 8da49e4) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Attempt to correct markdown. (commit: 78b615c) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix test failure due to invalid input. (commit: f53cf96) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Import cleanup. (commit: 98f101e) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Suppress deprecation warnings for BlockProperties. (commit: 785de7c) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Remove unused calls. (commit: c23e5e1) — asofold / githubweb
  10. More use of Material instead of ids... (commit: ae9415a) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Suppress deprecation warnings in BlockCache. (commit: c449414) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Hide some more warnings behind BlockProperties. (commit: b25b2be) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Remove unneeded dependency references (CraftBukkit contains Bukkit). (commit: 122e2ac) — asofold / githubweb
  14. Whoops. (commit: fc83b88) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Set dependency for NCPCore to Bukkit 1.7.9-R0.2. (commit: 24aecb5) — asofold / githubweb
  16. Add some utility methods for names/uuids (taken from TrustCore). (commit: 754fea9) — asofold / githubweb
  17. Change "ncp ban ..." command to use the vanilla command. (commit: 5d8f77f) — asofold / githubweb

#703 (Jun 12, 2014, 10:48:25 PM)

  1. Alter resetting of FastConsume timings. (commit: 587236d) — asofold / githubweb

#702 (Jun 4, 2014, 9:53:52 PM)

  1. Cancel various actions for dead players. Config pending. (commit: 56bab0a) — asofold / githubweb

#701 (Jun 4, 2014, 8:35:20 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.13-SNAPSHOT this time. (commit: d610d46) — asofold / githubweb
  2. No need to call super.onLoad. (commit: b669d65) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Comment added. (commit: f4b109e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. import time (commit: 1ada725) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Simplify and extend AlmostBoolean. (commit: d6e66dc) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Ra-add the instant-break compatibility code. (commit: a75e32b) — asofold / githubweb

#700 (May 18, 2014, 8:21:39 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.12-RC for release. (commit: 03d0e09) — asofold / githubweb

#699 (May 18, 2014, 7:02:54 PM)

  1. Rename + extend config support for reading Material. (commit: c6dbd73) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Deprecate some unused config methods for getting type ids. (commit: 258dbbd) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add exception list for blockplace.noswing (water lily, flint and steel). (commit: 5c243aa) — asofold / githubweb

#698 (May 15, 2014, 8:45:57 AM)

  1. Throw more npes for null worlds, to ensure things blow up in time. (commit: 24bc281) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove direction correction, as it does not seem to be effective. (commit: c93edcb) — asofold / githubweb

#697 (May 15, 2014, 8:19:02 AM)

  1. Re-check use of "useLoc" once more. (commit: 521b4fe) — asofold / githubweb

#696 (May 13, 2014, 8:28:07 AM)

  1. Fix instantbow resetting, e.g. with item changing, if in strict mode. (commit: 4213002) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set default delay to 100 in fastbreak. (commit: 3568420) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Too loud thinking. (commit: e7f292e) — asofold / githubweb

#694 (May 11, 2014, 9:04:03 PM)

  1. Add config flag to allow preventing vl reset in chat.text. (commit: 0024e16) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Wrong way round - default behavior was to allow it (be it a bug or not). (commit: b822b5c) — asofold / githubweb

#692 (May 5, 2014, 10:01:20 PM)

  1. Set max steps for ray tracing in BlockProperties as well. (commit: fc69b10) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Development continues with version 3.10.12-SNAPSHOT. (commit: 4f224ee) — asofold / githubweb

#690 (Apr 27, 2014, 8:43:26 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.11-BETA for release. (commit: 093f9d9) — asofold / githubweb

#689 (Apr 27, 2014, 8:38:58 PM)

  1. Fix handling move events while in vehicles. (commit: 307e2c6) — asofold / githubweb

#688 (Apr 23, 2014, 7:03:12 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.11 for more fixes. (commit: 8a16cb3) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Treat respawn mostly like join. (commit: 146936b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Apply yaw/pitch correction in fight-handling directly. (commit: b4f9c5d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Version should be 3.10.11-SNAPSHOT. (commit: 1c248e9) — asofold / githubweb

#686 (Apr 22, 2014, 8:24:21 PM)

  1. Update actually supported versions for some MCAccess modules. (commit: 6dbe33b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.10.10-BETA for beta release. (commit: 759b80e) — asofold / githubweb

#685 (Apr 21, 2014, 12:26:28 PM)

  1. Wrong API used. (commit: 62b3088) — asofold / githubweb

#684 (Apr 21, 2014, 12:18:54 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Something quick against "magnet". (commit: 53f027c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add method to DataManager to retrieve data for a Player instance. (commit: 2d07fa1) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add methods to check and correct yaw and pitch to LocUtil. (commit: 829e52d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add Methods to correct yaw and pitch to MCAccess. (commit: 59054b4) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Make use of yaw/pitch correction (silent correction). (commit: db7b34e) — asofold / githubweb

#680 (Apr 15, 2014, 9:13:55 PM)

  1. Increase VL change for blockplace.fastplace by a factor of 1000. (commit: e017ebf) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Harden the command-pre-process handling against fall-back aliases. (commit: 547dfc8) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Partly stitch up command protection. (commit: b8fd9da) — asofold / githubweb

#679 (Apr 14, 2014, 9:09:29 PM)

  1. [BLIND] Add support for MC/CB 1.7.8. Minimal checks by code inspection. (commit: f60d971) — asofold / githubweb

#678 (Apr 14, 2014, 8:49:19 PM)

  1. Add dedicated compat module for CB 1.7.5-R0.1. (commit: 2434c71) — asofold / githubweb

#677 (Apr 12, 2014, 6:35:24 PM)

  1. Add guard for not having checked at all. (commit: b603416) — asofold / githubweb
  2. ParameterName.UUID: Allow [uuid] in the strings configuration. (commit: e103ace) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Alter the warning and error messages for MCAccess. (commit: 2aa7ffa) — asofold / githubweb
  4. No extra NCP prefixes on commands. (commit: af5e38b) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add method for Collection. (commit: dcb48c8) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add a fail for null-worlds on updating set-back locations internally. (commit: 1f0aafb) — asofold / githubweb

#676 (Mar 24, 2014, 11:34:41 PM)

  1. [BLIND] Dedicated compat module for 1.7.2. Set CompatCBDev to MC 1.7.5. (commit: 90a1255) — asofold / githubweb

#675 (Mar 24, 2014, 10:32:43 PM)

  1. Use the preset TAG for some commands. (commit: 75da549) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add more tests for LocationTrace. (commit: 79b0feb) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Prepare fight checks for using a moving trace. (commit: 4dc6b58) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Fight checks: Use data and config from arguments. Prepare new methods. (commit: a4aad90) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add test for first element for a maxAge iterator. (commit: f0f4a7e) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [RAW] First version for direction + reach using a moving trace. (commit: ea68241) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Ignore players in vehicles with the fall damage events. (commit: c9b2ae1) — asofold / githubweb

#674 (Mar 21, 2014, 7:50:54 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.10-SNAPSHOT for next development iteration. (commit: a0091f9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Just a typo. (commit: 2478ae7) — asofold / githubweb
  3. First rough version of a LocationTrace implementation. (commit: f1342fd) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Set fall distance to 0, if the player could fly or is in creative mode. (commit: 520e7ba) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLEEDING] Maintain location traces (not making use of those, yet). (commit: c27c03c) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Ensure no fall distance remains for leaving players who could fly. (commit: 6767bd7) — asofold / githubweb

#673 (Mar 16, 2014, 2:03:35 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.9-RC for release. (commit: f4bf940) — asofold / githubweb

#672 (Mar 16, 2014, 2:00:08 PM)

  1. Random formatting change. (commit: d130a3d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make message for consoleonly feature configurable. [TICKET DBO 711] (commit: f8d72eb) — asofold / githubweb

#671 (Mar 3, 2014, 10:14:05 PM)

  1. Add configurability to enforcing the players location. (commit: ce2d0db) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix for stained glass panes. (commit: b9bcce1) — asofold / githubweb

#670 (Mar 1, 2014, 3:09:10 PM)

  1. Ensure wrongBlock does not add Integer.MAX_VALUE as violation level. (commit: ce5a902) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Reviewing several places for use of Double.MAX_VALUE and similar. (commit: 9c29d32) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Set assumesprint to true by default (accidentally committed earlier!). (commit: 2b2ace4) — asofold / githubweb

#669 (Feb 25, 2014, 11:48:44 AM)

  1. Set maxBlockY from given world. (commit: cb55712) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Force return air for y outside of map bounds. (commit: 894aa46) — asofold / githubweb

#668 (Feb 24, 2014, 12:51:53 PM)

  1. Ensure TeleportCause.PLUGIN is used for teleporting. (commit: 8eebda8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Rather use prepareSetBack than setTeleported before set-back. (commit: 1cb9a18) — asofold / githubweb

#667 (Feb 23, 2014, 2:34:05 AM)

  1. Move some code off SurvivalFly.check. (commit: 1284fff) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [CONFIG] Reduce logging of blockinteract.visible by a lot. (commit: 06aff0b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Cleanup "ASCII art" from the sourcecode (commit: add2179) — MyPictures / githubweb
  4. Clean up moving-data resetting on players joining the server. (commit: f1d7aa8) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Need to use isOnGroundOrResetCond here. (commit: 187a7ef) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Officially drop compatibility for before CB 1.4.5-R1.0 ! (commit: 16db04f) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Less object creation with short-use Locations + other preparation. (commit: abdeb12) — asofold / githubweb
  8. [BLEEDING/INSTABLE] Add actual move location consistency checking. (commit: 65b3c44) — asofold / githubweb

