Source: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/action-bar-health.2661/
FloydCraft uses this plugin to allow players to see mob health in the Action bar (Above Hotbar)
ActionHealth is a health display plugin that utilizes the action bar to display player and mob health. ActionHealth can be completely customized.
Command: /Actionhealth reload
Permission: ActionHealth.Reload
Info: Reloads config.
Command: /Actionhealth toggle
Info: Toggles the display of action health
Permission: ActionHealth.Health
Info: This will send the player the health message only if ‘Use Permission’ is enabled in the config.
- Java 8 or greater
- For region disable:
- WorldEdit
- WorldGuard
- ActionHealth is compatible with both 6 and 7
- Placeholders support:
- PlaceholderAPI
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI
- Supports MythicMobs (using internal name) for blacklisting
- LanguageUtils for client translations
Click here for default config.
Custom styles
Full Health Icon: “&4\u2764”
Half Health Icon: “&c\u2764”
Empty Health Icon: “&7\u2764”
Full Health Icon: “&a&l\u2588”
Half Health Icon: “&a\u258c”
Empty Health Icon: “”
Full Health Icon: “&c\u007C”
Half Health Icon: “&c\u007C”
Empty Health Icon: “&4\u007C”
LanguageUtils is supported to get the localized name of an entity but if you prefer using your own custom translations, you can use the built in system.
Within ActionHealth you can translate mob names by using the “Name Change” option in the config. I’d appreciate if servers that use custom translations share them with me (send a merge request on GitHub if possible), so we can share them with others! For users that do, I will tag them on Spigot.
Currently shared translations:
- Russian by @Hunderon (Spigot)
- Link to translation
- Spanish by @ModoSN (GitHub)
- Link to translation
- Polish by @Nikox3003 to translation
- Link to translation
- Server IP: Wolferia.net
- Link to translation
- Brazilian Portuguese by @lookez (Spigot)
- Link to translation
- German by @Chris_ImItReal | Updated by @DasPotata (spigot)
- Link to translation
- Server IP: avalonien.de
- Link to translation
- Turkish by @ixlosh (Spigot)
- Link to translation
- Italian @S4IVin (Github)
- Link to translation
For support create issues on GitHub. Any bugs or requests outside of GitHub will NOT be looked at.