Custom Enchants

Custom Enchants [Removed]


/ce – This command brings up the main GUI.
/cehelp – This command lists the commands for the plugin.
/ceinfo – This command gives you useful information.
/ceshard – This command allows you to spawn in enchant shards.
/ceenchant – This command allows you to enchant items.
/cecheckv – This command allows you to see if you have the most updated version
/cebook – This command allows you to spawn in enchant books
/enchanter – Another way to access enchant roller.

Node / Recommended Rank
customenchants.enchant / Staff
customenchants.remove / Staff
customenchants.shard / Staff
customenchants.cecheckv / Staff / Staff / Member / Member
customenchants.applyenchant / Member
customenchants.enchanter / Member

customenchants.sharddrop / Member
customenchants.applyshard / Member

customenchants.gui.roller / Member
customenchants.gui.leveler / Member
customenchants.gui.deleveler / Member
customenchants.gui.recycler / Member
customenchants.gui.combiner / Member

customenchants.amount.(Number less than 15)

customenchants.use.(Any Enchant Name) / Member

GUI Features
Enchant Roller

This feature lets you roll for enchants using exp.
Enchant Leveler
This feature lets you level up existing enchants using exp.
Enchant Combiner
This feature lets you combine 2 of the same enchants to a higher tier.
Enchant Recycler
This feature lets you recycle enchants you don’t want for exp.
And also gives you enchant dust / Protection Scrolls
Enchant DeLeveler
This feature lets you unlevel your enchants.

Misc Features
Enchantment Table Support

Along side of the other 3 ways to get custom enchants in this
plugin there is now officially enchantment table support as of
Plugin Version 1.9.

Enchantment Shards

Enchantment shards can randomly drop from mobs when killed
and if a player applies enchant shards to a book it will give them
a random enchant corresponding to the tier of enchant shard.

Enchantment Dust
You can get this from the Enchant Recycler and it can be used
to increase the success rate on any enchant book up to 100%
just by right clicking the book with it.

Protection Scroll
You can get this from mob drops or a chance from the recycler
and it can be used to protect gear from breaking if the enchant
fails. It will get removed if the enchant fails but your item will be safe.

Customization Enchant Limit
You can edit the amount of enchants per item a user can have by
giving them the permission customenchants.amount.(Number)

# How many enchants can be on 1 item
MaxCustomEnchants: 5
ShardMaterial: WOOL:12###############################################
# Roller #

# Exp cost of the roller depending on tier
T1RollerEnchantCost: 20
T2RollerEnchantCost: 35
T3RollerEnchantCost: 60

# Leveler #

# Exp cost of the leveler depending on tier
T1-T2LevelerCost: 30
T2-T3LevelerCost: 45

# Recycler #

# The amount of exp the recycler gives depending on tier
T1RecyclerGive: 10
T2RecyclerGive: 25
T3RecyclerGive: 35

# The color of all enchants !Keep in mind of you change this you will have to reenchant all of your items!
EnchantChatColorCode: ‘&3’

# ShardFinder #

#This is where you can set the chances for the shardfinder enchant.
#There is a 1 out of whatever number chance. The lower the number you put the higher the chance.
#EX: If you put 100 it will be a 1/100 chance.

#ShardFinder Tier 1
ShardFinder1ChanceTier1Shard: 155
ShardFinder1ChanceTier2Shard: 200
ShardFinder1ChanceTier3Shard: 390

#ShardFinder Tier 2
ShardFinder2ChanceTier1Shard: 120
ShardFinder2ChanceTier2Shard: 250
ShardFinder2ChanceTier3Shard: 350

#ShardFinder Tier 3
ShardFinder3ChanceTier1Shard: 65
ShardFinder3ChanceTier2Shard: 190
ShardFinder3ChanceTier3Shard: 250

# Expedition #

#This is where you can set exp amount given by stone from the expedition encant. low is the lowest number it can be. High is the highest I.E 1-10
ExpeditionT1StoneExpAmountLow: 1
ExpeditionT1StoneExpAmountHigh: 2

