
ViaBackwards [Removed]

This plugin is currently not actively maintained due to lack of time! Please use ProtocolSupport instead for the latest version.

Don’t use reviews to report bugs. Please use the issue trackerprivate message or the discussion page!

This plugin requires to have ViaVersion and Java 8 installed.
Drag and drop both plugins in your plugin folder, and you are good to go.

You can donate using this button, or you can donate using bitcoins. 
every donation is appreciated!

Supported versions:



Please support 1.8 and lower? 
No, use ViaRewind or ProtocolSupport if you want backwards compatibility for 1.8 and lower.

Can I use this with BungeeCord?
Yes, you can also use both ViaBackwards and ViaVersion with BungeeCord.

How can I report issues and bugs? 
You can report bugs on the GitHub issue tracker. You can also use the Discussion section from the resource or send me a private message.

Why did you not implement this inside ViaVersion? 
The aim of ViaVersion is to allow a newer Minecraft client on an older Spigot server, by making it inside ViaVersion, people will expect us to also create backwards compatibility in the future. I mainly created this for my own server, I don’t know if I’ll support backwards compatibility for newer versions in the future.

Can I donate?
You can use the donate button from Paypal or bitcoins above to donate to this project :)

I can’t use this plugin because I have Java 7 or lower
Please update to Java 8 or contact your host to update.


theminecoder – Ender Cloud



Code (Text):


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