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  • Use bed location for respawning if the player has one set
  • Save logout location if configured to check it on join
  • No longer save player data on leave, it's pointless
  • Fix player exp being reset on death
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Version 2.3.0 and newer only works on 1.13.2 and 1.14+. Minecraft versions 1.12.2 and older are no longer supported as of this update. With all the changes to the game, maintaining multiple versions is just unfeasible.


  • Fix issue with PotionEffects (#140)
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This version only works on 1.13.2 and 1.14+. Minecraft versions 1.12.2 and older are no longer supported as of this update. With all the changes to the game, maintaining multiple versions is just unfeasible.


  • Update dependencies
  • Major refactor of the conversion system
  • PlayerProfiles now implement ConfigurationSerializable
  • Added command to migrate old data to the newest format
  • PotionEffects now use ConfigurationSerializable methods for serialization (no more serialization by hand)
  • Locations now use ConfigurationSerializable methods for serialization (no more serialization by hand)
  • Fix number type conversions once and for all
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  • Update Multiverse-Inventories dependency (1.13 versions only)
  • Improve output messages during inventory conversion
  • Fix setting flying state when configured not to
  • Update Kotlin to 1.3.11
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  • Fix error while serializing certain ItemMetas (Fixes #84)
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  • Ensure that the InventoryLoadCompleteEvent is called in all cases
  • Set default spawn world in default worlds.yml
  • [1.13] PotionEffects now have icons instead of colors
  • Items are no longer saved as Base64-encoded strings
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Regarding 1.13

Going forward, 1.13 and newer will be the main focus of the plugin. Because of the dramatic changes in Minecraft and Spigot, it is not guaranteed that PWI for 1.13 and PWI for 1.12.2 and older will have the same features or behavior. Eventually, at some undetermined point in the future, support for 1.12.2 and older will be dropped. That will depend on further Minecraft and Spigot changes in the future.


  • Create and implement InventoryLoadCompleteEvent
  • Remove certain scheduling calls for plugin compatibility
  • Move all Group commands into their own subcommand
  • perworldinventory.admin permission node now correctly gives Group modification permissions
  • Simplify permissions internally
  • Command permission nodes have changed to follow the pattern perworldinventory.command.<command>
  • Add command to view information about a Group
  • Add ability to set the respawn world for each Group when a player dies
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  • Ensure that inventory is loaded when manage-gamemodes is enabled but separate-gamemode-inventories is not
  • Save worlds to file as a List
  • Validate player stats before applying them
  • Catch the correct exception when a file already exists
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This is the official release version of PWI v2.0.0.

Changelog from last pre-release:

  • Implement new multi-level logging and debugging system
  • Relocate shaded Kotlin package to prevent conflicts with other Kotlin plugins
  • Fix for #42 - Save player location on logout
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v2.0.0 RC4



  • Ref #38 - When using the economy feature, PWI now computes the difference in balances instead of withdrawing everything and depositing the ending balance
  • Ref #34 - Added a setting to the config.yml called disable-nag-message to disable the message sent when an on-the-fly group is created