We use this plugin to allow players to teleport to a random location in specified worlds, this makes it easy to find somewhere to build out of the way and fast.
WildTP is a plugin where you can use a command to tp to a random location, always on a block so there is no fall damage. You can set a Minimum and Maximum X and Z cords. Also has a teleport timer that prevents pvp teleporting, if you desire.
Contains support for Factions + MassiveCore and FactionsUUID
# #
# Plugin made by Creeperzombi3 #
# #
# Configuration file for WildTP #
# #
# #
# Factions Configurations #
# #
# Choose whether to integrate factions
enabled: false
# Pick which factions land is safe to teleport in
wilderness: true
safezone: false
warzone: true
neutral: true
ally: true
enemy: false
# #
# World Teleportation Configurations #
# #
# There is 2 options for world teleportation
# Option 1: You use the command and teleport to a certain world
# Option 2: You can use it in multiple worlds and randomly teleport in each
# Set to true for Option 1 and false for Option 2
option-1: true
# Option 1: The world where players will be teleported
teleport-world: world
# Option 2: Which worlds the command is allowed in
# Nether is currently not supported
- 'world'
- 'world_the_end'
# #
# Teleportation Configurations #
# #
# How long players wait before they are teleported in seconds
delay: 5
# How long players have to wait before using the command again in seconds
cooldown: 30
# Enable this to make it so people don't teleport in water
no-teleport-in-water: false
# Min and Max for how far players teleport
minimum-x: -1000
minimum-z: -1000
maximum-x: 1000
maximum-z: 1000
# #
# Other Configurations #
# #
# What you want the sign to say for them to teleport
# Colors don't matter and only the first line will be matched
sign-text: '[Wild]'
# How %cords% is going to look in the teleport message
cords-format: '&3X: &9%x%, &3Y: &9%y%, &3Z: &9%z%'
# #
# WildTP Messages #
# #
disabled-world: '&bWild&aTP &7» &5The world you are in does not allow that command.'
teleport-cancelled: '&bWild&aTP &7» &9Teleporting canceled because you moved.'
no-permission: '&bWild&aTP &7» &4You do not have permission for that!'
reloaded: '&bWild&aTP &7» &7Reload complete!'
# Use %time% for how long players have to wait
teleporting: '&bWild&aTP &7» &9Teleporting to random location. Please wait &e%time% &9seconds.'
# Use %cords% to display the X, Y, and Z you decided previously in this file
# %world% displays which world the player teleported in
# %blocksaway% is how many blocks away from the original location the new location is
teleported: '&bWild&aTP &7» &aYou were teleported to %cords%, &6%blocksaway% &ablocks away in &6%world%!'
# %timeleft% is how much time the player is in cooldown for
in-cooldown: '&bWild&aTP &7» &bYou are currently in cooldown for %timeleft%!'
Absolutely none!
wildtp.wild – Ability to use /wild
wildtp.bypass – Bypass the teleport delay
wildtp.reload – Access to /wild reload
wildtp.clear – Access to /wild clear
wildtp.debug – Access to /wild debug
/wild | wilderness – Teleport to a wild area between the cords set in config
/wild reload – Reload the config
/wild clear – Clear the delays for everyone
/wild debug – Show debug information about the plugin
More to come! I would love to hear your suggestions.