#666 (Feb 22, 2014, 12:04:15 PM)

  1. Add comment. (commit: 05372fb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Further confine pre-conditions for the sprintback check. (commit: 888c18a) — asofold / githubweb

#665 (Feb 21, 2014, 11:02:02 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.9-SNAPSHOT for next iteration. (commit: 4957f28) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Process captcha for cancelled chat events as well. (commit: d24a13e) — asofold / githubweb

#664 (Feb 18, 2014, 11:01:33 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.8-RC for release. (commit: ed37597) — asofold / githubweb

#663 (Feb 17, 2014, 1:08:40 AM)

  1. Increase kick vl to 1500 for survivalfly. (commit: caff337) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Increase fall distance for which critical can trigger. (commit: 5c29859) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add manhattan method for having one block. (commit: 3f78497) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Use manhattan method for WrongBlock (not a change for the logic). (commit: a198133) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Add a "Against" check, complementing the already exisiting CheckType. (commit: 8b29833) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Set dependencies to current snapshots. (commit: 4ddfcc9) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Forgot to alter VL. (commit: 598896a) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Correct type of placed block, autosign uses Material.SIGN now. (commit: 3361280) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Avoid sign duplication due to a bug in CraftBukkit. (commit: 9528b15) — asofold / githubweb
  10. ERR (commit: 34c26c8) — asofold / githubweb

#661 (Feb 13, 2014, 11:25:40 PM)

  1. [CONFIG CHANGE] Set default for checks.fight.direction.strict to false. (commit: d710ee0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set moving.passable.raytracing.vcliponly to false. (commit: 35e00b1) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Reorder default config: yawrate. (commit: a3ad845) — asofold / githubweb

#660 (Feb 9, 2014, 12:57:41 PM)

  1. Simplified method name. (commit: 719c3ac) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLIND] Relay to reflection to avoid issues with return types. (commit: 9542074) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLIND] Review sprinting handling. (commit: ad2105b) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add option to assume the player is sprinting when possible (read on). (commit: 12b046f) — asofold / githubweb

#659 (Feb 2, 2014, 11:56:35 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix compilation issues due to Projectile.getShooter. (commit: 2862f3c) — asofold / githubweb

#657 (Feb 2, 2014, 11:27:37 PM)

  1. [MEANWHILE] Refactor penalty time handling + add one for "item change". (commit: 4031cb5) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLIND] Try to fix ender portal frames. (commit: 165af2c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLIND] Reset block break timing with changing the tool. (commit: 51172bd) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Update Bukkit/CB dependencies for NCPCore and NCPCompatCBDev. (commit: d092ca5) — asofold / githubweb

#656 (Jan 26, 2014, 12:16:58 PM)

  1. ReadMe.md back to normal (commit: 9574a4b) — MyPictures / githubweb
  2. Switch to gender-neutral pronouns (commit: 4d310d3) — arplynn / githubweb
  3. [Blind] Prepare removal of sub-check data (so far: fight.selfhit). (commit: 9810abf) — asofold / githubweb

#655 (Jan 2, 2014, 5:39:12 PM)

  1. Add log message about 1.7.2 blocks. (commit: 68a6297) — asofold / githubweb

#654 (Dec 31, 2013, 12:38:11 AM)

  1. Random Chicken Inventory. (commit: d51da2c) — asofold / githubweb

#653 (Dec 29, 2013, 10:03:59 PM)

  1. Update README.md (commit: 1ddc58e) — MyPictures / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.10.8-SNAPSHOT for more. (commit: 77a6307) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLIND] Quick fix attempt for Acacia leaves (adding a new block-flag). (commit: 2b0b0a8) — asofold / githubweb

#651 (Dec 9, 2013, 7:01:11 PM)

  1. Log "system time ran backwards" on warning level. (commit: cb73221) — asofold / githubweb
  2. comment. (commit: 61a1d96) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Set version to 3.10.7-BETA for beta release. (commit: 87de77b) — asofold / githubweb

#650 (Dec 1, 2013, 9:04:12 PM)

  1. Little detail: Add new block class to block factory. (commit: a24092f) — asofold / githubweb

#649 (Dec 1, 2013, 8:48:33 PM)

  1. Trash something. (commit: 5c94cd8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove deprecated BlockPropertiesSetup interface. (commit: fd74545) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Rough update for 1.7.2 blocks. (commit: 8d5a0b1) — asofold / githubweb

#648 (Dec 1, 2013, 7:58:36 PM)

  1. [BLIND/BLIEEDING/INSTABLE/INCOMPLETE] Secrets (read below). (commit: fd33820) — asofold / githubweb

#647 (Dec 1, 2013, 2:02:02 PM)

  1. Note. (commit: fad90d1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Link pr if not pulled directly. (commit: 3d3cbc3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add dedicated compatibility module for 1.6.4. (commit: 71b37aa) — asofold / githubweb

#646 (Nov 16, 2013, 2:53:38 PM)

  1. Do not reference LOCKED_CHEST anymore (minimal future compatibility). (commit: 9e1c3e3) — asofold / githubweb

#645 (Nov 14, 2013, 8:04:28 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.7-SNAPSHOT for the next development iteration. (commit: 6f05b4e) — asofold / githubweb

#644 (Nov 13, 2013, 9:11:43 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.6-RC for release. (commit: 0ea41d3) — asofold / githubweb

#643 (Nov 13, 2013, 9:05:14 PM)

  1. Some cleanup. (commit: 6004f8e) — asofold / githubweb

#642 (Nov 7, 2013, 1:33:43 AM)

  1. Correct TNT workaround (pigs don't have fight-data). (commit: 10e5e96) — asofold / githubweb

#641 (Nov 6, 2013, 11:53:06 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix issues with player-ignited TNT (1). (commit: b43fa25) — asofold / githubweb

#640 (Nov 5, 2013, 9:30:37 PM)

  1. Add fall-back configurability for latest addition. (commit: ee5c86b) — asofold / githubweb

#639 (Nov 4, 2013, 8:01:54 AM)

  1. Rather javadoc correction. (commit: ae6510a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING/INCOMPLETE] More strict go on vehicles. (commit: f597f8b) — asofold / githubweb

#638 (Nov 3, 2013, 9:51:53 PM)

  1. Fixes and simplification for vertical accounting. (commit: 8d9583d) — asofold / githubweb

#637 (Oct 28, 2013, 10:03:42 AM)

  1. Fix one NPE. (commit: 01b8c42) — asofold / githubweb

#636 (Oct 26, 2013, 9:08:22 PM)

  1. Check MoveConsistency for PlayerMoveEvent as well even if in vehicles. (commit: 85d925f) — asofold / githubweb

#635 (Oct 26, 2013, 8:19:55 PM)

  1. Add vehicle location to the "ncp inspect" command. (commit: 21eaeac) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add convenience methods to TrigUtil. (commit: e5911fd) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Call onVehicleMove with the actual vehicles location. (commit: ced4e0e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING/INSTABLE] Not that much desperate: Random code changes. (commit: 76eb1c2) — asofold / githubweb

#634 (Oct 13, 2013, 5:14:53 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.6-SNAPSHOT to continue development. (commit: 9a02256) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Reduce a special case for false positives in sf. (commit: 0d52467) — asofold / githubweb

#633 (Oct 1, 2013, 9:33:44 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.5-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 4da804b) — asofold / githubweb

#632 (Oct 1, 2013, 9:10:08 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.5-SNAPSHOT. (commit: ce52c9f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Corrections for fastheal: Missing cancel action + out of range health. (commit: 3e38b08) — asofold / githubweb

#631 (Sep 24, 2013, 2:30:09 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.4-RC for release. (commit: 17ee4cf) — asofold / githubweb

#630 (Sep 23, 2013, 1:32:57 PM)

  1. Correct moved config path (original: checks.inventory.ensureclose). (commit: db374f3) — asofold / githubweb

#629 (Sep 22, 2013, 1:43:16 PM)

  1. Remove metrics. (commit: a2dadf8) — asofold / githubweb

#628 (Sep 20, 2013, 7:55:15 AM)

  1. Add DisableListener component and use for DataManager and Improbable. (commit: 41e1e80) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING/INCOMPLETE] Start sketch for more inventory-open checking. (commit: 2417ba9) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] Add 1.6.4 support. (commit: a901823) — asofold / githubweb

#627 (Sep 19, 2013, 5:50:00 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.4-SNAPSHOT for more on development. (commit: 3e85a92) — asofold / githubweb

#626 (Sep 18, 2013, 9:11:30 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.3-RC for release. (commit: 4e58665) — asofold / githubweb

#625 (Sep 18, 2013, 4:23:36 PM)

  1. Corrections to plugin.yml. Add nocheatplus.shortcut.cheater. (commit: 72e1ea8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Bind logging of metrics errors to debug flag(s). (commit: d896e9b) — asofold / githubweb

#624 (Sep 17, 2013, 4:35:01 PM)

  1. Should hover start counting after set-back? (commit: f28877f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. CF: Ensure unused horizontal speed is not used for upwards speeding. (commit: 0fb3c56) — asofold / githubweb

#623 (Sep 13, 2013, 12:51:55 AM)

  1. Use postEnable for one time tasks, log start and end. (commit: ed0f08e) — asofold / githubweb

#622 (Sep 11, 2013, 11:18:49 PM)

