- Capitalized the first letter on right click responses in chat
- Fixed a bug where arrows shot by infinite bow enchant would duplicate
- Fixed a bug where Archery XP would calculate incorrectly
- Axes can now replant cocoa plants
- Players who level up at certain milestones have their level ups broadcasted
- Fixed a few memory leaks involving arrows
- Fixed mcMMO inappropriately assigning metadata to projectiles not fired from players
- Optimized memory access for Acrobatics fall anti-exploit mechanics
- Fixed a serious dupe bug
- Add McMMOPlayerPreXpGainEvent event for plugins to modify given exp
- Add SkillActivationPerkEvent
- Optimized how mcMMO saves player data
- Fixed a bug where Enchanted Books dropped by mcMMO (in Fishing) did not function correctly
- The mcMMO system which tracks player placed blocks has had some major rewrites
- Optimized our ChunkUnloadEvent, this should improve timings in this area
- mcMMO will now be compatible with changes to world height (1.17 compatibility)
- NPC’s can no longer pick droped items up
- An Anvil can now be used as an mcmmo anvil / salvage block, this previously needed an iron block to use
- Added Enchanted Books to fishing treasure as Legendary rarity. can drop with any legal enchantment
- Added all Netherite gear, Name Tag, Netherite Scrap, Nautilus Shell to Fishing Rewards
- Fixed a bug where a bunch of text from mcMMO was never being sent and or being sent as blank messages
- Added Crossbow to string repairable
- Added Shield to wood repairable
- Added Elytra and Trident to Other repairable, using phantom membrane and prismarine crystals respectively.
- Fixed a NPE that prevented mctop (Leaderboards) from working
- Added Woodcutting skill ‘Knock on Wood’ – This ability gives you goodies (saplings, xp orbs, apples, etc) when using Tree Feller (-Enjoy Hans)
- Tree Feller no longer gives non-wood items by default, it now requires Knock on Wood for additional loot
- Fixed a bug where Green Thumb would replant blocks floating in the air
- Updated Green Thumb description to mention that it needs a hoe
- Fixed a bug where Spectral Arrow awarded too much XP
- Added some misc safeguards against possible NPEs
- Hex colors are now supported
- Fixed a bug where Tree Feller was not dropping some items like saplings
- Fixed a bug where most sub-skills were not being displayed when using a skills command (for example /taming)
- Fixed a bug where some URL links were not being colored
- Fixed a bug where Tree Feller would sometimes double drop blocks inappropriately (R.I.P Hans)
- Fixed a bug with bleed damage calculations and player armor
- Added some code to prevent a possible NPE when spawning items in a world that got unloaded
- Fixed a bug where players could use the party chat command without the party chat permission
- Players & Console can now use color codes (e.g. &a or [[GREEN]] ) in admin chat ( InGame command /a )
- Added new permission node ‘mcmmo.chat.colors’ which allows players to use color codes, negate to disallow this
- All locale files have had 99.9% of their [[]] color codes replaced by & color codes, you can still use [[GOLD]] and stuff if you want
- Fixed a memory leak involving entity metadata
- Made some optimizations to combat processing
- Fixed a bug where mobs from eggs were only tracked if it was dispensed
- Fixed a bug where egg spawned mobs were sometimes not marked as being from an egg
- Fixed a bug where entities transformed by a single event (such as lightning) weren’t tracked properly if there was more than one entity involved
- A bug where players would disconnect from mcMMO messages has been fixed
- A dupe exploit has been fixed
- Improvements were made to tracking player placed blocks in mcMMO
- Fixed a bug where Deflect worked against non-arrow projectiles
- Fixed a bug where Deflect was checked twice, resulting in two chances to deflect effectively
- Fixed a bug where Roll wouldn’t award XP when fall height was over a certain amount
- Lowered the XP ceiling of Roll
- Fixed a NPE that would happen involving taming in combat processing
- Iron Arm Style renamed to Steel Arm Style