ExpeditionT2StoneExpAmountLow: 2
ExpeditionT2StoneExpAmountHigh: 3

ExpeditionT3StoneExpAmountLow: 3
ExpeditionT3StoneExpAmountHigh: 4

# For the ores keep in mind this in a random number in ADDITION to how much they would have already gotten from the ore
ExpeditionT1OresExpAmountLow: 1
ExpeditionT1OresExpAmountHigh: 2

ExpeditionT2OresExpAmountLow: 1
ExpeditionT2OresExpAmountHigh: 4

ExpeditionT3OresExpAmountLow: 1
ExpeditionT3OresExpAmountHigh: 6

# Enchant Shards #

#Chances for a player killing a mob to drop a shard without the enchant
ShardTier1Kill: 200
ShardTier2Kill: 350
ShardTier3Kill: 475

#Chances for a mob to drop a shard from natural deaths/grinders
ShardTier1Death: 350
ShardTier2Death: 675
ShardTier3Death: 1050

# Protection Scroll #

#Chances for a protection scroll to drop when killing a mob
ProtectionScrollChance: 200

# Plugin Messages #

PluginTag: “&6&l[&bCustomEnchants&6&l]”
NoPerm: “&cYou do not have permission to use this feature!”
ConsoleUse: “&cYou must be a player to use this command!”
Unstack: “&cYou need to unstack these!”
TooManyEnchants: “&cYou have too many enchants on this weapon!”
EnchantAlreadyApplied: “&cThis enchant has already been applied”
NotValidEnchant: “&cThat is not a valid enchant!”
NotValidOrDoesNotGoUp: “&cThat is not a valid enchant or that enchant does not go to that tier!”

# Cooldowns #

#These are how long these cooldowns last in seconds.

EnderShotCD: 20
EggShooterCD: 10

# Toggles #

vaultsupport: true
#Enchants obtainable through enchant table
enchanttablesupport: true
enchantshard: true


Withering – Chance to apply withering
EggHunter – Gives you a chance to get mob eggs
Poisonous – Gives you a chance to apply poison
Lifesteal – Gives you a chance to steal some of the enemy’s hp
Paralyze – Gives a chance to apply slowness and blindness
Experience – Gives you more experience from killing mobs
Beheading – Gives you a chance to get player heads
Blindness – Gives you a chance to apply blindenss to enemys
DeathBringer – Does more damage to players
ShardFinder – Gives you a higher chance to get enchant shards.
IceAspect – Gives you a chance to freeze your enemy’s
Worms – Gives you a chance to apply hunger to enemy’s
Unarmored – Gives you a chance to take off a piece of an enemy’s armor
XPSteal – Gives you a chance to steal your enemy’s experienceTools:
Expedition – Gives you extra XP for mining
Haste – Whenever you hold the tool it gives you haste
OreMagnet – Makes ores pop into your inventory
Reward – Gives you a chance to earn some cool rewards when mining
Crushed – Gives you haste when mining obsidian

QuickDraw – Makes arrows shoot faster
EggShooter – Joke enchant makes you shoot eggs
Direct Impact – Makes you negate armor damage
EnderShot – Makes you shoot an enderpearl 10 second cooldown
Restoration – Its essentially a lifesteal for bows

Abandon – You have a chance to get speed when getting hit1
Absorb – You have a chance to cancel a hit of damage
Enderborn – You have a chance to get an enderpearl back after throwing it
Fireproof – Negates all fire damage
Glowing – Gives you nightvision
HealthBoost – Increases your health
Jump – Gives you jumpboost
Molten – Has a chance to catch an enemy on fire after hitting you
PoisonProtection – Negates poison damage
Replenish – Gives you regeneration
Saturation – Never eat again
ShockAbsorb – Never take fall damage
Speed – Applies speed boost
Juggernaut – Gives you resistence
Beast – Gives you strength
Undead – Negates mob damage unless you hit them



Please remember the reviews are not for bug reporting!

Please report bugs on the discussion page or discord: jupdyke01#8402

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