My other Plugins:
UltimateFireworks – HelpPagePlus – ControllerBlock Reloaded – MessageMe – VoteReward – ChristmasSurprisePlusThis Plugin supports Vault
The MC1.7-1.8 version requires ParticleAPI (Not working KCauldron)
You can find the UF version for MC1.7-1.12 *HERE* (2.0.4)
/uf (This command opens the UltimateFireworks GUI.)
/uf help (This command is reloading the files.)
/uf rocketText [Number] [Text] (This command creates a rocket with your own Text.)
/uf rocketPicture [Number] [Picture] (This command creates a rocket with a picture. This Command is loading the image from the Pictures directory) (Big images won’t be good for your server performance (100x100px +)
/uf give [Player] [FireworkType] [Number] (This command can give other Players the UltimateFireworks items.)
/uf giveRocket [Player] [Number] (This command can give other Players Rockets with random Effects.)
/uf dublicateRocket [Number] (This command duplicates your firework.)
/uf stopFirework (world) (This command stops the Firework.)
/uf playerFirework (Player) (This command spawns a firework at the player location.)
/uf info (This command shows you the info page.)
/uf reload (This command is reloading the files.)User Permission:
UltimateFireworks.Gui (/uf)
UltimateFireworks.playerFirework.own (/uf playerFirework)
Admin Permissions:
UltimateFireworks.rocketText (/uf rocketText [Number] [Text])
UltimateFireworks.rocketPicture (/uf rocketPicture [Number] [Text])
UltimateFireworks.give (/uf give [Player] [FireworkType] [Number])
UltimateFireworks.giveRocket (/uf giveRocket [Player] [Number])
UltimateFireworks.dublicateRocket (/uf dublicateRocket [Number])
UltimateFireworks.stopFirework (/uf stopFirework (world))
UltimateFireworks.playerFirework.other (/uf playerFirework (Player))
UltimateFireworks.EditShopSign (You need this permission to create the ShopSigns)
UltimateFireworks.reload (/uf reload)
UltimateFireworks.UpdateMessage (You get a message, if there is a new update for this plugin.)
Code (Text):Version: 1.81#If you don’t want to use Vault, turn this to false.
UsingVault: true#If you want to hide the Info-Page (/uf info) set this to false.
ShowInfoPage: true#If the plugin is unable to get the right Server version (e.g. Forge 1.7 modded server), set “SetOwn” to true and “Version” to your server version.
#Valid versions are v1_7_R1, v1_7_R2, v1_7_R3, v1_7_R4, v1_8_R1, v1_8_R2, v1_8_R3, v1_9_R1, v1_9_R2, v1_10_R1, v1_11_R1, v1_12_R1
SetOwn: false
Version: v1_12_R1#Set “ColoredConsoleText” to false, to disable the colored console text.
ColoredConsoleText: true#If you set this to true, every Firework category has its own Permission.
# – UltimateFirework.Gui.Rockets
# – UltimateFirework.Gui.RocketBattery
# – UltimateFirework.Gui.FireworksFountain
# – UltimateFirework.Gui.Confetti
# – UltimateFirework.Gui.RocketBow
# – UltimateFirework.Gui.FireworkGyro
# – UltimateFirework.Gui.Firecracker
ExtraPermissionsForUsers: false#Change one of the gadget names to false to disable them.
AktivateRockets: true
AktivateRocketBattery: true
AktivateFireworksFountain: true
AktivateConfetti: true
AktivateRocketBow: true
AktivateFireworkGyro: true
AktivateFirecracker: trueExplosion:
#If you set this to true, the final explosion of the gadgets will cause damage on the blocks.
Enable: true
#If the explosion block damage is set to true, you can disable worlds with this option here.
– Freebuild1
#If you set this to true, the final explosion of the gadgets will cause damage on the player.
Enable: true
#If the explosion player damage is set to true, you can disable worlds with this option here.
– Freebuild1
#If you set this to true, a Block-Break-Effect will appear.
BlockBreakEffect: true
# If you set this to true, the final explosion is creating FyingBlocks (Just a fancy animation).
Enable: true
# If you set this to true, the FlyingBlocks are geting static after falling on the ground (Only recommendet if you have the “normal” TNT Damage on).
FakeBlocks: false
#If you want to disable the FlyingBlocks in certain worlds, you can disable worlds with this option here.
– Freebuild1
# If true, Rocket-Images will always point in the right direction for the players.
PlayerViewRotation: true
# Change “PlayerViewDistance”, to change the player view distance for the ImageRocket.
PlayerViewDistance: 150# If you set this to true, and the player has the permission UltimateFireworks.fireworkOnJoin a firework will explode at the players location.
FireworkOnJoin: false(plugins/UltimateFireworks/Config yml)
Code (Text):Version: 1.81
‘[UltimateFireworks]’: ‘&f[&9UltimateFireworks&f] ‘
‘1’: ‘&9’
‘2’: ‘&f’
‘1’: You have to be a player, to use this command.
‘2’: You do not have the permission for this command.
‘3’: You spent &f&l[MONEY]$&9 on the &f&lShop&9
‘4’: You do not have enought money.
‘5’: There is a new update available for this plugin. &f(
‘6’: The plugin is reloading…
‘7’: Reloading completed.
‘8’: Try [COMMAND] ‘9’: You can not create or destroy this sign.
’10’: You created the Shop-Sign.
’11’: You destroyed the Shop-Sign.
’12’: ‘&f&l[TEXT]&9 must be a number.’
