
CreeperHeal [Removed]


Thanks tiagoratto for putting this plugin on Spigot, it has been updated after so long! This page is now the official page for CreeperHeal.

To report an issue, please do so in the Issues page, not in the comments.

CreeperHeal is more than a griefing protection plugin : it repairs the damage done by explosions (Creepers, TNT, etc…) and fire, in a natural way! Stay a while after a Creeper made a hole, and you will see the terrain pop back slowly, block per block, exactly as it was before the explosion! That way, your players will still be afraid of Creepers, but your server will continue looking nice!

  • Anti-Griefing features
  • Natural healing of the terrain after an explosion
  • Fully customisable
  • Easy installation and configuration
  • Now compatible with WG

Look how many servers are using CreeperHeal to help them with unwanted destruction and griefing!


Before reporting a bug, please check the FAQ.To report a bug, or make a suggestion, use the Ticketspage.

For more information, see the WIKI. Here you will find Information about installation, configuration, permissions, etc…

For developers, the Javadoc can be found here.

Source on GitHub

Original bukkit project:


Nice Demo:

Portugese (absintoj):



Note: This plugin utilizes Hidendra’s plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  1. A unique identifier
  2. The server’s version of Java
  3. Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  4. The plugin’s version
  5. The server’s version
  6. The OS version/name and architecture
  7. The core count for the CPU
  8. The number of players online
  9. The Metrics version
    Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config yml and changing opt-out to true.

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