Picture Login provides a much nicer login message by displaying a picture of the player’s head inside of chat. By default it retrieves player avatars from Crafatar (or another service that you can change inside of the config!). It is very customizable; you can edit anything from the source of the avatar to the message beside it.
Here is a picture of what the default settings look like:
As you can see, you can use color and formatting codes, and even variables! The message is also easy to customize.
These are just a few of the features of Picture Login:
- Ability to use color/formatting codes.
- Ability to set a custom avatar url.
- Ability to use variables.
- Ability to center text.
- And much more to be implemented!
TESTING SERVER: Coming soon…
- /picturelogin Displays plugin information.
- /picturelogin reload Reloads the configuration
- picturelogin.main /picturelogin reload
- picturelogin.show If the player doesn’t have this then the message will not be shown for/to them.
The configuration file is well commented, please refer to it for help! (Click to see the file.)
- Thanks to bobacadodl for his Image Message Library!
- Thanks to Crafatar for their avatar service!
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License.
The source is available here, feel free to contribute if you so wish to do so!
Support: Having an issue? Send me a PM and I’ll try to help you as best I can.