  1. Set 1.6.2-R1.0 as new Bukkit/CB dependencies, add dedicated module. (commit: 182bc81) — asofold / githubweb

#621 (Sep 9, 2013, 7:34:45 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.3-SNAPSHOT for another development phase. (commit: 837dc4b) — asofold / githubweb

#620 (Sep 9, 2013, 12:36:18 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.2-RC for release. (commit: 97783ad) — asofold / githubweb

#619 (Sep 9, 2013, 12:19:42 AM)

  1. Reduce false positives for SurvivalFly (the hard way). (commit: 2ee891a) — asofold / githubweb

#618 (Sep 8, 2013, 12:00:48 AM)

  1. Fix nofall dealing fractions of half hearts damage. (commit: 5d60343) — asofold / githubweb

#617 (Sep 7, 2013, 11:34:34 PM)

  1. Important fix for passable. (commit: 0a748c4) — asofold / githubweb

#616 (Sep 7, 2013, 11:15:42 PM)

  1. Allow parameters to be set in ViolationData, even if not "needed". (commit: d365cd5) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Reduce false positives with Passable + stairs, move some code. (commit: ab37701) — asofold / githubweb

#615 (Sep 1, 2013, 4:45:08 PM)

  1. More on closing inventories: a) only close if open b) also on teleport. (commit: d989719) — asofold / githubweb

#614 (Aug 29, 2013, 7:35:26 PM)

  1. Add "ncp inspect (player)" command, might be merged/changed with info. (commit: 1d2f291) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Change buffer amount to positive. (commit: 048cada) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Process vehicle-exit in case of invalid or dead vehicles. (commit: 0ac342f) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Allow 0.2 hbuf-regain per packet. (commit: cadb98e) — asofold / githubweb

#613 (Aug 17, 2013, 2:22:25 PM)

  1. Correct usage of "ncp exemptions". (commit: c8c7bbb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow null messages in ColorUtil. (commit: 959c6c7) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix deprecated config paths in use (npe). (commit: 46ee232) — asofold / githubweb

#612 (Aug 17, 2013, 1:30:17 PM)

  1. Grace for walk/fly-speed. (commit: f32be17) — asofold / githubweb
  2. One npe less. (commit: 4b7e424) — asofold / githubweb

#611 (Aug 12, 2013, 10:36:38 PM)

  1. Move managelisteners to the compatibility section. (commit: af4c9b9) — asofold / githubweb

#610 (Aug 11, 2013, 11:11:02 AM)

  1. Add test for SimpleCharprefixTree. (commit: 86da983) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Changes for command lists, opinconsoleonly -> consoleonly. (commit: d202d73) — asofold / githubweb

#609 (Aug 10, 2013, 9:46:44 PM)

  1. Fix vertical accounting not triggering an actual violation (glide). (commit: e24ccc7) — asofold / githubweb

#608 (Aug 10, 2013, 12:32:25 PM)

  1. Adapt "unknown command" message to current CraftBukkit implementation. (commit: 7f12312) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [CONFIG] Command protection: Change config sections + change to lists. (commit: 2219fa0) — asofold / githubweb

#607 (Aug 10, 2013, 1:26:58 AM)

  1. Use a testPermission method for sub-commands. (commit: fdf2009) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add nocheatplus.command.(exempt|unexempt|removeplayer).self permissions. (commit: b3b13df) — asofold / githubweb

#606 (Aug 10, 2013, 12:25:44 AM)

  1. BukkitCompat: Attempt to get the CommandMap by reflection. (commit: 875b9bd) — asofold / githubweb

#605 (Aug 10, 2013, 12:18:15 AM)

  1. SF: Start with hbuf at 0 (reverts setting to 1/2 of max). (commit: e17b14e) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Rework parts of permissions. (commit: 84c3768) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Change feature (filter) permissions to nocheatplus.filter... (commit: 0e56338) — asofold / githubweb
  4. More on permission changes. (commit: 858302b) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Hasty - test before build. (commit: 8b2c8fd) — asofold / githubweb

#603 (Aug 4, 2013, 7:44:22 PM)

  1. Set core dependency to Bukkit-1.6.2-R0.1 (beta). (commit: 943083f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set native access dependencies to Bukkit/CraftBukkit-1.6.2-R0.1 (beta). (commit: 883da25) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Attempt to fix issues with horses and NoFall. (commit: 4c76fc8) — asofold / githubweb

#602 (Aug 4, 2013, 6:48:14 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.2-SNAPSHOT - back to development. (commit: ac00940) — asofold / githubweb

#601 (Jul 26, 2013, 9:21:45 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.1-beta for a beta release on BukkitDev. (commit: 905ac13) — asofold / githubweb

#600 (Jul 24, 2013, 8:25:45 AM)

  1. [INCOMPLETE] Bunny-hop without bunny and without hop. (commit: 3acf5c2) — asofold / githubweb
  2. SF: Revert removal of resetting for not cancelled violations. (commit: 7a938df) — asofold / githubweb

#599 (Jul 23, 2013, 10:11:27 AM)

  1. "lost sprint": Remove checking vs horizontal buffer. (commit: a872cc8) — asofold / githubweb
  2. SF: Set initial hbuf to 0. Need new concept/discussion. (commit: 9e920b8) — asofold / githubweb
  3. SF: Optimization and fixes with bunny and permchecks. (commit: d77c63a) — asofold / githubweb

#598 (Jul 22, 2013, 10:22:24 PM)

  1. SF: Minor cleanup on horizontal buffer. (commit: d31fe6b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Only allow "lost sprint", if MediumLiftOff is not LIMIT_JUMP. (commit: fdca61c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] SF(bunny/after failure checks): Alter order and conditions. (commit: b2694d9) — asofold / githubweb

#597 (Jul 22, 2013, 3:22:59 PM)

  1. Longer delay times for the default low vl log messages for SurvivalFly. (commit: 0bb978d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. SF: Fix horizontal buffer allowing negative values + adjust tags. (commit: ec956a9) — asofold / githubweb

#596 (Jul 20, 2013, 10:26:26 PM)

  1. SF: Keep naming as lostGround. (commit: 2f64798) — asofold / githubweb
  2. SF: Further confine conditions for "bunny" to apply. (commit: 1d9e4d1) — asofold / githubweb
  3. More moving/SF cleanup. (commit: 7569d12) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] bunny hop bunny fly. (commit: baccd41) — asofold / githubweb
  5. More conditions for waterwalk. (commit: 3255bf9) — asofold / githubweb

#595 (Jul 19, 2013, 9:04:22 PM)

  1. Re-model extra horizontal buffer to a counter for "lost sprint". (commit: 2856919) — asofold / githubweb

#594 (Jul 19, 2013, 5:54:44 PM)

  1. More cleanup (mostly survivalfly). (commit: c2fb27b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Move sprintback check back to where it was (not allowing vel/buf use). (commit: 471579d) — asofold / githubweb

#593 (Jul 18, 2013, 1:14:41 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] SF: Sharpen vertical accounting (vacc). Read details! (commit: a7344eb) — asofold / githubweb

#592 (Jul 18, 2013, 12:47:39 PM)

  1. More cleanup for SurvivalFly. (commit: 65ee38b) — asofold / githubweb

#591 (Jul 18, 2013, 12:08:32 AM)

  1. Handle the resetting of the jump-amplifier in MovingListener. (commit: 13add02) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Comments. (commit: b49df04) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [Bleeding] Change to lazy ActionFactory setting. (commit: 2913baa) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add an annotation for registration order with INotifyReload. (commit: 13cb783) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Commented that out during testing. (commit: 3826807) — asofold / githubweb
  6. No reason for private here. (commit: fb30a84) — asofold / githubweb

#590 (Jul 17, 2013, 6:37:03 PM)

  1. Reset sprinting if the player is not set sprinting. (commit: f82a0c0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. More cleanup for survivalfly. (commit: 12bd184) — asofold / githubweb

#589 (Jul 17, 2013, 10:25:40 AM)

  1. Prefix series with s in order to not ever confuse with SNAPSHOT/RC. (commit: f46618c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Change default for BUILD_SERIES to '?'. (commit: 63b2cd3) — asofold / githubweb

#588 (Jul 17, 2013, 9:38:12 AM)

  1. Build parameters: Add BUILD_SERIES. Add default values. (commit: 793291b) — asofold / githubweb

#587 (Jul 16, 2013, 11:07:14 PM)

  1. Ineffective workaround. (commit: 71ffa29) — asofold / githubweb

#586 (Jul 16, 2013, 10:58:50 PM)

  1. Allow using up horizontal velocity for sprintback. (commit: 9accfc3) — asofold / githubweb

#585 (Jul 16, 2013, 10:39:59 PM)

  1. Attempt to work around another ender-pearl + survivalfly issue. (commit: e97a929) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Confine "sprintback" alerts to speeds greater than walking. (commit: 6e28447) — asofold / githubweb

#584 (Jul 16, 2013, 5:56:28 PM)

  1. Minor cleanups. (commit: 27a063a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adjust a compatibility method for speed and probably compatibility. (commit: adf9bcb) — asofold / githubweb

#583 (Jul 16, 2013, 5:51:56 PM)

  1. More to vehicle internals. (commit: 2b4a1f2) — asofold / githubweb

#582 (Jul 16, 2013, 1:26:10 PM)

  1. Add info about returned object for BridgeHealth recovery failure. (commit: f556422) — asofold / githubweb

#581 (Jul 15, 2013, 10:30:22 PM)

