You are able to change the permission, the cooldown, the contents of the kits and each time with one command !
You are also able to preview a kit.
The plugin is fully configurable and it comes with some nice functionnality

This plugin supports PlaceholderAPI
First, you’ll have to create the kit :
/gk create <kit>
It will simply create an yml file in the Kits folder inside the dataFolder of the plugin.
Inside this yml file, you’ll find all the ,informations about the kit (Permission, cooldown, contents…)
/gk remove <kit>
It will delete the kit
/gk setonetimeuse <kit> <true:false>
If this parameter is true, the player will only be able to get this kit 1 time.
/gk setfirstjoinkit <kit> <true:false>
If this parameter is true, the player will receive the kit when he joins the server for the first time.
By typing this command, all your current inventory will be saved in the yml file, ready to be loaded

(The plugin allows you to save equipped armor too)
/gk setcooldown <kit> <cooldown>
You’ll set the new delay of the kit.
/gk seticon <kit>
You’ll set the icon of the kit
You need to enable enable-gui-kit-displaying in the config yml file.
You need to hold the item you want in your main hand.(Make sure to name it before.)
(See the 2.1.0 update discussion to know everything about this feature)
/gk setorder <kit> <order>
Set the icon order of the kit.
Kits will be placed at a certain position depending on their orders.
(See the 2.4.0 update to know everything about orders)
/gk iconorder
Sends you every orders of every kits.
/gk version
Sends you the version of the plugin
It shows you all your kits
/kit help
The kit help command
/kit <kit>
It gives you the kit.
/kit <kit> <playerName>
It gives the kit to an other player (you need greatkits.admin permission)
Display the list of all the kits.
/kit preview <kit>
You are able to preview the kit.Permissions :– greatkits.admin (Admin permission)
– greatkits.kits.kitName (kit permission)
(For example : greatkits.kits.Warrior)
– greatkits.kits.* (permission to all kits)
– (if enabled in config yml) greatkits.list and greatkits.preview
# #
# Copyright Kizeko_ #
# GreatKits 2.9.0 #
# #
This plugin supports PlaceholderAPI
#This is not obliged to have it#Settings
#Set this to true if you want the /kit to be a GUI
enable-gui-kit-displaying: false
#True if you want to be able to preview a kit by right clicking the item (option above needs to be enable)
enable-gui-kit-previewing: false
#Kits will still be displayed in the /kit GUI even though you don’t have the permission
kit-display-without-perm: true
#Enable or disable the help-item (you have to enable both options above if you want to enable this one)
enable-help-item: false#Here you can change the lang
#This is the message you receive when the player doesn’t have access to any kit
no-access: “&eThere are no kit available for you”#Here you can change the message of /kit help.
– “&7————————————-”
– “&e/kit &8- &7Shows your kits”
– “&e/kit &6<name>”
– “&e/kit list &8- &7Shows all kits”
– “&e/kit preview &6<name> &8- &7Preview a kit”
– “&7————————————-“#This is the message you get when the player types /kit preview
preview-usage-error: “&cUsage : /kit preview <name>”#Message received when there is 0 kit created on the server
no-kit-server: “&cThere is no kit on this server”#When the player doesn’t have the permission
no-permission: “&cYou don’t have permission to do that”#When a player is trying to receive a ‘OneTimeUse’ kit that he already received
already-got-one-time-use-kit: “&cYou already received this kit”#The kit doesn’t exist, he hasn’t been created
kit-doesnt-exist: “&cThis kit doesn’t exist”
#When the player receives a kit
received-kit: “&aYou successfully received the kit&e :kitname:”
#Cooldown message
cooldown-message: “&cYou will be able to receive this kit in&e :cooldown:”
#Permission section
#If true –> the player must have greatkits.list permission to get the list of all the kits | If false –> No permission required to get the list of all the kits
kit-list: false
#If true –> the player must have greatkits.preview permission to preview a kit | If false –> No permission required to preview a kit
kit-preview: false
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: §cHelp
– ‘§9Left click to get the kit’
– ‘§7Right click to preview the kit’
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: §cNext
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: §cPrevious
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: §cExit
==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
==: ItemMeta
meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
display-name: §cSelect
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me
If you find any bugs, please report them to me