The Awesome World (Open Terrain Generator)

To learn about the mod in more detail visit our Wiki

What is OTG?

OTG is an advanced, fully customizable world generator. Through its various configuration files it gives the user control over almost every aspect of Minecraft’s terrain and structure generation, allowing you to generate anything from floating islands to cave worlds with no knowledge of Java required. OTG supports both Spigot (servers) and Forge (servers and singleplayer).

The basic features of OTG:

  • Control horizontal and vertical noise, terrain height and volatility
  • Create new biomes and control the size of biomes, islands and continents
  • Import custom trees and other objects (BO2 and BO3)
  • Control over mob spawning rules and climate settings per biome
  • Generate large custom structures with custom mobs and loot
  • Options for vanilla structures like mineshafts, strongholds and villages
  • Full control of all blocks placed during world generation: ores, plants, dungeons, ponds and many more
  • Customizable options for caves & canyons
  • Visual settings like custom foliage, water and sky colors (OTG client required)
  • Generating biome maps from images
  • Forge Multi-dimension support (create your own dimension and travel to it via a portal!)

What kind of worlds can I create?

Here are some examples of custom presets (created using only OTG functionality):

OTG Wiki:

Subreddit: /r/openterraingen

Join us on Discord at: openterraingen

Use OTGEdit to create world packs: OTGEdit


Recent Improvements:

1.12.2 v6 / 1.11.2 v10 (1.11.2 v10 will be available soon):

  • Added GravityFactor setting to the worldconfig (this requires a Forge client with OTG). Forge only atm, can be used to change the gravity of a world/dimension.
  • Some fixes for dims when using other mods that add dims.
  • Smoothing fix for terrain (will cause minor seams in your world when entering newly generated terrain, looks much nicer though! See:
  • Savetodisk infinite loop fixed (one instance, there may still be more).
  • DIM folders being recreated on server restart bug fixed. – Fixed a bug for Lost Cities dimension.
  • Added a method for Spigot plugin developers (requested on the git).
  • Added TERRAIN_GENERATOR dimension tag when sending other mods (like RC) dimension info via Forge IMC when an OTG dimension is created/destroyed.
  • Frozensurfacehelper stackoverflow bug fixed (thanks BrainStone).
  • BO3 CustomStructures now try to avoid vanilla structures as much as they can.
  • Added /otg biomes command for Forge for debugging biome registry problems.


  • Fixes for all known crashes including ones caused by mods (excluding other biome mods which remain incompatible), including:
    – Dimension switching/mineshaft crash
    – Forge biome dictionary crash
    – Java preconditions crash
  • Fixed compatibility issues with a number of mods including Pam’s Harvestcraft, IC2, Quark, Recurrent Complex, Roguelike Dungeons and more.
  • Added working Forge biome dictionary support for all biome types, added BiomeDictId option in BiomeConfigs (Forge Only)
  • Added new in game UI allowing simpler single player world creation and multiple worlds with the same preset (Forge Only)
  • Added a built in map pre-generator with in-game UI, configurable via world creation screen and WorldConfig (Forge Only)
  • Added world borders configurable in the WorldConfig
  • Basic multi-dimension support (more features and improvements will follow) (Forge Only)
    *Added Cartographer world mapper, a work in progress feature that adds a miniature map of the world that spawns in its own dimension and can be used to teleport around the world and explore quickly. (Forge Only)
  • Added InheritMobsBiomeName for BiomeConfigs and implemented mob inheritance (improves compatibility with mob mods) (Forge Only)
  • Fixed new worlds not generating dirs or default bc’s, also tweaked default bc’s to be more like vanilla Minecraft
  • Added Entity() function
  • Forge and Bukkit versions merged into a single .jar file


For a comprehensive change log visit the Github project page here.

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