  1. Add "sprinting" to moving output. (commit: c382082) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Switch do mods instead of speeds for sf. (commit: e35f1f7) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [BLEEDING] SurvivalFly: Account for per-player walk-speed. (commit: 240bff5) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Also check for player.isFlying. (commit: 80f58d9) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLIND] CreativeFly: Account for walk- and fly-speed. (commit: 172b103) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Flying permissions: survivalfly is now child of creativefly. (commit: c7b85f9) — asofold / githubweb

#580 (Jul 15, 2013, 10:37:35 AM)

  1. More cleanup for health API changes. (commit: f17378b) — asofold / githubweb

#579 (Jul 15, 2013, 12:20:08 AM)

  1. Minor cleanup. (commit: 75e2179) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Refine conditions for passable. (commit: 268c51b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Bad last minute ordering. (commit: 489c60f) — asofold / githubweb

#577 (Jul 14, 2013, 11:25:54 PM)

  1. Fix CreativeFly ignoring possible passable set-backs. (commit: 4e9e0bd) — asofold / githubweb

#576 (Jul 14, 2013, 10:25:23 PM)

  1. Bind BridgeHealth API incompatibility warnings to logging.debug. (commit: 83187fa) — asofold / githubweb

#575 (Jul 14, 2013, 8:09:00 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Change message sending queue from per-player to global. (commit: cf1c89d) — asofold / githubweb

#574 (Jul 14, 2013, 6:29:53 PM)

  1. Some comments and javdocs. (commit: 5427368) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Alter config version handling + make notification configurable. (commit: f55e0d5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Change event priorities (join/world-change) + delay some admin messages. (commit: 00836ac) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Schedule sending the chat.text warning message. (commit: 821dc34) — asofold / githubweb

#573 (Jul 14, 2013, 10:49:31 AM)

  1. Add flyspeed and walkspeed to debug output for moving (debug level>0). (commit: 98c6400) — asofold / githubweb

#572 (Jul 13, 2013, 7:40:35 PM)

  1. Update some javadocs. (commit: d8d5992) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Quick fix for carpets: Allow standing inside/on. (commit: 742e6e3) — asofold / githubweb

#571 (Jul 13, 2013, 8:09:24 AM)

  1. Check some method signatures with MCAccess implementations. (commit: c00117a) — asofold / githubweb

#570 (Jul 12, 2013, 5:54:39 PM)

  1. [DEVELOPMENT] Set version to 3.10.1-SNAPSHOT. (commit: 85c7e70) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow "step-up" even if in web. (commit: 81b528f) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Provide a tag for passable violations [not in strings]. (commit: ee0ca14) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING] Fixes for passable/rt preventing moving out of blocks. (commit: d7ca742) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix passable alerts with fence gates. (commit: c30105d) — asofold / githubweb

#569 (Jul 11, 2013, 12:43:43 PM)

  1. Too random? Where to put build etc ? (commit: 7c77764) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Shuffle checks in fight listener (commit: 6f232e5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Comment out DistributionManagement. (commit: 130f43d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Set version to 3.10.0-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 455f979) — asofold / githubweb

#568 (Jul 10, 2013, 11:36:20 PM)

  1. More random changes. (commit: f942721) — asofold / githubweb

#567 (Jul 10, 2013, 11:34:07 PM)

  1. Random pom changes. (commit: 3264381) — asofold / githubweb

#564 (Jul 10, 2013, 11:02:24 PM)

  1. Add maven repo stuff - should probably be formatted or something :p (commit: 6907c87) — md-5 / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.10.0-SNAPSHOT for other naming scheme. (commit: 5c2aebf) — asofold / githubweb

#563 (Jul 10, 2013, 1:03:28 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.10.0-DEV since 1.6.x means a new Minecraft version. (commit: 76d58a4) — asofold / githubweb

#562 (Jul 10, 2013, 10:34:35 AM)

  1. Also update Bukkit dependency for NCPCompatCBDev. (commit: 94b10b3) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Re-add 1.6.1 native support (removing is not worth the support load). (commit: a97995c) — asofold / githubweb

#561 (Jul 9, 2013, 11:57:30 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Adapt to health changes + set NCPCore dependency to 1.6.1. (commit: a8d1ade) — asofold / githubweb

#560 (Jul 9, 2013, 10:29:24 PM)

  1. Simplify MCAccess version tags for support of multiple sub-versions. (commit: e69741f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. MCAccess: Get rid of Block_i method. (commit: e1babee) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Cancel metrics if set so and still active, also reset metrics on reload. (commit: 295ecee) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Adjust versions of NCPCompatCBDev. (commit: 8a3a517) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Metrics/ticks: Use rounding + de-tweak counting up to 20. (commit: 543dcf5) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Remove double plus. (commit: ccc9c74) — asofold / githubweb

#559 (Jul 9, 2013, 9:36:25 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING/INSTABLE] Add 1.6.2 native support, DROP 1.6.1 support. (commit: 670f403) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Correct version tag for NCPCompatCBDev. (commit: 4f1e263) — asofold / githubweb

#558 (Jul 6, 2013, 10:06:42 PM)

  1. Move workarounds for health-API changes to a utility. (commit: 9edfb14) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Use a utility for getting the damage of damage-events as well. (commit: 4035719) — asofold / githubweb

#557 (Jul 6, 2013, 5:02:23 PM)

  1. Update pom.xml descriptions. (commit: e60006d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [TEST] Attempt to fall back to reflection for health issues (one spot). (commit: f315336) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Use minimum of health and max health. (commit: fb4614d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [TEST] Fix reflection for health changes. (commit: a7581d5) — asofold / githubweb

#554 (Jul 3, 2013, 4:32:25 PM)

  1. Add option to not send any motd, move config for it to its own section. (commit: 8929108) — asofold / githubweb

#553 (Jul 3, 2013, 11:16:11 AM)

  1. I said i would try the endless loop one time. (commit: 4a581f8) — asofold / githubweb

#552 (Jul 2, 2013, 8:36:34 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Auto detect "missing" VehicleMove events. (commit: 01c3252) — asofold / githubweb

#551 (Jul 2, 2013, 10:36:09 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING/INSTABLE] Set CompatCBDev to support 1.6.1 changes. (commit: d5d7973) — asofold / githubweb

#550 (Jul 2, 2013, 10:17:26 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING/INSTABLE] Roughly adjust to 1.6.1 Bukkit API changes. (commit: d11e91f) — asofold / githubweb

#549 (Jul 2, 2013, 7:34:13 AM)

  1. [BLIND] Add factory for vanilla blocks + early addition of 1.6 blocks. (commit: f894a8d) — asofold / githubweb

#548 (Jun 30, 2013, 8:44:46 PM)

  1. Change config path for protectplugins. (commit: 3b337d9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make messages configurable for hiding plugins. (commit: 4085223) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Optimize ColorUtil. (commit: 480264d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add missing @GlobalConfig. (commit: 3ba5f31) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Forgot that step. (commit: cd9930d) — asofold / githubweb

#546 (Jun 30, 2013, 1:03:15 AM)

  1. Update metrics. (commit: 78f453c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Lost update... (commit: 90783e2) — asofold / githubweb

#544 (Jun 29, 2013, 10:10:48 PM)

  1. [BLIND] Attempt to catch open inventories for portals and world changes. (commit: 3880808) — asofold / githubweb

#543 (Jun 24, 2013, 11:27:55 AM)

  1. NCPCompatBukkit: Bukkit dependency to 1.5.2-R1.0. (commit: 73c8ae0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add Bukkit as dependency for CompatCBDev, update version to RBs. (commit: fa2d036) — asofold / githubweb

#542 (Jun 24, 2013, 10:38:11 AM)

  1. Add dedicated 1.5.2 module. (commit: a455666) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Prepare to use Material.hasGravity (...). (commit: 9bf09ff) — asofold / githubweb

#541 (Jun 22, 2013, 3:13:50 PM)

  1. Add hook versions to the "ncp version" command. (commit: c25b774) — asofold / githubweb

#540 (Jun 17, 2013, 10:07:14 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.4-DEV for further random changes. (commit: bba028b) — asofold / githubweb

#539 (Jun 16, 2013, 5:42:29 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.3-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 6a7b7b6) — asofold / githubweb

#538 (Jun 12, 2013, 1:39:00 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix high jump effect (5) + survivalfly (step). (commit: eca9c26) — asofold / githubweb

#537 (Jun 12, 2013, 12:10:26 AM)

  1. Use a filter permission to see if a player can use the root command. (commit: 21442c4) — asofold / githubweb

#536 (Jun 11, 2013, 11:09:29 PM)

  1. Correct order of permission checking for the root command. (commit: 00696c1) — asofold / githubweb

#535 (Jun 11, 2013, 10:53:53 PM)

  1. Add tags to PlayerData + implement a notify-off tag. (commit: 888c7d9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Put commands on feet. (commit: 8ea5ecc) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [COMMAND CHANGE] Remove delay feature from ncp ban/kick/tell/tempkick. (commit: 4811fef) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add command to turn notifications off and on again (per player). (commit: ae2d614) — asofold / githubweb

#534 (Jun 10, 2013, 11:23:36 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Add option to set prefixes for the logging messages. (commit: 1d53115) — asofold / githubweb

#533 (Jun 10, 2013, 10:39:28 PM)

  1. Remove RootConfPaths. (commit: 228a647) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add ability to warn for use of deprecated paths. (commit: 7805d8d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Prefer this formatting, rather. (commit: b84235d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Rework PathUtils. (commit: be91af4) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLEEDING] Move configuration for logging back-ends to sub-sections. (commit: 2bf28c4) — asofold / githubweb

#532 (Jun 8, 2013, 4:14:14 AM)

