

Configuring Factions is optional. The default configuration works perfectly in most cases.

Factions can be fully configured while your server is running! Just edit and save the configuration files. The modifications will automatically be detected and loaded into the server after a few seconds. You don’t need to run any command or restart the server for this to happen.

Using a proper text editor like Notepad++ can make your life easier since syntax highlighting makes it easier to understand the text you are looking at.

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Factions Config

This configuration file is located at /mstore/factions_mconf/instance.json.

NOTE: I have manually added the comments below. They will not and should not be in the actual file. Adding such comments would cause an error.

Factions Flags

These configuration files are located at /mstore/factions_mflag/*.json.

NOTE: I have manually added the comments below. They will not and should not be in the actual file. Adding such comments would cause an error.

Factions Perms

These configuration files are located at /mstore/factions_mperm/*.json.

NOTE: I have manually added the comments below. They will not and should not be in the actual file. Adding such comments would cause an error.

FactionsTax Config

This configuration file is located at /mstore/factionstax_mconf/instance.json.

NOTE: I have manually added the comments below. They will not and should not be in the actual file. Adding such comments would cause an error.

FactionsDynmap Config

This configuration file is located at /mstore/factionsdynmap_mconf/instance.json.

NOTE: I have manually added the comments below. They will not and should not be in the actual file. Adding such comments would cause an error.


This plugin makes use of Bukkit’s standard permission node system. You can see the nodes in the plugin YAML below.

Permissions work out of the box.
You do not need an external permission manager plugin:

  1. All permissions are granted to OP players.
  2. The permission kit “factions.kit.rank0” is granted to all players.

However if you do use an external permission manager plugin you can grant the permission kit nodes “factions.kit.rank1”, “factions.kit.rank2” and “factions.kit.rank3” to your server moderators.

  • factions.kit.rank1 – For your lowest rank staff members. Grants use of the /f admin command.
  • factions.kit.rank2 – For your middle rank staff members. Grants access to powerboost command and managing members in other factions.
  • factions.kit.rank3 – For your highest rank staff members. Does nothing at the moment.

Note that these kits “inherit” each other. If you give a staff member “factions.kit.rank3” that staff member will automatically get “factions.kit.rank2” and “factions.kit.rank1”.

Chat Format Tags

Factions ships with a build in chat format tag system. Certain tags in the chat format will be replaced by factions. The behavior can be slightly configured in the config file.

All tags are completely lowercase and make use of curly brackets. The pipe character (|) is used to add in so called modifiers.


  • factions_name: The name of the sender’s faction. Nothing is printed if the player has no faction.
  • factions_nameforce: The name of the sernder’s faction. “Wilderness” is printed if the player has no faction.
  • factions_relcolor: The relation color between the sender and the recipient.
  • factions_role: The sender’s role. Would be “Recruit”, “Member”, “Officer” or “Leader”.
  • factions_roleprefix: The sender’s role prefix. Would be “-“, “+”, “*” or “**”. Nothing is printed if the player has no faction.
  • factions_roleprefixforce: The sender’s role prefix. Would be “-“, “+”, “*” or “**”. “-” is printed if the player has no faction.
  • factions_title: The sender’s faction title.


  • lp: If the string contains anything we add a space to the left.
  • rp: If the string contains anything we add a space to the right.
  • parse: Parse the string so that “<green>” or “&2” would become green color.
  • lc: Lowercase the string.
  • uc: Uppercase the string.
  • ucf: Uppercase the first letter of the string.


The tag for faction name would thus be {faction_name}. If you would want to make it uppercase you could use {faction_name|uc}. If you wanted to force the first letter to uppercase and the rest to lower case you could use {faction_name|lc|ucf}.

This is the standard chat format:
“<%1$s> %2$s”

We could ad in the faction name like this:
“<{faction_name} %1$s> %2$s”

But a better way to do it is this:
“<{faction_name|rp}%1$s> %2$s”

For the relation color to work you must use a very good external chat plugin.
Let’s add in the relation color as well:
“<{factions_relcolor}{faction_name|rp}§f%1$s> %2$s”

And finally the role prefix as well:
<{factions_relcolor}§l{factions_roleprefix}§r{factions_relcolor}{factions_name|rp}§f%1$s> %2$s

Integration With Other Plugins


Factions works together with EssentialsChat since version #Dev2.11.211.

Alter /mstore/factions_mconf/instance.json. Ensure that:

Then set the format in your /plugins/Essentials/config.yml. You could for example use:

or a more vanilla minecraft like alternative:


Factions works together with HeroChat since build #214.
Download HeroChat here.

Alter /mstore/massivecore_conf/instance.json. Ensure that:

Alter /mstore/factions_mconf/instance.json. Ensure that:

You may also want to alter the “herochat…” options but the defaults will work fine. The two herochat channels “Faction” and “Allies” will be created by Factions. Note that these channels are special and handled by the Factions plugin. You can edit their options during runtime in the mconf. The config files /plugins/Herochat/channels/Faction.yml and /plugins/Herochat/channels/Allies.yml have no authority and the content within them are overridden by the Factions plugin.

You may however want to alter /plugins/Herochat/config.yml so that

Note: The tag {factions_relcolor} does not work with HeroChat.