- Steel Arm Style now scales over 20 ranks instead of 5
- Code used to fetch UUIDs was reworked to avoid a scenario where it failed
- Added ‘Netherite_Gold_Ore’ to Smelting XP tables
- Added ‘Gilded_Blackstone’ and ‘Nether_Gold_Ore’ to code used to determine what can activate Super Breaker in certain situations
- MMOinfo for Roll was corrected
- Fixed a bug where Netherite weapons/tools/armor weren’t applying correct values in some skill calculations
- Added some code to avoid NPE errors when checking armor on entities
- Furnace ownership is no longer lost when the furnace stops doing a job
- Furnaces remember owners between restarts
- Furnaces no longer simulate block break checks when assigning ownership as it caused some unwanted plugin conflicts
- Furnaces now change ownership to the last player who clicks in their inventory and is legally allowed to break the furnace
- Smelting XP can now be gained offline, but all other benefits from Smelting don’t happen unless you’re online
- Fix brewing stand not consuming items
- Changed the UUID updater task to not catastrophically fail when requests failed
- Fixed a bug where players could set each other on fire when partied or when PVP was disabled
- Fixed a NPE that could happen with thrown potions
- Fixed a potential NPE when damaging player armor with Axes
- Fixed a potential NPE when damaging a player with Blast Mining
- Fixed a potential NPE when checking tools related to Super Abilities
- Fixed a potential NPE when checking the Chimaera Wing
- Fixed a potential NPE when creating party member lists
- Fixed a potential NPE when fishing
- Fixed a potential NPE when players right click blocks
- Minor code cleanup
- A fix for an ‘array out of bounds’ error related to players clicking outside the inventory windows has been fixed
- Another fix has been deployed to prevent mobs from having hearts in player death messages
- Players no longer ready their tool if they don’t have access to the skill
- Fixed a NPE that could happen when players swapped items from their hotbar
- Added Basalt, Polished Basalt, Red Nether Bricks, Cracked Nether Bricks and Chiseled Nether Bricks Blackstone, Crying Obsidian , Gilded Blackstone, Redstone Dust, Chain and Nether Bricks Bonus to Drops for Mining
- Added Warped Roots, Warped Stem, Crimson Roots, Crimson Stem, Shroomlight, Twisting Vines, Nether Wart Block, Warped Wart Block and Weeping Vines to Bonus Drops for Herbalism
- Added Crimson Hyphae, Stripped Crimson Hyphae, Warped Hyphae and Stripped Warped Hyphae to Bonus Drops for Woodcutting
- Added Red Nether Bricks to Experience tables for Mining
- Added Netherite to Experience tables for Repair
- Added Piglin Brute to Experience tables for all combat skills
- Netherite now requires 100 Salvage skill (by default configs) in order to salvage
- Fixed a bug that prevented Repair from working on the new Netherite weapons/armors
- Fixed a bug where Netherite gear used Gold Ingots to repair instead of Netherite Scraps
- mcMMO will now run a script to fix a misspelling of netherite in repair/salvage
- mcMMO will produce a fake PlayerItemDamageEvent before damaging axes in Tree Feller execution
- Added new subcommand /mmoxpbar disable – Hides all mcMMO XP bars
- Added Blackstone, Chain, Bone Block, Cracked Nether Bricks, Chiseled Nether Bricks, Crying Obsidian, Gilded Blackstone, Crimson Hyphae, Stripped Crimson Hyphae, Warped Hyphae, Stripped Warped Hyphae, Shroomlight and Zoglin to Experience tables
- Lodestone will now be ignored for activating abilities
- Respawn Anchor will now be ignored for activating abilities
- Soul Campfire will now be ignored for activating abilities
- The first rank of Iron Arm for Unarmed now only gives 1.5 bonus damage instead of 4 (other ranks are the same as before)
- Blast Mining nerf reverted
- Fixed a bug where debris were not reduced from Blast Mining skills
- Fixed a bug where certain types of ore did not receive bonuses from Blast Mining
- Child Skills now have XP bars, they are hidden by default, You can enable the child skill bars with the command /mmoxpbar show