  1. Cleanup. (commit: 36711fc) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix two bounds issues for blockinteract.visible. (commit: f7d2d44) — asofold / githubweb

#531 (Jun 7, 2013, 5:25:14 PM)

  1. Outer space again! (commit: 8f862fb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adapt comments for getCorrectedBounds. (commit: 9231de2) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [Bleeding] Reduce false positives for blockinteract.visible. (commit: bd043f4) — asofold / githubweb

#530 (Jun 4, 2013, 10:28:28 PM)

  1. Add permission for FastConsume to plugin.yml. (commit: ed33d6a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Too late to do it right! (commit: d01fa3e) — asofold / githubweb

#528 (Jun 4, 2013, 5:41:37 PM)

  1. More appropriate message. (commit: 44a9bcb) — asofold / githubweb

#527 (Jun 4, 2013, 5:37:46 PM)

  1. Add option to suppress warnings for consistency checks. (commit: f6819dc) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Write to console if NOT suppressed. (commit: fc6a20a) — asofold / githubweb

#526 (Jun 4, 2013, 9:59:57 AM)

  1. Remove Location reference for FightData on world changing. (commit: 05ab822) — asofold / githubweb

#525 (Jun 4, 2013, 9:48:26 AM)

  1. [BLIND] Quick fix for memory leak with unloaded worlds (MovingData). (commit: a9f26e2) — asofold / githubweb

#524 (Jun 1, 2013, 12:48:36 PM)

  1. Adjust interact.visible to use bounds (read details below!). (commit: b8141f5) — asofold / githubweb

#523 (May 30, 2013, 6:42:52 PM)

  1. Refactor NoFall to reduce code duplication, re-order some arguments. (commit: 18e18fa) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Attempt to fix fall-damage issue with dealdamage=false (Ticket 548). (commit: 90f1101) — asofold / githubweb

#522 (May 29, 2013, 2:38:00 PM)

  1. Remove unneeded dependencies for NCPCore. (commit: dac80f9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add option to reset nofall data if in vehicle. Relates to ticket 535. (commit: 640409f) — asofold / githubweb

#521 (May 26, 2013, 7:37:13 PM)

  1. [Experimental] Update inventory after FastConsume violations. (commit: 3b22ca2) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING/INCOMPLETE] Attempt to fix issues with blockinteract.visible. (commit: 430915e) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Set version to 3.9.3-DEV for more development. (commit: e1b1e55) — asofold / githubweb

#520 (May 23, 2013, 8:54:43 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.2-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 7e1347a) — asofold / githubweb

#519 (May 23, 2013, 8:46:29 AM)

  1. [Bleeding] Add FastConsume, if available will replace instanteat. (commit: c77dbff) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add ymax to nofall debug output. (commit: 87f83ff) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [CRITICAL] Fix block-coordinates being used for chunk loading. (commit: c6b1a81) — asofold / githubweb

#518 (May 22, 2013, 8:05:55 PM)

  1. Move most code to NCPCore, removes NCPCompat. (commit: ce83467) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Put a pom for building into the NoCheatPlus module until knowing better. (commit: e06e55a) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Filter plugin.yml from the NoCheatPlus pom to get content right. (commit: 37f4881) — asofold / githubweb

#516 (May 22, 2013, 7:40:21 PM)

  1. SurvivalFly: Add tag lowfoodsprint for debugging purposes. (commit: 43d1c4a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [Safety commit] Prepare better mod support for blockbreak (slowly). (commit: 8d0751f) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Update supported versions of MCAccessBukkit. (commit: 6519ea1) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Move auxiliary code. (commit: 6e6b198) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BREAKING API] Add module NCPCore between NCPCompat and NCPPlugin. (commit: 463700c) — asofold / githubweb

#515 (May 14, 2013, 11:39:19 PM)

  1. [Incomplete] First go at shift+double-click on items with item on (commit: 2319830) — asofold / githubweb

#513 (May 14, 2013, 5:41:32 PM)

  1. [Bleeding] Add "sprintinggrace" concept to moving. (commit: 52b28bd) — asofold / githubweb

#512 (May 10, 2013, 10:04:25 PM)

  1. Use ArrayList / index iteration here. (commit: ac4d103) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Iterate over the wrong list. (commit: 9ae355c) — asofold / githubweb

#511 (May 10, 2013, 12:52:16 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.2 - back to development. (commit: a277cbc) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Point project url to BukkitDev. (commit: 969ccf5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix block breaking times for vines and cocoa beans. (commit: cce1f64) — asofold / githubweb
  4. More too hot breaking time fixes. (commit: 6d1d661) — asofold / githubweb

#510 (May 5, 2013, 9:35:16 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.1-RC2 for second release attempt (commit: 2457f03) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add xz100 flag to steps just in case. (commit: 5717765) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Update checks and notifications are not processed anyway. (commit: c45e92b) — asofold / githubweb

#509 (May 3, 2013, 10:20:28 PM)

  1. Set dependecy for compat cb-dev to CB 1.5.1-R0.1 (beta release). (commit: e231b87) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.9.1-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 9af9bcc) — asofold / githubweb

#508 (May 3, 2013, 8:17:36 AM)

  1. Add configuration for ender-pearl checks to the combined section. (commit: 384c348) — asofold / githubweb

#507 (May 1, 2013, 7:45:57 PM)

  1. [Experimental] Add "strictinvalidation" flag to velocity config. (commit: 3e96d7d) — asofold / githubweb

#506 (May 1, 2013, 5:37:40 PM)

  1. [Bleeding] Set dependency for dev-module to CB 1.5.2-R0.1. (commit: 5e8cf48) — asofold / githubweb

#505 (Apr 30, 2013, 4:28:04 PM)

  1. Bind chunk loading debug messages to the debug flag as well. (commit: 00a240f) — asofold / githubweb

#504 (Apr 28, 2013, 9:40:30 PM)

  1. Don't deal fall damage for causing passable violations moving from (commit: a493da7) — asofold / githubweb

#503 (Apr 26, 2013, 9:37:13 PM)

  1. Fly and xray removed from cjb? (commit: 0e5912c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adjust flags for stairs. (commit: dcd606d) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Load chunks on players joining (configurable). (commit: 634ca39) — asofold / githubweb

#502 (Apr 23, 2013, 10:19:52 PM)

  1. Quick rework for client-mod-motdS. One class per client for better (commit: 34d851e) — asofold / githubweb

#501 (Apr 23, 2013, 8:47:53 PM)

  1. Random. (commit: 69e35fd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Update permissions in the plugin.yml + order. (commit: cdcd794) — asofold / githubweb
  3. . (commit: 04f2bae) — asofold / githubweb

#500 (Apr 23, 2013, 1:42:07 PM)

  1. Fix block breaking times when in lava. (commit: c0b65bf) — asofold / githubweb

#499 (Apr 22, 2013, 6:50:00 PM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Testing: ender-pearl glitch use (first sketch, read details). (commit: 22ffb43) — asofold / githubweb

#498 (Apr 22, 2013, 1:40:01 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Add AutoSign check (first sketch). (commit: 3b4352c) — asofold / githubweb

#497 (Apr 21, 2013, 10:25:13 PM)

  1. Adjust critical, remove remainders of old god-mode check. (commit: f4b88b3) — asofold / githubweb

#496 (Apr 21, 2013, 7:23:56 PM)

  1. Fix crop trampling being disabled by anticriticals. (commit: 19ddaef) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Add low jump detection, prevent critical hits if in low jump (commit: 6b4421d) — asofold / githubweb

#495 (Apr 21, 2013, 4:54:20 PM)

  1. Hover check: Check if chunks are loaded before triggering a violation. (commit: 2334bc9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make login denial configurable for the illegal-move checking. (commit: e26aec2) — asofold / githubweb

#494 (Apr 18, 2013, 2:40:38 PM)

  1. Add the auxiliary OnDemandTickListener class for temporary TickListener (commit: fa50f34) — asofold / githubweb

#493 (Apr 18, 2013, 1:04:10 PM)

  1. Add getMCAccess(boolean). (commit: 652342c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Flesh out aspects of ComponentRegistry. (commit: de5f152) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Only add TickListener instances once. (commit: d15a1d1) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Use a "temporary" TickListener to process queued IHoldSubComponents (commit: a950a2b) — asofold / githubweb

#492 (Apr 14, 2013, 2:46:43 PM)

  1. Increment dependency versions (dev, cb2691) due to CB beta release. (commit: 7d79c23) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set locked chest to instantly breakable with 1.5. (commit: 7575c93) — asofold / githubweb

#491 (Apr 12, 2013, 4:20:59 PM)

  1. Add module for CB2691 to match the beta release of CraftBukkit. (commit: 003e104) — asofold / githubweb

#490 (Apr 12, 2013, 12:14:56 PM)

  1. Two fixes for MovingListener/join. (commit: 290fc0f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make chat.logins default settings less strict. (commit: 31e2100) — asofold / githubweb

#489 (Mar 22, 2013, 7:32:16 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.1 for further development. (commit: 091d29c) — asofold / githubweb

#488 (Mar 21, 2013, 4:07:40 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.0-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 97fd0be) — asofold / githubweb

#486 (Mar 21, 2013, 3:24:56 PM)

  1. Sandstone stairs like quartz stairs. (commit: 997c952) — asofold / githubweb

#485 (Mar 21, 2013, 2:48:06 PM)

  1. Run "hand-picked" before MCAccess, if it implements (commit: f42817a) — asofold / githubweb

#484 (Mar 21, 2013, 9:38:49 AM)

