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#Calculate Command Usage: /calc [boolean: Use OOPS] <number><symbol><number>[symbol][number] Syntax in <> are required and [] are optional. You can add as many extra symbol-number groups as you want, but always end in a number. Decimal and negative numbers are considered valid. Order of OPerations is followed by default but can be toggled off. For greater control, parenthesis can be used to further customize Order of OPerations.

calc can be substituted for Calculate, calculate, or Calc in the above command.

##Binary Operations

Mathematical Operation In-game Symbol Number before Number after
Addition + Addend 1 Addend 2
Subtraction - Minuend Subtrahend
Multiplication *, X, x Factor 1 Factor 2
Division / Numerator Denominator
Exponents ^ Base Power
Roots /-- Radicand Degree

##Special Numbers

In-game symbol Effect
L, l Represents the last valid output the player recieved
PI, pi Represents the java Math.PI value of PI
E, e Represents the java Math.E value of Euler's number


  • If you end a calculation with remainder instead of simply receiving the remainder you receive [Whole number]R[Remainder]. This is for calculating things such as how many stacks so you know the number of stacks and the remainder in 1 command.