’13’: The number must be between &f&l1&9 and &f&l64&9.
’14’: You can’t use this &f&l[&9 or &f&l]&9 for the name.
’15’: ‘You got &f&l[NUMBER]&9 rockets with the text: &f[TEXT]&9.’
’16’: ‘You got &f&l[NUMBER]&9 rockets with the picture: &f[PICTURE]&9.’
’17’: ‘&f&l[PLAYER]&9 is not online.’
’18’: ‘&f&l[FIREWORKTYPE]&9 is not a valid Item Name.’
’19’: You got &f&l[NUMBER]&9 &f&l[FIREWORKTYPE](s)&9.
’20’: You have to hold a firework in your hand.
’21’: You duplicated &f&l[NUMBER]&9 Firework(s)&9.
’22’: You stopped the firework.
’23’: The world &f&l[WORLD]$&9 doesn’t exists.
’24’: You spawned a firework.
’25’: You spawned a firework for &f&l[PLAYER]&9.
‘1’: ‘&f[&9Click to use this command&f]’
‘2’: ‘&f[&9Next page&f]’
‘3’: ‘&f[&9Last page&f]’
‘4’: ‘&7&oPage [PAGE]. &7Click on the arrows for the next page.’
‘1’: This command shows you the help page.
‘2’: This command shows you the info page.
‘3’: This command opens the UltimateFireworks GUI.
‘4’: This command is reloading the Prices yml, Config yml and Messages yml files.
‘5’: This command creates a rocket with your own Text.
‘6’: This command creates a rocket with a picture.
‘7’: This command can give other Players the UltimateFireworks items.
‘8’: This command can give other Players Rockets with random Effects.
‘9’: This command duplicates your firework.
’10’: This command stops the Firework.
’11’: This command spawns a firework at the player location.
‘1’: ‘&f[&9Rocket&f]’
‘2’: ‘&f[&9RocketWithName&f]’
‘3’: ‘&f[&9Battery&f]’
‘4’: ‘&f[&9Small-Battery&f]’
‘5’: ‘&f[&9Normal-Battery&f]’
‘6’: ‘&f[&9Big-Battery&f]’
‘7’: ‘&f[&9Small-3-Battery&f]’
‘8’: ‘&f[&9Normal-3-Battery&f]’
‘9’: ‘&f[&9Big-3-Battery&f]’
’10’: ‘&f[&9Fountain&f]’
’11’: ‘&f[&9Small-Fountain&f]’
’12’: ‘&f[&9Normal-Fountain&f]’
’13’: ‘&f[&9Big-Fountain&f]’
’14’: ‘&f[&9Confetti&f]’
’15’: ‘&f[&9Small-Confetti&f]’
’16’: ‘&f[&9Normal-Confetti&f]’
’17’: ‘&f[&9Big-Confetti&f]’
’18’: ‘&f[&9Rocket-Bow&f]’
’19’: ‘&f[&9Gyro&f]’
’20’: ‘&f[&9Firecracker&f]’
’21’: ‘&f[&9Small-Firecracker&f]’
’22’: ‘&f[&9Normal-Firecracker&f]’
’23’: ‘&f[&9Big-Firecracker&f]’
’24’: ‘&4[&9Back&4]’
’25’: ‘&f[&9TextRocket&f]’
’26’: ‘&f[&9PictureRocket&f]’
’27’: ‘&f[&9StrikeRocket&f]’
‘1’: ‘&9Number of Items &f[NUMBER]&9’
‘2’: ‘&9Price &f[PRICE]&9$’
‘3’: ‘&9Price &f&m[OLDPRICE]&9$ &lNEW: &f[NEWPRICE]&9$’
‘4’: ‘&9Text&f: ‘
‘5’: ‘&9Picture&f: ‘
‘1’: ‘&f[&9Main-Page&f]’
‘2’: ‘&f[&9Rocket-Page&f]’
‘3’: ‘&f[&9Battery-Page&f]’
‘4’: ‘&f[&9Fountain-Page&f]’
‘5’: ‘&f[&9Confetti-Page&f]’
‘6’: ‘&f[&9Rocket-Bow-Page&f]’
‘7’: ‘&f[&9Gyro-Page&f]’
‘8’: ‘&f[&9Firecracker-Page&f]’
‘1’: ‘&f[&9UF&f]’
‘2’: ‘&9Shop’(plugins/UltimateFireworks/Messages yml)
Code (Text):Version: 1.81#You can set the price of every item here (each price is for only one item)
RandomRockets: 0.15
NamedRockets: 0.75
StrikeRockets: 0.5
SmallBattery: 6.5
NormalBattery: 14.0
BigBattery: 26.5
Small3Battery: 12.5
Normal3Battery: 19.0
Big3Battery: 34.5
SmallFountain: 4.5
NormalFountain: 6.0
BigFountain: 8.5
SmallConfetti: 0.75
NormalConfetti: 1.0
BigConfetti: 1.5
RocketBow: 0.5
FireworkGyro: 0.75
SmallFirecracker: 0.25
NormalFirecracker: 0.75
BigFirecracker: 1.15#Packege prices are less expencive, you can see the discount in percent here.
PackagePriceOne: 6
PackagePriceTwo: 14
PackagePriceThree: 25(plugins/UltimateFireworks/Prices yml)
Code (Text):Version: 1.81
Locations: [](plugins/UltimateFireworks/ShopSigns yml)
![UltimateFireworks [Removed]](../../GD8FZ5L.png)