  1. Re-add stairs flags to nether-quartz stairs. (commit: f99e562) — asofold / githubweb

#483 (Mar 21, 2013, 9:24:17 AM)

  1. Workaround for fences. (commit: 7c5f37c) — asofold / githubweb

#482 (Mar 21, 2013, 7:37:54 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.9.0 due to 1.5 being a new MC version. (commit: d02b54b) — asofold / githubweb

#481 (Mar 20, 2013, 11:14:16 PM)

  1. Add MC 1.5 module. (commit: 72c69df) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Set DEV module to 1.5.1. (commit: d6d4654) — asofold / githubweb

#480 (Mar 20, 2013, 10:12:04 AM)

  1. More workarounds for wooden pick + efficiency. (commit: d0000bb) — asofold / githubweb

#479 (Mar 20, 2013, 8:32:02 AM)

  1. Correct bad flag value for RAILS. (commit: b86b88c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add MC 1.5 block properties (breaking times + flags). (commit: 56f0fa9) — asofold / githubweb

#478 (Mar 20, 2013, 5:06:23 AM)

  1. Missing vehicle-exit: Always clear nofall data (leave that to MC). (commit: b09f2e5) — asofold / githubweb

#477 (Mar 20, 2013, 4:16:58 AM)

  1. Add RAILS flag. (commit: 33be1ca) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Attempt to work around missing VehicleExit events with latest CB dev (commit: d659dd7) — asofold / githubweb

#476 (Mar 17, 2013, 6:53:22 AM)

  1. Add safeguard against the safeguard not being present. (commit: 5e5076a) — asofold / githubweb

#475 (Mar 16, 2013, 2:36:29 AM)

  1. Re-order conditions. (commit: 171f2aa) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove debug message (...). (commit: 9e16d8f) — asofold / githubweb

#474 (Mar 16, 2013, 2:26:36 AM)

  1. Join tags with a '+' as done elsewhere too. (commit: 5dcddae) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Suppress deprecation warning for now. (commit: 7d17fb6) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Slightly more tolarance for boats. (commit: 20b28f9) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add heuristic for the THORNS enchantment. (commit: ab99e87) — asofold / githubweb

#473 (Mar 15, 2013, 8:34:21 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.8.13 for further development. (commit: 32600dd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEDING] Update dev-module to CB/1.5. (commit: 636faec) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Deprecate MCAccess.Block_i. (commit: 6adbd89) — asofold / githubweb

#472 (Mar 14, 2013, 7:33:12 PM)

  1. Also catch getSlot() < 0 for the InventoryClickEvent. (commit: 0fc3b54) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.8.12-RC2 to distinguish quick fix release. (commit: 328d277) — asofold / githubweb

#471 (Mar 14, 2013, 12:54:15 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.8.12-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 677aef4) — asofold / githubweb

#470 (Mar 14, 2013, 10:23:24 AM)

  1. Inventory.FastClick: Fix vl not adding, prepare for 1.5. (commit: 1b81171) — asofold / githubweb

#469 (Mar 14, 2013, 9:05:26 AM)

  1. New FastClick (inventory) check. (commit: 9de6175) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Ignore "outside" clicks, i.e. slots outside of the inventory slot range. (commit: 325d47f) — asofold / githubweb

#468 (Mar 14, 2013, 6:37:15 AM)

  1. Fix PassablRayTracing not respecting block flags. (commit: b5e8ee7) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add example entry for overrideflags (snow: default). (commit: 84da473) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Set version to 3.8.12 for further development. (commit: 0abca20) — asofold / githubweb

#467 (Mar 13, 2013, 8:23:46 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.8.11-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 0e506eb) — asofold / githubweb

#466 (Mar 13, 2013, 8:18:27 PM)

  1. Remove the old snow-level flag for leveled snow. (commit: 1eb7dba) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Move utility methods for altering flags to the BlockFlags utility class. (commit: 15bf8e3) — asofold / githubweb

#465 (Mar 13, 2013, 7:04:32 PM)

  1. Override cleanup methods in BlockCache implementations to remove world (commit: f2ab4c9) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Can still not stand on Minecarts (dev branch). (commit: a789b92) — asofold / githubweb

#464 (Mar 13, 2013, 6:50:19 PM)

  1. Double is used here. (commit: b8cda62) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Rename simplified fluid level flag. (commit: e35f058) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Can't stand on a minecart, give little more room for boat. (commit: 333369d) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Switch 1.4.x snow level handling to an extra flag. (commit: a2b1412) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [BLIND] Implement MC 1.5 snow levels with an extra block-flag. (commit: a9564ea) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Can't stand on minecarts in 1.4.7 either. (commit: 5197dbd) — asofold / githubweb

#463 (Mar 13, 2013, 8:20:56 AM)

  1. Check "instanceof Minecart" instead of EntityType. (commit: 0d2862c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add the command "ncp unkick *". (commit: 976cd59) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Check IHaveCHeckType after CheckType.ALL for data removal. (commit: 414796b) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Just add to first bucket, since update(...) has been called. (commit: 1ec7f99) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Trim flag inputs for more tolerance. (commit: 4cbefc0) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Allow "default" as flag, which will add the previously set flags. (commit: 555ae62) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Adjust lostgorund/fastedge to catch more vacc fp. (commit: a04f4ad) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Make fight.reach distances (survival) configurable. (commit: c075e67) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Prepare 1.5 blocks with block flags. Add unused stuff. (commit: 15f08f1) — asofold / githubweb

#462 (Mar 13, 2013, 3:10:43 AM)

  1. Add maximum activation ticks for velocity (queued). (commit: bb38ff5) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Velocity: Decrease validity counter once activated. (commit: 1ad08b3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Fix allowed h-dist in water (downstream). (commit: 25e4cb3) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Attempt to fix issues with too low valid-count for velocity. (commit: a5ed780) — asofold / githubweb

#461 (Mar 12, 2013, 7:57:23 PM)

  1. Fix and adjust basic move-debug output. (commit: 5b324a1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix aspects with jump potion-effects. (commit: 310b623) — asofold / githubweb

#460 (Mar 12, 2013, 8:02:30 AM)

  1. [Bleeding] Optimize preparation for PlayerLocation use. (commit: fc788f5) — asofold / githubweb

#459 (Mar 12, 2013, 6:48:30 AM)

  1. Moving: Only set sfDirty flag if velocity is really used. (commit: 186eec6) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Confine bounding boxes and y-distance for flag collection. (commit: d60c77b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Don't check god mode for dead players. (commit: 409ba0b) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Regroup lost-ground workarounds. Fix some aspects. (commit: 7b4fe7a) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Let NoFall be more generous with the on-ground search. (commit: a7c4539) — asofold / githubweb

#458 (Mar 11, 2013, 4:44:10 PM)

  1. SurvivalFly: adjust "swimup" workarounds. (commit: ea0b26a) — asofold / githubweb

#457 (Mar 11, 2013, 5:53:38 AM)

  1. Fix block-flag-setup for bukkit-api-only. (commit: 3f2780f) — asofold / githubweb

#456 (Mar 11, 2013, 4:37:44 AM)

  1. Use the same Location instance for passable and nofall. (commit: 0c59487) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Another attempt to set the bounding box (use Math.round). (commit: f882c8b) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Higher default capacity for CoordMap instances in BlockCache. (commit: 2fe9f1e) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Revert setting set-back-y to block bottom on some occasions. (commit: 4ff54f0) — asofold / githubweb
  5. [Bleeding] Various fixes for collision logic and consequent changes. (commit: d4616f4) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix cauldron workarounds. (commit: ba8ebb2) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Remove debug message. (commit: ae0cdff) — asofold / githubweb

#454 (Mar 9, 2013, 3:15:08 PM)

  1. Attempt to fix issues with falling through narrow spots. (commit: dfc8e7c) — asofold / githubweb

#453 (Mar 9, 2013, 1:56:49 AM)

  1. Add more detailed tags to lost-ground workarounds. (commit: 8d9e2fd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Adjust the set-back y-coordinate to block bottom for some (commit: 434a83c) — asofold / githubweb

#452 (Mar 9, 2013, 1:06:10 AM)

  1. Alter small-range-tp margin. Add debug info for teleport and setback-y. (commit: 7eab369) — asofold / githubweb

#451 (Mar 8, 2013, 11:25:14 PM)

  1. Implement JoinLeaveListener with MovingListener and ChatListener. (commit: 926556a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix standing on cactus. (commit: c23482f) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add convenience methods for combinedDirectionCheck. (commit: 593ea71) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add "strict" method to fight.direction. (commit: 61bc88b) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Allow fight.speed to create improbable violations for higher violation (commit: de4faa3) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Reduce amount fed to improbable by fight.reach. (commit: 498f23e) — asofold / githubweb

#450 (Mar 8, 2013, 2:07:32 AM)

  1. Add comments. (commit: 157e957) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add JoinLeaveListener component. (commit: be49a78) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Remove angle data on players leaving. (commit: 24c1599) — asofold / githubweb
  4. [BLEEDING, INSTABLE] Switch horizontal velocity to a new method. (commit: 5dd09d4) — asofold / githubweb

#449 (Mar 7, 2013, 4:27:58 PM)

  1. More on-ground: Faster return + fixing some workarounds. (commit: 5500cd1) — asofold / githubweb

#448 (Mar 7, 2013, 2:23:20 AM)

  1. Revert too fast return, add other, comments, indentation. (commit: eb4c537) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Sharpen maximum jump distance. (commit: 5a76b22) — asofold / githubweb

