

We use this as a dependency / Engine for Golden Crates, the plugin which powers our crate system.

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This plugin adds more than 40 vanilla-like enchants on your server! They’re fully customizable, support anvils, enchanted books and enchantment tables! Just like the vanilla enchants!

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List of Enchantments

• Max. Compatibility:

▸ Enchants are properly registered, which allows you to use them in other plugins!
▸ Mobs with items enchanted with golden enchantments will have effect!
▸ 100% Support for Anvils!
▸ 100% Support for Grindstones!​

• Enchantment Table Support:

▸ You can easily obtain new enchantments on vanilla enchantment table!
▸ Define the chance of obtain custom enchantment on enchantment table.
▸ Define the max. amount of custom enchantments that can be applied on item per one enchantment.
▸ Enchanting books is also supported!​

• Anvil support:

▸ Custom enchantments perfectly works for vanilla anvils! Merge item enchants, enchant item with a book, it will work!
▸ Custom enchanment levels are sums like vanilla!
▸ Anvil exp cost is increasing for each custom enchantment level!​

• Villagers support:

▸ Enable/Disable Golden Enchants population for villager trades.
▸ Define the global chance to trigger Golden Enchants population.
▸ Define the population chance for each enchantment!
▸ Define the min. and max. amount of golden enchants to be generated per one item in a trade.​

• Loot Generation support:

▸ Enable/Disable Golden Enchants population for chests and minecarts in freshly generated chunks.
▸ Define the global chance to trigger Golden Enchants population.
▸ Define the population chance for each enchantment!
▸ Define the min. and max. amount of golden enchants to be generated per one item in a chest/minecart.​

• Item Options:

▸ An option to enable/disable applying sword enchatments on axes.
▸ An option to enable/disable applying bow enchantments on crossbows.
▸ An option to define max. possible amount of custom enchantments for an item.​

• Enchant Configuration:

▸ You can disable any enchantment you don’t like!
▸ All enchantment options are configurable!
▸ Enchantment names are configurable.
▸ Define min. and max. levels for each enchantment!
▸ Define enchant chance for each enchantment!
▸ Configurable chance of enchantment trigger.
▸ Configurable enchantment formulas and effects!​

• Visual Effects:

▸ Most of enchantments comes with particle effects and sounds!
▸ These effects are also configurable!​

• Enchant Tiers:

▸ Create custom enchantment tiers to split enchantments by its rarity.
▸ Define the tier name and color to display it in item lore.
▸ Define the chance to obtain enchant of this tier.​




 /ge [help] – List of plugin sub-commands.
▸ /ge list [page] – List of all enchantments.
▸ /ge enchant <enchantment> <level> – (Dis)Enchant item in hand.
▸ /ge book <player> <enchantment> <level> – Give an enchanted book.
▸ /ge tierbook <player> <tier> <level> – Give an enchanted book with random tier enchantment.
▸ /ge reload – Reload the plugin.


▸ goldenenchants.user – User access (useless atm).
▸ goldenenchants.admin – Admin access.

 No data about compatibility with other custom enchantment plugins. If you have any, use it on your own risk.

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