#447 (Mar 7, 2013, 12:46:00 AM)

  1. Higher or same height... (commit: 9a5b988) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Tweak isOnGround for faster exclusion. (commit: 08de1cb) — asofold / githubweb

#446 (Mar 6, 2013, 10:19:03 PM)

  1. Player must be above getBlockHeight. (commit: db21e49) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Don't count blocks as  ground the players  foot is in. (commit: 0543eb8) — asofold / githubweb

#445 (Mar 6, 2013, 6:51:19 PM)

  1. Commend on potential issue with join. (commit: 348ba34) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix walking on a block below COCOA. (commit: 83abefb) — asofold / githubweb

#444 (Mar 6, 2013, 5:22:38 PM)

  1. Fix block dump not respecting the checks.debug and blockbreak.debug (commit: 2d5dd87) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Squash a couple of spiders. (commit: 11628b2) — asofold / githubweb

#443 (Mar 6, 2013, 1:42:59 PM)

  1. Add null check and refine preconditions for on-ground shortcut. (commit: 0eaf958) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Attempt to fix issues with (non exact) respawn. (commit: ce3d1ba) — asofold / githubweb

#442 (Mar 5, 2013, 7:50:24 PM)

  1. isOnGround: Fix shape judgment for shape-changing blocks. (commit: f20fc85) — asofold / githubweb

#441 (Mar 5, 2013, 7:38:07 PM)

  1. Fix isOnGround issue with shape judgment. (commit: 8762d38) — asofold / githubweb

#440 (Mar 5, 2013, 7:25:11 PM)

  1. Fix isOnGround stopping loop with "walls". (commit: 3ad9ba3) — asofold / githubweb

#439 (Mar 5, 2013, 6:57:36 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.8.11 for further development. (commit: 66f2d6d) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Re-order isOnGround for better overview. (commit: 2297475) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Tweak isOnGround: Faster exclusions for walls. (commit: 0194d1f) — asofold / githubweb
  4. isOnGround: Add null check, move some things to methods. (commit: f7d9441) — asofold / githubweb
  5. isOnGround: Fix for flags. (commit: 354511b) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Fix for flags + adjust debug output to show flags and exact coordinates (commit: de44ea4) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add javadocs about levels. (commit: b73f68d) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Adjust/fix moving debug output. (commit: d7110b3) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Reset block-flags with setYonGround. Add setter for block-flags. (commit: 2b0ab5c) — asofold / githubweb
  10. Change resetting of yOnGround for NoFall. (commit: 8bed6fb) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Change resetting of yOnGround for NoFall. (commit: 7adef83) — asofold / githubweb

#438 (Mar 5, 2013, 5:56:23 AM)

  1. Adjust on-ground handling: fix and bring back "shortcut" check. (commit: ce6a8b4) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version back to 3.8.10-RC, since back to dev was premature. (commit: 2dbc486) — asofold / githubweb

#436 (Mar 5, 2013, 1:09:06 AM)

  1. Set version to 3.8.10-RC for release on BukkitDev. (commit: 8807c6d) — asofold / githubweb

#435 (Mar 5, 2013, 12:33:03 AM)

  1. Fix false positives with jump+sprint just touching water once. (commit: 680bd86) — asofold / githubweb

#434 (Mar 4, 2013, 9:39:50 PM)

  1. Fix for sneaking/blocking + velocity. (commit: 323d0f0) — asofold / githubweb

#433 (Mar 4, 2013, 9:10:36 PM)

  1. Only debug this to console for nonzero BuildParameters.testLevel. (commit: 11f139a) — asofold / githubweb

#432 (Mar 4, 2013, 8:26:13 PM)

  1. Reorder isOnGround, remove unreliable "short-cut". (commit: 1cc18db) — asofold / githubweb

#431 (Mar 4, 2013, 1:27:43 AM)

  1. Add checks.debug flag for fast activation of all checks debug features. (commit: 1d1e428) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add horizontal buffer to sf debug output. (commit: 494c667) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Attempt to reduce false positives with sprint+jump+attack. (commit: 078c567) — asofold / githubweb

#430 (Mar 3, 2013, 4:49:18 PM)

  1. Add loginticks to sf/hover to allow extra counting down before really (commit: 7ac499a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Only check sf/hover every n ticks (configurable). (commit: ec5a504) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Reset hover ticks if found on ground. (commit: 6b5b9ce) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Step can only be set in the global config. (commit: d42f94f) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Attempt to fix issues with re-join and survivalfly. (commit: a22b259) — asofold / githubweb

#429 (Mar 3, 2013, 2:42:16 PM)

  1. Add dev-url. (commit: feaa09a) — asofold / githubweb

#428 (Mar 2, 2013, 2:26:15 AM)

  1. Attempt to fix Zombe/noclip flippage [quick'n'shalow: untested]. (commit: 6585948) — asofold / githubweb

#427 (Mar 2, 2013, 1:54:07 AM)

  1. Rearrange some things with MovingListener/PlayerMove(lowest). (commit: ff409fd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Tweak lost-ground workarounds. (commit: f28235c) — asofold / githubweb

#426 (Mar 1, 2013, 8:12:08 PM)

  1. Add comments and javadocs. (commit: 2d0b2ba) — asofold / githubweb
  2. NCPBukkitCompat: Ensure some full blocks are not ignored by passable. (commit: b2be3b9) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Plugin class: Add a method for processing reload. (commit: ccb5bae) — asofold / githubweb
  4. MCAcessBukkit: Also make Glowstone an exception. (commit: 212438d) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Confine lost-ground check for block edges further. (commit: 9ba173b) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Forgot to rename this one. (commit: f650a48) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Add methods for further testing of directions and similar. (commit: b704187) — asofold / githubweb
  8. RayTracing: Add ability to check number of steps done. (commit: c805caa) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Use hard limits for maximum number of steps for ray-tracing. (commit: 036c996) — asofold / githubweb

#425 (Mar 1, 2013, 4:40:51 PM)

  1. Compile NCPCompatBukkit against 1.4.7-R1.0, since more is not needed. (commit: e46c8a1) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Remove hopefully not needed extension for y-bounds for isOnGround. (commit: e5767e3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add comment. (commit: 1c2c0dc) — asofold / githubweb
  4. More caching for on-ground checking in PlayerLocation. (commit: bf0e835) — asofold / githubweb

#424 (Mar 1, 2013, 2:26:27 PM)

  1. Move build timestamp to parent pom. (commit: c64bf49) — asofold / githubweb

#423 (Mar 1, 2013, 2:18:42 PM)

  1. Simplify replacing of build-parameters. (commit: 36b402c) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Adjust getString to filter not set maven build parameters. (commit: 3b283b6) — asofold / githubweb
  3. LICENSE.txt is on top level. (commit: 810e075) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add safety check to stop ray-tracing if coordinates don't change. (commit: d429f8c) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Ignore empty lines. (commit: e1adb3d) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Add more build parameters (time, java). (commit: 2a9e00b) — asofold / githubweb

#422 (Mar 1, 2013, 12:37:25 AM)

  1. Update messages for setting up MCAccess. (commit: df57b01) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Make sure RayTracing only advances if really moving into that (commit: e7cfdd4) — asofold / githubweb

#421 (Feb 28, 2013, 9:28:57 PM)

  1. Adjust available build parameters: TEST_LEVEL and DEBUG_LEVEL (commit: 31faf7f) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Too much space. (commit: 63cc892) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add setback-y-distance to debug output for survivalfly. (commit: 84d82ff) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Let EnginePlayerDataMap remember the last time entries were removed. (commit: f03ffcf) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fix LetterEngine.checkConsistency. (commit: 7c90d22) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Reset lastAccess and lastExpired on clear(). (commit: 5ca6e33) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Fix passable ray-tracing not stopping after collision. (commit: 15a2165) — asofold / githubweb

#420 (Feb 28, 2013, 3:24:44 PM)

  1. Reduce false positives with jumping onto/over edges of blocks. (commit: 50ebbb0) — asofold / githubweb

#419 (Feb 28, 2013, 1:43:28 AM)

  1. Add module for 1.4.7: NCPCompatCB2602 (commit: 15f3b38) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add module: NCPCompatBukkit (commit: da4b142) — asofold / githubweb

#418 (Feb 27, 2013, 11:30:10 PM)

  1. Set version to 3.8.10 (release phase). (commit: 35815ea) — asofold / githubweb

#417 (Feb 27, 2013, 8:47:07 PM)

  1. Reduce false positives for jumping off water near half-steps. (commit: c8ac66d) — asofold / githubweb

#416 (Feb 27, 2013, 7:43:16 PM)

  1. Add comment. (commit: e342b07) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix issue with hover check on players joining. (commit: eb28f47) — asofold / githubweb

#415 (Feb 27, 2013, 7:19:39 PM)

  1. Reduce false positives with jumping almost onto block edges. (commit: e0c6e9e) — asofold / githubweb

#414 (Feb 27, 2013, 4:48:20 PM)

  1. Config change: Add an active-flag for data-expiration and set the (commit: 9d1f792) — asofold / githubweb

#413 (Feb 27, 2013, 4:31:58 PM)

  1. Add getInt and getLong with bounds parameters. (commit: e0b2eb7) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add periodic consistency checking. (commit: 74a935c) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Register all online players with the NCPExemptionManager in postEnable. (commit: e9deb05) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Clear logins data on removing all data (ncp remove *). (commit: 4a9f82e) — asofold / githubweb

#412 (Feb 26, 2013, 10:48:29 PM)

  1. Add support for build parameters (example: EXTENSIVE_TESTING). (commit: 33af656) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add module for build parameter info. (commit: 7a84ed3) — asofold / githubweb

#411 (Feb 26, 2013, 6:28:30 PM)

  1. Extend tests for RayTracing. (commit: 7baac6b) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Fix opposite-direction increments in ray-tracing. (commit: 4958913) — asofold / githubweb

#410 (Feb 26, 2013, 4:38:59 PM)

  1. Add comment. (commit: 9e4badb) — asofold / githubweb
  2. [BLEEDING] Use same yOnGround for noFall by default. (commit: e316678) — asofold / githubweb

#409 (Feb 26, 2013, 3:54:10 PM)

  1. Treat small range teleports differently. [Ticket: BukkitDev-452] (commit: 62102c7) — asofold / githubweb

#408 (Feb 26, 2013, 12:34:09 AM)

  1. Allow interacting with the block at head height if stuck. (commit: ac04847) — asofold / githubweb

#407 (Feb 26, 2013, 12:01:15 AM)

  1. Add option to use permission subscriptions for in-game-chat logging. (commit: a5cc3f8) — asofold / githubweb

#406 (Feb 25, 2013, 10:43:37 PM)

  1. Keep track of online players for performance reasons. (commit: ee400b7) — asofold / githubweb

#405 (Feb 24, 2013, 12:31:40 PM)

  1. Remove blockbreak and fight data on reloading. (commit: 268265a) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Update plugin.yml (commit: 7ea09b7) — MyPictures / githubweb
  3. Allow exemption for prevention of breaking special blocks (e.g. liquid). (commit: f37fd4b) — asofold / githubweb

#404 (Feb 23, 2013, 3:13:48 PM)

  1. Don't be so condescending in default kick messages. (commit: ae193a8) — savoie44 / githubweb
  2. We use liquid, not fluid. (commit: 47862a6) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Allow exemption for blockplace/against checks. (commit: b72b51e) — asofold / githubweb

#403 (Feb 20, 2013, 8:32:40 PM)

  1. Dump block properties in a task whenever they are reset. (commit: fafb27a) — asofold / githubweb

#402 (Feb 20, 2013, 8:12:34 PM)

  1. Move some debugging code to a utility. (commit: e6961a7) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add  methods for getting block-flag-names and parsing flags. (commit: 3827fac) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Add data value to debug.output method. (commit: f7ca2da) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add convenience method to StringUtil for splitting by chars. (commit: c16ccd8) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Should have used a regex :p. (commit: 33abae9) — asofold / githubweb
  6. [BLEEDING] Add hidden config option to override block flags. (commit: 0a031a0) — asofold / githubweb

#401 (Feb 20, 2013, 4:48:57 PM)

  1. Fix fight.speed not getting registered properly. (commit: 66da361) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Update javadocs: return value. (commit: 1e71a02) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Correct fastheal actions. (commit: 354e7e4) — asofold / githubweb

#400 (Feb 20, 2013, 4:11:27 PM)

  1. Add missing strings entry for fastheal. (commit: 6eeb3ae) — asofold / githubweb

#399 (Feb 20, 2013, 3:04:02 PM)

  1. [Bleeding] Add FastHeal check. (commit: db5a71d) — asofold / githubweb

#398 (Feb 19, 2013, 12:27:05 AM)

  1. Add nofall fall distance to fight.criticals debug message. (commit: 2304abd) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Something against criticals. (commit: 4a2dfc8) — asofold / githubweb

#397 (Feb 18, 2013, 12:56:59 AM)

  1. [BLEEDING] Revive direction checking. Optimizations. (commit: 52eb970) — asofold / githubweb

#396 (Feb 17, 2013, 8:38:54 PM)

  1. Explicitly set STEP as solid. (commit: faa9a86) — asofold / githubweb

#395 (Feb 17, 2013, 6:23:21 PM)

  1. Tighten blockinteract.speed limit to 60. (commit: 1effa80) — asofold / githubweb

#394 (Feb 17, 2013, 5:54:38 PM)

  1. Fix outdated jenkins link in Readme.md (commit: 69b2e28) — MyPictures / githubweb
  2. Add constructor without arguments to RayTracing for convenience. (commit: 3dbe5fc) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Correct a method name in BlockProperties. (commit: 68a807a) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Add convenience methods to BlockCache. (commit: 5c3f79c) — asofold / githubweb
  5. Fastest return first. (commit: 28a28b2) — asofold / githubweb
  6. Check BlockInteract first. (commit: 1d44fe6) — asofold / githubweb
  7. Also prevent using item-in-hand or using interacted-block fpor (commit: 5f5d571) — asofold / githubweb
  8. Optimize/correct block-interact checking. (commit: 89cbbfd) — asofold / githubweb
  9. Add heuristic InteractRayTracing. (commit: 3f7e2d4) — asofold / githubweb
  10. [Bleeding] Add blockinteract.visible check. (commit: 48ffb2f) — asofold / githubweb
  11. Fix interact-ray-tracing workaround. (commit: 0d3f63e) — asofold / githubweb
  12. Attempt to fix issues with piston-extension. (commit: 277d062) — asofold / githubweb
  13. Adjust debug message. (commit: dd5f094) — asofold / githubweb
  14. [Bleeding] Add interact.speed check. (commit: 6112d5b) — asofold / githubweb
  15. Don't forget to increase the VL. (commit: cd2cb78) — asofold / githubweb

#392 (Feb 15, 2013, 6:40:21 PM)

  1. Reduce false positives for god-mode. (commit: 45ba3b9) — asofold / githubweb

#391 (Feb 15, 2013, 5:00:24 PM)

  1. [Bleeding] Simplify passable-ray-tracing. (commit: dbf8709) — asofold / githubweb

#390 (Feb 15, 2013, 4:56:35 PM)

  1. Workaround for standing on the block below a cactus (simplistic). (commit: cbe0b5c) — asofold / githubweb

#389 (Feb 15, 2013, 1:55:20 PM)

  1. Fix isSameBlock(Location), add convenience methods isBlockAbove. (commit: 29f5a15) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Allow stuck players to jump upwards if head is free. (commit: 0fff534) — asofold / githubweb

#388 (Feb 15, 2013, 12:04:14 PM)

  1. Adjust Metrics. (commit: 7d5e5de) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Add basic ray-tracing support. (commit: 9f7d3c6) — asofold / githubweb
  3. [Bleeding] Add ray-tracing for passable check. (commit: 1264cdb) — asofold / githubweb

#387 (Feb 8, 2013, 10:26:41 PM)

  1. Putting workaround right. At the cost of some swimup foggyness. (commit: 73cbac3) — asofold / githubweb

#386 (Feb 8, 2013, 10:08:34 PM)

  1. Reduce false positives with survivalfly + swimup (jump, half-steps). (commit: 08427fb) — asofold / githubweb

#385 (Feb 8, 2013, 5:46:52 PM)

  1. Basically ignore events with zero damage for god-mode. (commit: 602b4c7) — asofold / githubweb

#384 (Feb 8, 2013, 5:25:42 PM)

  1. Adjust moving debug output: Show both v/h, but only if active. (commit: 43264ad) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set all noswing actions to only log from vl>10 on. (commit: c6ed761) — asofold / githubweb

#383 (Feb 8, 2013, 12:06:07 PM)

  1. Workaround for jumping onto flower pots. (commit: 409f5e5) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Sharpen lost-ground conditions. (commit: 06fdca5) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Attempt to further reduce false positives with exiting boats. (commit: aa3c480) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Reset velocity specs for one-time-use velocity. (commit: 83eb9c8) — asofold / githubweb

#382 (Feb 8, 2013, 10:37:03 AM)

  1. Correct vl for fastclick to include current violation. (commit: a12ffcf) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Code simplification. (commit: dd9e5d3) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Move some debug output to a method. (commit: bcd62f0) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Adapt lost-ground check to recent fix in PlayerLocation.isOnGround. (commit: d3966b3) — asofold / githubweb

#381 (Feb 8, 2013, 7:48:24 AM)

  1. Let inventory.fastclick not execute actions with heavier lag spikes. (commit: df4705d) — asofold / githubweb

#380 (Feb 6, 2013, 4:45:52 PM)

  1. Add comments, reorder slightly. (commit: 261fca0) — asofold / githubweb
  2. More grace to velocity handling, configurable. (commit: df005b4) — asofold / githubweb

#379 (Feb 5, 2013, 9:03:54 AM)

  1. More haste. (commit: 7399bfa) — asofold / githubweb

#378 (Feb 4, 2013, 11:54:08 PM)

  1. Make god-mode lag boundaries configurable. (commit: fcd18ea) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Reduce some false positives with survivalfly. [Not finished.] (commit: 2b8dd41) — asofold / githubweb

#377 (Feb 4, 2013, 9:05:26 PM)

  1. Don't let freedom go below 0. (commit: f126a13) — asofold / githubweb

#375 (Feb 4, 2013, 8:12:01 AM)

  1. Update readme.md. (commit: 5eb3476) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Correct cncp link. (commit: cf065d6) — asofold / githubweb
  3. Change appearance of the output of the lag command. (commit: c49b1fb) — asofold / githubweb
  4. Attempt to fix repeated adding of velocity. (commit: 6c8c6ad) — asofold / githubweb

#374 (Feb 3, 2013, 8:51:21 PM)

  1. Bump version. (commit: 38a2fdf) — asofold / githubweb
  2. Set version to 3.8.10-ALPHA to keep it somewhat consistent, switch back (commit: ae01377) — asofold / githubweb